Christina Applegate’s 13 year old daughter diagnosed with POTS a few months ago

Posted by Anxious_Catch_2024


  1. Anxious_Catch_2024 on

    Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

    “I have no clue what it actually is but it’s something to do with the autonomic nervous system and it affects my heart. When I stand up, I get really, really dizzy and my legs get really weak and I feel like I’m going to pass out.” Sadie recalled the nurses thinking she was “lying” about her symptoms. “They were like, ‘You’re doing this to get out of class. It’s probably just anxiety. Go back to class.’ They wouldn’t do anything for it,” she said. Sadie said it was “really hard” to hear those comments from the nurses because she was “so sick” and “in a lot of pain.” “Them not doing anything about it definitely hurt me physically and emotionally,” she said. “Because I was just like, ‘This is rude and I feel sick and you’re telling me to go to PE and run laps around the football field. I can’t do that.’”

  2. strwbrryfire420 on

    TIL Christina Applegate had a daughter. I’m glad she was finally able to find a doctor that listened!

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