Is Angelina Jolie Actually A Bad Mom, Like Some People Say? | Rumour Juice

I don’t like children Angelina Jolie is one of the most talked about women in the world no wonder why in fact there’s no one else like her well well she is perfectly balancing between being a Hollywood A-list actress director humanitarian and a mother of six it seems like Jolie has it good but why does she doubt it and you see your kids and you’re like you know and then the way they look at you like what are you doing you know then you get nicely brought back down to earth like you are so weird mom and why do others doubt it why do they blame the actress for turning her daughter into a boy why do they criticize her for being jealous of her kid’s relationship with Jennifer Aniston why do they gossip about Angelina passing her chores to her brother what can we say don’t jump to conclusions and keep watching to hear the answers to these questions after Angelina Jolie’s 2016 split from Brad Pit it’s probably her role as a mother that makes most of the news her role is a single mother to be precise the actress 44 has six children whom she shares with ex Brad Pit the oldest Maddox Pax and Zahara were adopted while the youngest Shiloh and twins Knox and Vivian are Jolie’s and Pit’s biological children in October 2019 Angelina Jolie made a candid confession she never thought she would be quote a good enough Mother after her wild early years in Hollywood not being good enough is probably the most relatable motherhood fear of all time however we’re not talking about the actress’s concerns only there were quite a few situations when Angelina Jolie’s parenting choices were criticized by others for example the fans expressed their discontent about Jolie hiring each nanny for one child claiming that she neglects her responsibilities moreover the actress’s brother James Haven used to be part of the nanny Army once which led to yet another portion of rumors James was heavily involved in bringing the children up and dealt with all the nanny related issues shoes in 20177 joliee reportedly asked her brother to step down because his influence on her household grew which turned out to be draining for the actress Also let’s not forget about the times of damaging headlines like why is Angelina turning her daughter Shiloh into a boy 13-year-old Shiloh Jolie pit the oldest biological daughter of Angelina and Brad has announced that she prefers to be a boy she she would never even wear a dress she would never ever that’s beautiful no she wants to be somebody named Marcus back in 2010 Jolie revealed the first details about Shiloh’s masculine style and commented on her choice of gender neutral parenting she likes to dress like a boy she wants to be a boy so we had to cut her hair she likes to wear boys everything she thinks she’s one of the brothers apparently the Oscar winter didn’t impose anything on her daughter Angelina supports Shiloh in everything if only it’s not co-acting with Jennifer Aniston rumors are high claiming that Aniston landed Shiloh Jolie pit a roll in a movie where the friend star plays herself allegedly Angie didn’t like the idea because she wants her daughter to focus on her studies first or maybe as some believe she doesn’t want Shiloh to work alongside Brad Pitt’s first wife since the news broke in September 2016 that Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt the actress has been trying her best not to collapse out of exhaustion and give her children a sense of stability the divorce process is backbreaking for both actors but it seems like their main priority is to do what is best for their children here is what Angelina told Vanity Fair in 2017 I think it’s very important to cry in the shower and not for them they need to know that everything will be okay even if you are not sure it is luckily the support was Mutual her six children are bravely soldiered on and helped their mother during one of the most challenging moments for their family the actress said back in 2017 that her children are the best friends she’s ever had she also mentioned that by 2022 she hoped to see her kids traveling in the world being happy and doing really interesting things I hope to give my children the right sense of what they’re capable of and the as it should be seen not through the prism of Hollywood in January 2019 the internet was hit by the photos of Jolie and her kids selling organic dog treats at a park turned out it was the family’s first lesson in entrepreneurship later on in August 2019 all the fans were fascinated by the touching video where the actress tried not to cry while sending her eldest son Maddox to a university in Soul Korea in October 2019 Jolie spoke openly about how parenting has changed her she told extra she was able to ReDiscover parts of her herself while always being there for her children she added my children know my true self and they have helped me to find it again and to embrace it Jolie once mentioned that she would never be as good as her own mother who was focused on raising her children only and was brilliant in it and she never had a career as an artist she never had the opportunity to express herself Beyond her theater class but she wanted more than for herself she wanted for Jamie and I to know what it is to have a life as artists and she she gave us that chance on the other hand the actress did her best to find a balance between running a household keeping up with a successful career and being involved with a bunch of humanitarian projects the experience of being a mother let Angelina Jolie conclude that she doesn’t want to be perfect anymore I’m going to be a better wife I’m going to learn to cook and he says oh honey just like just know what you’re good at know what you’re not what she really wants is her kids to know their true selves Jolie realized that she can prevent them from experiencing pain heartache and loss and that she can’t predict or solve her children’s problems however she can teach them how to live through it all this is quite a statement huh and definitely Food For Thought hopefully you don’t doubt anymore whether Angelina Jolie is a good mom or not we ourselves have only one question left for the Superstar can we also be a part of her Incredible family [Music]

Angelina Jolie is a successful actress, proactive humanitarian and single mother of six, but is she really good at juggling it all at the same time, or is it just her public image?

#bradpitt #angelinajolie #shilohjoliepitt #shilohjolie

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  1. I have never been a fan. I find her coarse and obnoxious, and she is one of the actors' movies I refuse to watch. I am TEAM BRAD.

  2. I hope yall do a "Is Brad Pitt A Good Father?" video cause all his kids have dropped his last name. All his older kids wanted to testify against him in court and he hired a lawyer who was business partners with the judge so he could stop their testimony.

  3. Jolie has always had issues. She might be a good mom but I do think she can bitter towards Pitt. I heard the abuse allegations on Pitt. But he's not been chaged and at some point she needs to forgive him and the kids should do the same

  4. Not too fussy on this woman, she is doing exactly what her own mother did to John voight making him the bad guy . She is repeating the same family bitterness.

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