Katie Mcgrath as Morgana Pendragon in ‘Merlin’

Posted by babalon124


  1. Utterly incredible performance and he looked so great doing it.

    It’s just a shame the writers ruined her character. For the first two seasons, they managed to do a good job of building her up as an empathic, heroic and strong-willed individual, with a subtle but clearly secretly selfish side underneath it and you get to watch her slowly getting corrupted for understandable reasons in response to King Uther’s tyranny.

    Come season three, and suddenly she’s a cartoonishly evil bad guy who spends all her time plotting for power or to kill her former friends, or smirking like a villain out of a pantomime.

    Then in the last two seasons, she’s reduced to being the witch of the woods who keeps coming up with increasingly convoluted and petty schemes that never go anywhere, then throwing a tantrum when it inevitably fails, whilst still supposedly being a great threat to heroes (despite most of her accomplishments being down to other people or sheer dumb luck).

    It’s a real shame. She did such a great job at playing the evil queen/sorceress. But you really feel the writers just jumped past to many important scenes and then didn’t know how to handle her as the overall antagonist.

  2. Electronic-Coffee-59 on

    She’s a fantastic actress. My girlfriend and i were obsessed with this show during it’s run. Under-rated in my oppinion

  3. harleyquinones on

    I’ve never seen her before, she’s gorgeous – it’s like someone somehow yassified Alexandra Daddario, and that’s saying a lot imo

  4. waybeforeyourtime on

    I met her a few times at cons for Merlin. She always seemed very sincere, and she’s always been understanding and kind to fans. Once, she was doing an interview with Jeremy Jordan and Melissa Benoist, and those two started outright mocking fans who shipped Kara (Benoist) with Lena (Mcgrath). Katie looked so uncomfortable and didn’t say a word. I will always respect her for that. (and lost respect for the other two. Especially, Jordan, he was awful about it.) And I didn’t even watch Supergirl. It’s just the respect for fans that I love.

  5. The way I had a massive crush on her during Merlin. Absolutely loved her

    Wish she was in more shows ❤️❤️❤️

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