Natalie Portman is ok. Kate Winslet fine. But Keira Knightley looks different from Britney Spears 🤣🤣

funny you know Kira nightly was always mistaken by fans for Natalie Portman Kate Winslet even Britney Spears K you’re such a multi-talented performer you you you had such an incredible career do you ever get mistaken for other actors all the time really yeah and who do people mistake you for well um I’ve been chased through an airport as Nat Portman I mean Nat Port went a lot yes you know then also you did the Star Wars did many pictures of Natalie Portman I’ve been chased through a park as Kate W um quite a few people have come over to me to ask me to say hello to Daniel Craig for them because they think I’m Rach She Lovely and um and then and Britney Spears shut up Natalie Portman is okay Kate Winslet fine but Britney Spears how quite different

Natalie Portman is ok. Kate Winslet fine. But Keira Knightley looks quite different from Britney Spears 🤣🤣 #funnyshorts #KeiraKnightley #katewinslet #BritneySpears