I'm so confused by this Khloe Kardashian Instagram post. It's flagged as an AI image… And yet she credits a photographer. What's going on here?

Posted by Pepita09


  1. carolinemathildes on

    I’ve seen people say that their posts, with photos they’ve taken, have been flagged as being made with AI, even though they 100 percent weren’t.

    In this case, I would guess that there was an actual photo of Khloe, taken by a real photographer, but that it’s been edited to hell and back so Instagram can’t tell the difference and thinks it’s completely fake.

  2. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    It looks uncanny valley and filtered to hell and back. Not sure if it’s AI or just Face Tune and editing but it doesn’t really look like her. I guess the algorithm is as confused as we are.

  3. Gaaaayforher on

    I’ve seen that users can flag something as AI, so it’s possible they are using it to call out photoshop.

  4. They have so much money and still dress like trash. Photo shopping is par for the course though. When they are 80 they will still try and pretend they are 30.

  5. Her face in this photo looks like what Erin Moriarty’s face looks like after all her work done. So bizarre.

  6. ApprehensiveLuck2671 on

    I have never felt such deep pity for people who are so disgustingly wealthy. I cannot imagine having the ability to be comfortable but refusing to do it. Every single member of this family seems MISERABLE (except maybe Kendall, who seems simply vacant)

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