Halle Berry & Gabriel Aubry Tumultuous Relationship

Sparks ignited between hi Barry and Canadian model Gabriel Aubry when they met on a photo shoot set in 2005 although they never married hi had her first child with Gabriel a daughter named Nala born on March 16th 2008 unfortunately the couple parted ways in 2010 but stated they remain friends and committed parents to their daughter Gabriel also mentioned that hi is and will forever be one of the most special and beautiful people that I have ever known initially their split was amicable but tensions arose during a custody battle when hie tried to move Nala to France where a third husband Olivia Martinez lived a judge prevented the move and ordered hie to pay Aubrey $116,000 monthly in child support totaling $200,000 annually Hari later sought to reduce these payments alleging that Gabriel was not working and living solely on the child support since 2012 Nala has been under joint custody after a physical altercation between Aubry and Martinez

Halle Berry & Gabriel Aubry Tumultuous Relationship

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