Kerry Washington Tries To Remember Her Lines | Bustle

Hey Bustle I’m Kerry Washington and today I’m going to try to remember my lines. I’m going to be so bad. If you get subpoenaed in front of a grand jury, you can testify as an officer of the court that I was working on my own. I didn’t blackmail or threaten her. If you don’t get subpoenaed, this never happened. Well, that was the very first time that I ever said it’s handled. And I can’t believe I remember that. But I do. I totally remember that. But the thing that’s most important to know about that scene is that my dog many years ago, Jose B, was in the background of that scene. She was hanging out in the park and she got cut out of the scene. So. R.I.P Jose, I know you were there, even though millions of viewers did not. So I won’t know any others. Come back to me. Forgive me. I love you. Stop. Please stop getting my hopes up. Just stop. I can’t stop. I won’t. Olivia, I am not a toy you can play with when you’re bored or lonely or horny. I am not the girl the guy gets at the end of the movie. I am not a fantasy. If you want me, earn me. But I don’t know that line because I remember saying it or I remember reading it. I really only knew that line because people see it on social media so often and people love that clip. What do you say? He’s so cute. Your husband is the shooter. That’s impossible. Really? Okay, here’s the upside. You don’t love him? No, I don’t know what else they said. You don’t love him. I have. I don’t. I have no idea what else happens even in that scene. I just know I really loved working with Angelina Jolie. You’ll kill him. And nobody’s better at that than you are. I told her to kill him. Instead, she married him and had a bunch of kids. do. If it’s a German, I’m screwing you basically is a total waste. A little troublemaker. this is it. Hey, big troublemaker, maybe. Is that right? Big troublemaker? yeah. Not so exciting. I was really praying that it wasn’t going to be one of my German lines because that I would not have been able to do at all. I never would have made it through this movie if it wasn’t for Leo and Jamie and Christoph. You know, we just it was amazing. Was working with Tarantino was a phenomena, all life changing experience. And and I’m so happy that I got to share it with my movie husband, Jamie Foxx. Why did you even take this job? I took this job to protect my kid. From what? From you. I thought we were friends. That’s it. my goodness. I don’t. I don’t know what I said. Probably because Reece is really one of my best friends, so I created a mental block to not remember the next mean thing that my character said to her. White women always want to be friends with their maid. I was not your maid, Elaina. And I was never your friend. I mean, she’s honest, you know, There was no way I was going to say no to Reese Witherspoon and like, co-producing and starring in a limited series with her because she’s so talented and so smart and so innovative and courageous in her choices. But also the novel is gorgeous. I just I love that novel. And I had spent so many years on Scandal playing a woman who was not a wife and not a mother. And so I find that I’ve been really drawn since the scandal years ended toward characters that are exploring some of those things. The little Fires really helped me to explore a lot of themes around motherhood. There’s only one world she knew how. That is what they teach you. We know different. I don’t understand. I thought we were friends. You want to be a friend? Don’t just be here to be here. it’s something like open up your pretty eyes and see the world around you or something like that. Something like that. Right. Open up your pretty brown eyes and look the hell around. look the hell around. Foul mouth, Chanel. I love doing that scene, because the best thing about working with babies is that they totally focus you. I actually learned how to change a diaper for that scene because I had to change the baby’s diaper in this scene while I was talking to her. And so as a result, you know, you’ll find a lot of people will say acting is doing like you need behavior in a scene to ground the scene and make it look real. Nothing is more real than trying to change a diaper on a real ass baby. I love doing that scene. I love working with Julia. I love that movie. That movie really was my first big studio film. And it was a dream, a total dream. Thank you for stopping by. Try to remember your lines in life and in love and on film better than I did. At least.

Bustle’s newest cover star is Kerry Washington. In anticipation of Season 2 of her Hulu show, Unprisoned, we asked Kerry to look back on her past iconic roles and see if she could remember the lines that have stuck with us even after all this time. So, can Kerry Washington remember her lines? Watch and find out.

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Director of Photography: Samuel Miron
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