Khloe Kardashian TEARS Kim Kardashian For Being A Deadbeat Mom

Kim Kardashian just went off on Khloe after Khloe disgraced her for being an awful mother to her kids Khloe hinted at Kim being a deadbeat mom and even went as far as suggesting that Kim puts her Fame and money first before her own kids a lot of people have already been going in on Kim for having the least well- behaved children out of all her sisters but to hear Chloe of all people putting Kim on blast for it on national TV is not something that was on anybody’s 2024 bingo card apparently Khloe has been taking the responsibility of properly taking care of Kim’s children for years now because Kim is barely around to actually do what she’s supposed to do and she usually leaves the job in the hands of her plethora of nannies who can barely even control her kids because they act up so bad it’s really unclear why exactly Chloe decided to expose all of this now but baby she did not come to play and she wasted no time in giving Kim a piece of her mind now like I already said Kim’s parenting skills have been getting questioned by a lot of people for quite some time now it actually started when people began to notice how North behaves as compared to her cousins people were specifically comparing North to stormy and saying that stormy acts so well-mannered because Kylie does a really good job at being a parent while North usually lashes out because Kim is barely around to keep her in check in fact Kim herself admitted during an interview with Kelly and Ryan that North hated hated her brother saying and that she would constantly go out of her way to be mean to him and make him feel miserable according to Kim she initially thought that North’s hate for Saint was just a phase and that she would eventually grow out of it cuz most siblings tend to be mean to each other but as they’re growing up she’s beginning to believe that it’s more than just a phase with the way that Kim was talking about it she sounded like she felt like she ain’t have no control over the situation and has no idea how to fix it what about so North and SAE how are they in terms of their Dynamic versus the way you girls were growing up I know it’s different genders how different I mean I I don’t know if it’s cuz she’s the older sister and she I don’t know what it is I thought it was a phase she does not like her brother it’s so hard for me and I thought it was like okay a couple months like you know she’s just warming up to it she’s gets so jealous you know when I would breastfeed and all that kind of stuff and now I just the phase isn’t going away like it’s just she but her thing is she thinks she’s outsmarting me she’s like we’re having a tea party mom no boys allowed Dad can’t come too then and like no boys and she’ll just slam the door on her brother’s face a and he’ll just start crying and it’s so like when they both are standing there he likes to imitate her now so if she’s crying then he’ll just start fake crying and I’m like one of you like I can’t pick up both of you you know and the bad parenting allegations came up again after a viral video of North being mean to Chloe’s daughter true after she was asked to sing Happy Birthday to True started circulating online instead of her being nice she seemingly insulted tr’s New Age we love you all four years old that poor baby she probably thought she was going to be getting a really sweet birthday wish from her big cousin but instead she got played with and insulted but this is just a long streak of Kim’s kids acting up because another video went viral of North again but this time she was disrespecting Kim so basically Kim was trying to take photos of north but North just kept yelling at Kim Kim was so visibly shocked by this behavior and tried to take control of the situation by asking North why she didn’t want to take the pictures but North just kept hollering why don’t you want what no what no pictures why oh oh oh a similar situation happened when North was caught screaming at the paparazzi and told them not to take any pictures of her a lot of people were actually on North’s side because she totally has the right to bent out her frustration if she don’t want all them lights flashing in her face and it’s Kim’s job as a parent to listen to her and take control of the situation but she really didn’t care enough to do it [Music] sorry nor sorry but this ain’t even the worst of it because during one of the episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians himim revealed some very disturbing information about how North tried to bite her nanny and even get her fired over the weekend but I again North tried to bite my nanny and said I don’t want a nanny anymore you can go home that poor Nanny was really just trying to do her job and had to deal with Norse trying to physically harm her but baby it gets even worse people also called out the way that Kim allows North to get away with constantly and making fun of her one of these times was when Kim admitted during her interview with Ellen that North intentionally tries to hurt her feelings by calling their house ugly according to Kim this is a manipulation tactic from North since she knows the house means a lot to her what’s the meanest thing your child has said to you every time I get into some kind of disagreement with my daughter North she thinks this is a dig to me and she’ll say your house is so ugly it’s all white who lives like this she just thinks it like gets to me and it is kind of mean cuz I like my house initially a lot of people thought North was just a spoiled Brett and acting out because she gets everything handed to her on a silver platter but it turns out the reason why Kim’s kids are so ill-mannered is because Kim has barely dedicated any time to actually taking care of them this was revealed by Chloe during a very heated argument between her and Kim after Kim confronted her about her questioning her parenting skills apparently Kim sent her daughter Chicago and the rest of her kids over to Chris’s place so that they could get ready over there for school because she had too much going on and didn’t have time to get her kids together but instead of Chris taking care of the kids she also called Chloe to come take over and that’s when Chloe realized that Chicago’s hair was a mess with an unnecessary amount of product in it so Khloe decided to let Kim know what was going on and asked if she’s even allowed to fix it for whatever reason this pissed Kim off so then she started accusing Khloe of judging her parenting skills because she thinks she’s a better mother than her now it’s unclear why exactly Kim automatically got to thinking that Khloe was judging her parenting skills when all she asked was if she was allowed to fix Chicago’s hair it honestly sounded like Kim was just projecting her own insecurities on Chloe but as expected Chloe was not here for the BS and she immediately put him in her place well I have a bone to pick with you what now just about your delivery on things okay the other day when you called me and asked me if you can do Shy’s hair I don’t know if condescending is the word but you’re very like shaming like can I do Shai’s hair do you mind and you’re like cuz her hair has like so much product in it and I’m just like I know mhm I had a really hard week so I said to my mom can you please watch my two little ones I’ll send them over and can you get them ready for school Chicago put in this hair gel in her hair on the way out the door and I was like honestly who cares my mom can s her hair in a ponytail put it in a who cares and Chicago’s hair the hair gel you were calling to not really ask me if you could do her hair but to let me know that I actually wanted her hair wasn’t washed and if you don’t care if I do next time I will not ask you and I’ll just do the hair but if also then if I do it you’re going to say why’ you touch that that was an extremely hard week Oh I thought you were going to say mind if I do her hair cuz it’s nasty all I said was do you mind if I do Chicago’s hair cuz I didn’t know if you are very particular I know her hair looks thank you for reminding me that I didn’t have the time to do her hair one night before bed and wash it what are we talking about here I actually thought we were good I I did shy his hair and then I took the kids to school and like that was really it I had no idea she was holding on to this bun of your own and you decided like Harvest this and build up all this animosity towards me when this is a problem I swear you just want to project whatever you’re going through on and take it out on me and I could handle it but only for so long I’m not going to be here all day so if you need to slap me or something do it people were not here for this at all and they went off on Kim a lot of people believe that Kim is now beginning to realize she didn’t do too good of a job at raising her kids and now she’s trying to find somebody to put the blame on one person said Chloe clocked it it was completely a you problem this happens all the time people be going through stuff and blow other stuff out of proportion then don’t want to take accountability good job Chloe for stopping her in her tracks and pointing out where the issue really was another person said Chloe a because I’m not about to let you come at me over your own mom guilt parent guilt is normal at the end of the day you’re providing for your family go talk to a therapist and leave me out of it love you but I got to go take care of my own kids now but now I want to know your thoughts what do y’all think about Chloe going off on Kim about her parenting skills and do y’all think that Kim is really a bad mom y’all been knew what to do let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below and don’t forget to click here to watch this other very messy video

Khloe Kardashian TEARS Kim Kardashian For Being A Deadbeat Mom

Kim Kardashian just went off on Khloe after Khloe disgraced her for being an awful mother to her kids. Khloe hinted at Kim being a deadbeat mom and even went as far as suggesting that Kim puts her fame and money first before her own children. A lot of people have already been going in on Kim for having the least well behaved children out of all her sisters but to hear Khloe of all people also put Kim on blast for it on national television is not something that was on anybody’s 2024 bingo card.

#kimkardashian #khloekardashian #kanyewest


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