The ‘Inside Out 2’ Cast on Regulating Their Emotions

it should be nothing but smooth sailing hello I’m anxiety where can I put my stuff a new emotion oh I’m sorry we wanted to make such a good first impression what do you mean we I love that anxiety and Joy are paired together it’s a perfect storm and in the movie we clearly see anxiety kind of try to take over Joy what do you think it took for joy to realize that they could work in a tandem and not be opposite forces oh great question think the joy has to kind of let go um and almost for once just try to step back you know she really physically steps back and just kind of waits to see but there is a beautiful moment where she takes an she takes anxiety’s hand and they kind of look at each other and it’s just as a a it’s it’s happening at the same time as our character Riley is finding a way to self soothe so I think there’s something that in there about just grounding yourself and and just Brea like just breathing really so maybe Joy just breathes enough yeah yeah and there’s a really beautiful moment um with Joy’s character where she realizes that as you get older regulating your emotions is so much harder how was it to tap back into your own emotions playing these roles well I think we we hope that regulating your emotions as you get older gets easier I mean we hope that you learn more more about yourself you know that as a kid that there are these waves that come over you and they seem completely without uh a label or or a name they just feel like they’re just you right they’re that they’re just you and what movies like this help with and what generally I I hope growing up helps with is figuring out a way to label what you’re feeling and like realizing that the sometimes when someone goes you know when you’re a kid and you’re you know you got into a fight with your parent and they go hold on I got to take a walk the kid is like they have to take a walk they’re so mad at me they have to take a walk oh no and then you come and you’re like oh no that that was self-regulation right that was like wait I really want to go step out I want to think about how I feel what do I actually want to say am I angry am I just scared what’s going on and so I hope that we get better at it I mean and and not worse and and but I think movies like this can can really help us you know some people get to go to therapy for 10 to 20 to 100 years and some people don’t do that but I think movie everyone can see a movie like this and it can really help you know contextualize how to think about your feelings yeah that is so true and I I think one of the best moments that I’ve seen so far from just this entire Insight out to experience is that I think anxiety can be seen as a negative emotion but it has its positives is there any way that you both regulate your anxiety to help you move forward through every day well I think about this idea of negative bias that we have as adults which is you know it’s kind of what we were talking about before about like you remember the bad comment or the bad time or like your brain really sometimes wants to build a Groove in what could go wrong and it’s it’s not our fault we live in very complicated times and things are very scary and real so Pixar is trying to do the opposite of gaslighting you they’re just like yeah this is like it’s complicated you know it’s not like just don’t worry about it but I think one way that you can kind of try to figure that out is to realize like even just the realization that like oh watch the needle in my brain go to the groove like even that even just like oh look what I’m doing just even that you don’t have to change it doesn’t mean you don’t have to feel it but just like kind of being aware is even step one that’s a really good way what about you any ways that you regulate your anxiety daily yeah I mean I think that what I’m one thing I’ve been working on is I feel like I often go from like OV exertion into recovery overexert recover go you know overexert recover and I’m working on trying to build more time for just like rest rest that’s not recovery um cuz recovery can often look like you know like bottle of water movie I’ve seen before in bed hot hot water bottle blankets like okay like which is which is great when you need it but you don’t want to just always be on that toggle you want to find places for joy and rest and like inspiration and energy and so I’ve been working on trying to build in more time for that and trying to I I I think sometimes I I I would let my anxiety get away from me and I wouldn’t actually almost this is maybe a weird thing to say but almost enjoy having tangible proof that I was so upset like having people around me be like oh she’s clearly really upset that’s so wow and and like and be like Oh I’m being I feel seen I feel seen and it would I would let it keep cooking instead of actually trying to breathe through it and release it because I wanted to be seen in the fact that I was upset I mean it’s so kind of embarrassing actually no I’m saying out loud but whatever well embarrassment is one of the emotion embarrassment is one of the emotions but but I think I’ve been working on like actually releasing like actually being like wait I don’t want to feel this way like it doesn’t help I I I actually want to breathe through this and feel better and if I want to be seen I can articulate my feelings yeah articulating feelings this movie really encourages communication which I think is really good for both kids and adults totally um and a lot of the themes in this movie I think rely on the fact that regulating emotions trying to control what’s going on around you not just within you is so important yeah uh you recently described this kind of movie as a workplace comedy I saw I it’s a workplace comedy it is a workplace comedy because it’s you know people who are not especially like-minded or have that much in common having to work together you know and um share space yeah and a lot of Comedy ensues because of it yeah and I mean you were arguably in one of the most not even arguably one of the most amazing workpl definitively Parks and Rec I’ve played a lot of similar characters there is a definite similarity in terms of just like being an engine like an optimistic engine I would say that I love doing that um it’s really fun to play um that kind of Spirited character um and yeah there was a couple times where I was thinking about inside out too and I was like oh this really reminds me of this feeling of um wow these people probably would not be friends when work is over you know and they have to find a way they’re all in it for Riley it’s one of the best things about in this in the in the in the second film your kind of basic primary emotions fear and joy and anger they get bottled up and they get whisked away and they’re all stuck in this bottle and you think like oh I didn’t know I would be I don’t I didn’t think I would miss them but I miss those simple emotions those are easy to understand the ones that are now in charge are really complicated and um so it’s fun it’s kind of like you know new employees old place repo day like it like it happen oh my gosh and then remember seeing also in the movie that moment where Joy is talked to by anger and encourage that you can do this because delusion does run life if if you’re not delusional you’re not trying hard enough you have to be delusional for your goals I think um what encourages you the most when you’re feeling upset what do you think is the mo biggest motivator you’re right anger does do that and we haven’t talked about that moment enough because anger kind of says like hey Focus up you know like like you know lock in yeah lock in and also so you know it’s very like you can do it um and I think that what anger does in that moment is just kind of ground Joy a little bit and I think anger is very motivating you know in a healthy way especially for women who you know women in general aren’t really um um often given yes given the space to express anger in a positive and healthy way passion it’s motiv yes thank you that’s a positive way to say it and also what anger does is it um reminds you um like life isn’t fair so so what are you going to do like it’s like yeah it’s very realistic anger is very realistic it tells you like yeah okay right now what are you going to do which is so fun in the film when that happens what’s your name big fella that’s embarrassment welcome to headquarters embarrassment oh we’re doing a fit no oh NOP go high oh you got a real sweaty Palm there buddy big big year obviously you’re coming in new player you’ve been here you’re fabulous how does it feel to return and how does it feel to join such an amazing cast uh I’m a huge fan of the original film loved loved the process of getting to make this and um and yeah I’m just sort of I’m he’s him and Amy polar they’re the Michael Jordan Scotti Pippen I’m just I’m on the bench in case somebody twist our ankle but I’m happy to be on a winning team it’s awesome yes you’re on the Lakers not the Clippers yes and sorry for the Bulls references we’re not in Chicago but it’s terrific and then all the the cast that we’ve gathered you know now for this extraordinary you know when I heard he was in it I’m kind of going seriously he’s got nothing better to do no it was I love Pixar movies but inside out really is like a special movie that I think people talk about with a different weightiness you know it’s not just another piece of entertainment no yeah especially with the messages about mental health and growing up were there any ways you both tapped into your inner teenager when you were recording for this movie especially with the message about puberty this movie this is very very more grownup I I didn’t get to as much and uh and that’d be hard for me if I were to play anger CU I wasn’t that angry back then as a teenager I was pretty happy what about you yeah I didn’t really tap into it CU When You Reach My Age you can’t even remember it no I I didn’t really it just kind of present it’s always kind of present you know it is is my father lley said once uh when he was in his in his early 9s he said uh he said I I what’s it like he said I don’t really feel my age was in they were in an assisted living you know situation said I don’t have any sense of what my age is until I walk downstairs and have breakfast with the rest of them and look around and go oh that’s right I’m old oh wow that’s profound it is it really is and for me it’s that’s the way kind of I felt it wasn’t it’s the same anger you know it’s when I were going to do the second one I didn’t think I would be in it and uh then I realized no that voice is the voice it’s the constant voice it’s whether it’s your six or 60 yeah and when your character in the movie has a really beautiful moment where anger says I can’t always be the rage guy and I thought that was a wonderful message for kids and adults watching because I feel like a lot of the times anger isn’t always seen as passionate and I was wondering if you could speak to anger as being just passion that is coming out of you well I mean what anger is I think is the motivator behind anger sees things that the others don’t really see and anger is the one that uh basically says uh that these people can’t cross the line with us these people can’t do this there can’t be that anger is the one that sticks up for our feelings and they shouldn’t be sullied a word that I’ve rarely used actually in public well that’s only the first time today you used I know I think I think the anger thing too is cool because uh just like the other emotions it’s like you it can be utilized for good there’s silly anger which might be ego or insecurity and then there’s like righteous anger when you’re doing something for yourself or somebody you care about you know yeah and then your character also has a breakthrough moment towards the end of the movie where they finally they raise their hand and they say something were there any moments that you tapped into in your life where you chose how to play embarrassment well you know the what’s funny is I wasn’t very embarrassed as a kid I was just such a were you extroverted I was a steroidal extrovert and I I still am uh though it’s thin cuz I’m just tired all the time with two kids in a job but but I will say uh that moment of him speaking up at the very end and kind of like crawling out of a shell I was one of four kids so in a family with four kids you do have you are fighting to get your voice heard and to have a say in things so uh I very much related to that and it was very um cathartic to get that line out at the end yeah oh it was a really beautiful Moment Like truly I was I was sitting there gagging it was really perfect all the yeah the writing yeah and then a co-star of yours Maya Hawk said that the material just made her so emotional as she was recording for the movie were there any moments that you read in the script that you thought wow like the impact this will have on you or on other people well I didn’t know I didn’t really have this the script I mean I knew that there were a few lines that I had that would be yes more most of the time I’m not in touch with my emotions I didn’t know I had them until I saw the person you didn’t shed a tear till inside out one yeah know I’m just a little that came through I went wow I didn’t know this was really a part of my personality what’s the most magical thing about making a Pixar movie I mean I think I’m kind of experiencing the most magical part right now which is The Surreal nature of recording it a year ago now we are here A year later it’s coming out I’ve seen it I love the the film and I’m I I wasn’t in the room with any of the other actors obviously it’s always you know it’s it’s a solo job so now getting to sit next to him and if I close my eyes and I hear him talk I see the little red guy I think that’s that’s the magical part for me is the culmination of everything yeah and the Magical part for me is uh the ability that a PIX or takes its time B if you do a movie and you’re an actor in a movie uh you don’t really see the um the full EXT of the creative process you’ll see maybe if you go to see daes or even with that this uh but this last but the first one I have to say the magic of is that I was saw the entire creative process and you rarely do anything uh in in terms of this business where you get to you usually just see this much and this you you I come back they do this then we come back and we do this so I got to watch it expand till theend and and that was unbelievable such a privileged thing I I I’ve had a couple directors who who will do a thing including uh a Disney movie Cruella with Craig Gillespie directed he would literally shoot something in the morning you’d have lunch and you’d come back from lunch and he’d show you on his phone that he had an editor com together a rough draft so you get to like watch the scene of what you shot that’s great and that but similar it’s that immersion that you’re like wow this is so wild to see the process wow that’s really awesome and with Pixar movies I actually got to go to San Francisco and see how the animators created the characters did you guys have any thoughts on the shapes for the Inside Out characters embarrassment is obviously pink and then anger is red and square and they described I would love to hear what you thought when you saw the character design uh I I was fascinated by the the pink being like a blushing thing but then the purple almost being like um something something like I I imagine it like uh someone trying to cover them and uh and and kind of like cloaking themselves you know I don’t know I thought it was cool yeah um I was just from the very beginning I I mean I just was kind of amazed at what they that they kind of come up with what to me was a me on a different level I mean it was kind of a what’s the word I’m a caricature yes but it was a caricature as opposed to just a it it was like 10 steps along the the level of caricature so it it made it really work in terms of Animation you’re and anger is a proper like Square too right yeah I love I love that he just he just looks like a like a box of Rage like he’s he’s like if SpongeBob was a correctional officer something really fun about that Riley is officially a teenager now you aren’t packed yet I’m the worse uh overreact much I barely touched it let the professional handle this I’m too gross to go anywhere ever again well that’s a preview of the next 10 years thank you so much for sitting down today how how are we doing really good this uh this movie is so good that it really I saw yesterday it’s fantastic it’s it really is a genuine like joy to promote it cuz I believe in it so much yeah no yeah and you also played forky which is so cool and I feel like forky and fear kind of hand in hand yeah there’s a little there’s some different like for’s a little more Curious fear is a little more paralyzed at paralyzed which do you feel which character do you think you like the best could you pick between the two that’s hard that’s hard I they that’s hard I’m I’m I love I love the movies so much together that it’s more about like the story I mean Toy Story is like that’s legendary of course and I love that in the movie disgust and and fear also pair up a lot together it was really cool to see the Duos come around and seeing you both sitting in Fr me is so amazing also your Filipino representation for this movie so this is so awesome you’re absolutely fantastic in it to discuss did you have any fun anecdotes that you can share while you were recording for the role yeah there was a there’s two the first one was my mom came to all of them and my little puppy in her bag so I would look over at the you know from the booth and see Kelsey and Mark and my mom and my little puppy and then when we came home one day my mom said you know that that Kelsey knows how to get the best set of people and she proceeded to do an impersonation of him like when he’s happy so then the next day I did an impersonation of my mother doing an impersonation of Kelsey for Kelsey and it made him laugh so it was a bit of a yeah it’s a bit of an Inception moment was doing an impression of an impression oh that’s so awesome That’s So Meta it’s meta loved it so yeah and for you Tony did you tap back into any other characters that you’ve played for fear you’ve had so many iconic roles literally and a lot of had a through line fear and anxiety um I uh it’s it was more of like I think in life you know when you’re fearful or you’re anxious you kind of you don’t really see it in people you know they’re kind of putting on their best versions of themselves but inside sometimes there’s some chaos so to go in there and literally bring the inside out yes to kind of go crazy to like when I really in life when I want to scream like fear screams I have the opportunity to do it in the booth right you know that’s what was really fun yeah is there any way you both pump yourselves up to get ready for a recording session any tips you can share I have a mannerism that I found because I when I got the part I thought you know of all the older emotions the 1.0 disgust is the most ready as a teenager nothing is good enough I don’t like that shirt I’m not going to wear it that’s nasty I’m not going to eat it so you know until anxiety comes in it looks like disgust in my mind would run the ship and then also there’s like a little bit of um not caring or a little bit of like multitasking so I would Kelsey was like what are you doing and I’d be like I’m looking for split ends while I talk to you so Kelsey would be like okay say it play around and then he’d say okay now do a split ends tick and so I can hear it like there’s a difference between going orange is not my color versus like yeah orange is not my color that is such a good manism she started doing it and I I didn’t even notice that you had just started to like play with your hair a bit oh my God acly I’m not saying I’m actively looking end cuz those are gross absolutely I yeah everyone has them we hate them I don’t but thank you I don’t have the hair you guys you got great hair oh thank you everyone has everyone here has great hair that’s the best part about this do you have an emotion that takes head seat in your mind what what’s your control room looking like right now so my daughter just graduated high school congratulations thank you and so there’s excitement there’s joy for her and there’s mixed with some anxiety is she heading off to she’s going to college and so it’s like you know I’m a little bit a little bit anxious but at the same time I’m excited so it’s that kind of thing like you could hold two emotions at the same time it’s not just one all the time oh wow yeah and it changes day to day moment to moment situation to situation I mean right here right now I feel so much joy well you have played some really kickb characters first of all you and The Equalizer fantastic I got to see a a little bit of it before and I was so pleased with your work did you take any cues from that character into disgust especially with disgust also being such a kick like she just wants to like kick rocks yeah they both they’re both not afraid to say what’s wrong in the world and maybe Mel on The Equalizer deals with it physically yes and disgust just does it verbally but they’re very big on like justice and what Justice is and standing up for what’s right it’s very different though well what was it like getting the call to join this amazing cast and crew do you want to go first um I I it’s I had the same experience with forki where I really didn’t believe I was going to be in the movie until I heard my voice in the trailer then I because the whole time I was thinking they’re gonna they’re going to replace me they’re and then when I heard my voice in the trailer I was like it’s that anxiety yeah I was like they kept me I can’t believe I’m a part of this movie that I love so much yeah well my process was the auditioning was very long and the first one was like hour with Kelsey and Mark and I had fallen in love with them and what the movie was trying to do and I honestly I walked away from it was a zoom interview I walked away from that Zoom going you know what if I don’t have a part in this movie they’re doing such a great thing and I’m so happy that I met them yeah um so then to get the call was a a cherry on top yeah and I mean that the human connection that you’re sharing especially with Kelsey and Mark and in the movie it encourages so much communication was there any I guess fear going into recording for this movie because I feel like your voices are so distinct you really like sound out every consonant um every interview that I see also of IO talking about it where they really sound out all the words I would love to hear the process for when you’re going in definitely fear because I have such reverence for the movie and so there’s a little bit of imposter theory that kicks in I like can I do this I mean all that kind of stuff so I just I had such a a big reverence for the first movie that I just wanted to match that Brilliance you know and not like you know they’re brilliant I wanted to at least be a part of it so yeah but then to her to what she’s saying about Kelsey he was so warm so kind so like such so collaborative that it just kind of decreased the anxiety right away oh yeah that’s 100% there was such a sense of play that I just didn’t have any other I didn’t have time to experience anything other than joy and like let’s let’s just go play it was fun really fun yeah and you just said obviously teenage daughter graduating high school heading to to college did you take any cues from her did you see any of those emotions that are in the movie anything that you experienced with her growing up sure I mean I wish that IID had this as a tool because not only I think kids feel seen But parents feel seen of like yeah there’s a lot going on in the brain and that an Wei character you know who’s like super like bored you know it’s just like and it’s I remember when she was a teenager and like thinking oh we got to do something but like it’s a part of the process like they everything’s growing you know give him a break a little bit yeah yeah did you guys tap into your inner teenager going back to this with puberty being such a heavy theme for the movie well as I said disgusted really when I think of teenagers my experience and also like just observing them on the street it’s a lot of like this is not good enough this is this I got to ew gross e gross ew gross so that really that keyed me in right away I was really lucky in that what is that it’s the sarcasm sarcasm boy are we so lucky we ran into you guys boy are we so lucky we ran into you guys wow those guys are jerks wow those guys are jerks returning back to the Mac I’m so happy to be here with you both again yeah and I got to see the movie yesterday yeah the whole thing Masterpiece fully amazing God chills cried three separate times giving me chill was amazing not a dry eye either I heard people sniffling in the back like it was so emotional because of the themes that you now are putting out into the world again um and one of my favorite movies was joy and anger have that moment where they reconcile not reconcile but hanger is pushing her like you got to lock in you got to you got to focus up because you have a job to do and you owe it to Riley yourself sciss oh yeah that’s one of my favorite scenes we called that scene uh losing it oh yeah we thought it’d be really interesting to see uh Joy get really angry yes I’m like I’ve never really seen seen that I’m like I want to see that she said I how do you think I’m happy all the time I’m delusional yes it’s hard to do this you know and I really thought of her like uh I kept when we I worked with Amy yes I’m like okay you were you were driving your kids across country yes and this is halfway through the Journey and nothing has gone right and you just break you know in the back annoying you the whole time the whole time yeah no yeah and and watching the movie uh going back to when we had that advanced press day where you mentioned the group of teenage girls that you brought in to help and I saw that Community when Valor teas is with her friends and they bring Riley in and she turns her sarcasm on and I would love to know what inspired that moment to bring that into the film oh boy okay the first thing that comes to my mind is uh oh I um I remember being really nervous to talk about uh bands and musicians yes especially at that age cuz I’m like whoa uh uh what’s the cool answer uh how you know I’m afraid to yeah I’m afraid to say what I really like cuz I’m like I think you’re going to judge me what do you think is cool so a lot of that came from my own anxiety of answering that question uh both as a teenager and even now I get nervous when somebody’s like who’s your favorite man don’t you dare ask me nervous like and what was the collaboration process process between you both in picking out the new emotions and picking the ones that were going to be in the film what were those final decisions like yeah you know we leaned on our experts to really talk about what the emotions are that come up at this age and come on really strong daker Kelner who’s a professor of Berkeley Dr Lisa deore who’s this amazing clinical psychologist and author and we really talked through with them like what are the ones that they see the most in teens when like your brain is being rewired and you’re like becoming your own indiv ual and really that’s what helped us kind of narrow in on the four emotions that we that we kind of feature the most in this film yeah and I have to say the animation in this movie is Cris right the animation down to I kept looking at the character’s hair the the emotions hair because those it looked so so crisp and I think one of the biggest impacts this movie is going to have is just on the animation Community alone it made me tear up when they’re all going down to where all those memories are there and they’re making the strands that that’s scene was just wonderful to look at I would love to know when you were chatting with your animation team what that process was like we have a wonderful animation Department fa world class and not only that like if you talk about hair that’s the Sim department and they’re a performer too of like how how active should the hair be in this momento yeah they can really help Elevate the emotion of it and I don’t think they get enough love that they deserve because they work really hard on that but the um the animation we’ve had a we’ve had the largest anim team that we’ve ever had on any film there’s 28 28 Pixar films we had 150 animators at the peak on this film yeah but it’s all about what’s the intent of the scene you know and so I they’re really an extension of the uh performance and acting oh yeah so I talk to them like an actor you know I go here’s what this scene is about Joy uh Joy is feeling jealous of anxiety right now because she drove better than she ever could but she wants to hide that and tell her great job but she’s really feeling jealous about it and then uh and then I let the I let them go and and surprise me on how to best do that yes which is the way you work with actors I tell like Amy like here’s what I need from the scene this is what the moment is here’s the line let’s work it and now I’m like okay do what however you want yeah and then I just back up and nine times out of 10 that’s where the gold is and that’s what’s in the movie and speaking I spoke with Lisa previously she was my last interview oh she told me that you would ask her for the split hair split intakes split intakes and that that was just such a good mannerism for her to get into character it was so great she started to do that and I go what are you doing uh Lisa what are you doing with your hair she goes oh uh I’m looking for split ends I was like that’s amazing so then I every once in a while I go okay split ends take she’s like okay all right yeah well uh maybe I guess we could do that no yeah no I think that is a way also it’s it’s a a way to regulate em emotions as well I love how she tapped right into that and in the scene where Joy realizes I think it hits her really hard that as you get older regulating your emotions doesn’t get easier you have to find new ways to console yourself I would love to know ways that you regulate your emotions and how you guys go day-to-day through life uh a lot of it’s breathing I uh I can think F quickly and speak really fast and I’ve got high energy and I’ve learned every once a while because that’s that’s that’s done me a lot good yes in this world uh and in my career um but I also have to remind myself take a breath everyone deep breathing exercise I know yeah in through the mouth out through the nose or in through in through the nose out through the mouth oh yeah well what is something that no one would know about a Pixar film something that you can share with the audience about making it um they’re really hard yeah I think everyone they’re not easy yeah but you don’t want people feeling that when they watch it that’s the thing right it’s a 4year effort with there 400 people making this thing yeah and yeah a lot of challenging times we iterate iteration is like kind of the core of what we do to try to make it stronger we just tear it down Build It Up tear it down build it up but again you don’t want the audience to feel any of that so you want them to just really be able to be absorbed in the story and just emotionally connect with it and and not really think about about any of the problems and challenges we went through in making it yeah and the pairings that you had in the movie so obviously anxiety and joy go hand in hand yes fear and disgust go hand in hand and we had anger we had an we who is new was there anything that you discovered about these characters as they were being voiced by the actors uh so much I would say I brought a lot that was a hard character to figure out and to make entertaining and likable appealing yeah so she did such a great job and a lot of that came from iio just uh playing with the character and she goes she her range she’ll go like super high and then she’ll go really low like uh I love your hair yeah I wish I was as tall as all of you who the heck are you I’m Envy look at your hair oh yeah not happening she could go kind of manise if she wants to yeah yeah and just just so great at improv I killer at improv no she talks about how she would use almost every part of her mouth and her throat to literally make that character stand out at different moments when you’re working with these actors what is it that you ask them to bring to the table every day uh good energy of course I mean it’s really really themselves and hopefully uh something they can connect to and ideas MH yes uh I think you guys make it a very collaborative process it it that’s the way it is you know and uh I think I try to make sure that the intentions are clear of what we’re trying to do in the moment that we’re uh recording and then uh I always try to remind myself and I’ll sometimes write it on my script uh to uh make sure I leave room for them to do whatever they want yes and so a lot of times what you’ve heard in the movie came from me saying now do it however you want forget the script say it however you want and like Io Io a great example is she said she has this line of like H why are best friends always trying to hang out with us yes that’s 100% IO coming that’s improv it’s just perfectly on character so many moments like that in the movie

Amy Poehler, Maya Hawke, Lewis Black, Paul Walter Hauser, Tony Hale, Liza Lapira, producer Mark Nielsen, and director Kelsey Mann sit down with FD correspondent Emily Uribe to talk about their upcoming movie ‘Inside Out 2’. The cast shares how they regulate their own emotions, why Anxiety gets such a bad rep, debate if anger is actually passion, and so much more. See ‘Inside Out 2’ in theaters June 14.

► Buy Tickets to Inside Out 2:

00:00 Amy Poehler and Maya Hawke
08:26 Lewis Black and Paul Walter Hauser
16:39 Tony Hale and Liza Lapira
24:40 Mark Nielsen and Kelsey Mann

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    I hate you 98%
    I hate you 99%
    I HATE YOU 100%!!!!💯

  2. Americans "I want to feel seen" .. ROW : "Move on, there's nothing to see here". My ears nearly bled listening to the first 10 minutes of this. I'm out.

  3. Maya Hawke bringing up a good point that it should get easier to regulate emotions when getting older and learning to label emotions and ways to deal with emotions

  4. Wow This was a Great Interview!!! I LOVED THIS MOVIE SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! I Was 6 when The First Inside Out came out and now I'm 15. I Related to it a lot and now as a Teenager, I Relate to it Even More now. It was So Sad and Emotional, But also So Sweet! Definitely One of My Favorite Pixar Films! And now with This Movie, Being a Teenager I Relate to it even more than The First One. This Movie Perfectly Captures what it's like to be a Teenager. All of The New Emotions were Fantastic! Anxiety in particular was Such a Fantastic Character! And Of Course all Of The Old Emotions were Great as Well!
    This Movie was just Absolutely Phenomenal!!! One Of The Best Pixar Movies Ever!!!!!!

  5. Come on people who love the Inside Out Movies give this video more and more likes and more and more views maybe even get it to the thousands or millions please.

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