Jennifer Garner FED UP with Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck JLO CIRCUS!?

new reports coming in saying that Jennifer Garner is done being a marriage counselor to Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez that she wants to step away from the circus can’t say I blames her welcome to popcorn Planet I am Andy signor this just in from sources telling the Daily Mail so take it as you will uh Jennifer Garner is over it all she’s done Ben she’s not going to be there anymore for you it’s a marriage C she’s going to be there as the mother of the kids she’s obviously going to support you with the kids stuff but enough of this circus look it seems believable to me and it made me want to go back and figure out how did these this this couple actually break up what was the cause what do we know from these two I’ve gone back and pulled a bunch of uh previous interviews that should shed some light on all of this but first let’s go through this latest report coming in through the Daily Mail about how she wants to step away from the circus after a painful realization Affleck paid visit to his ex-wife’s house on Sunday Garner is stepping back as the drama is bringing back many memories uh she made a conscious decision to step back from the circus surrounding her ex-husband Ben Affleck’s marriage to Jennifer Lopez according to insiders who claim the ongoing situation has Unearthed painful memories for the actress uh Affleck recently moved his things out as we reported on yesterday of the $60 million mansion that he shares with JLo has been uh pictured together in recent months with Garner uh amid mounting speculations that his two-year marriage to JLo is on Shaky Ground insiders had previously revealed how Garner had been acting as a counselor to the biger pair as she desperately tried to help them fix their alleged issues but now sources claim the electri actress has decided to remove her s herself entirely Jen eventually got to a place where she was like sorry figure this out yourself an Insider told a daily mail it was beginning to become too painful for her because it was bringing back so many memories of their divorce uh yeah fair fair just look at the the the happiness there and just I don’t know and then more recently again oh there he is and she’s there again being a the good person that she clearly is uh I want to go back and actually break this through because uh there were throughout the marriage there were times when Jen felt like she was second to JLo even though there were no communication between her and Ben for years she was surprised at how public he became when they were United because he was always a man who wanted to be out of the spotlight when they were married Jen opened up her home to her uh and her life to JLo because she had moved on from the past she cares about JLo and cares about their kids and how it will affect them all but in the end it’s not Jen’s circus not Jen’s monkeys and uh she is done playing marriage counselor to ex-husband and his wife uh yikes if that’s true it’s just mean especially to JLo John wants uh John Miller uh his her rumored uh fiance uh businessman John was tired of how involved she is in trying to fix Affleck’s marriage John wants nothing more than for Ben to be okay but it isn’t his girlfriend’s responsibility to play babysitter to him and Insider said so it’s an important thing to remember because a lot of people like are they going to get back together well they’re rumored to be uh engaged so she’s off the market again and she doesn’t seem like the type that’s going to just go jet off with the new on the our new love to be with the old one who seemingly left uh this is for Ben to figure out on his own and for his wife to handle it isn’t Jen’s responsibility and he has told her this uh so there it is it’s causing strain allegedly and Garner’s marriage she’s trying to be there I don’t know how much of this is true let’s keep it honest we go through and we gossip and we read this stuff sometimes there’s a little hint of truth but uh it does seem like Jen’s been you know pretty classy all around and I can’t imagine she’s going to completely ghost him the father of her children and it’s important you go back and really look at the timeline of this because I didn’t realized how close this all was G Affleck and Garner met in 2000 on a set of Pearl Harbor she was married to actor Scott Foley at the time Affleck and Garner then reunited in 2020 uh 2002 on Daredevil where they played love interests uh but then nothing happened apparent I mean they might have done flotations but nothing was official uh by the way she won most of the fights in the movie which was pretty good predictor of what would happen down the road my wife holding swords and beating the living s out of me less than a year after the premiere of Daredevil Affleck got engaged to Jennifer Lopez so while that was all happening the whatever if there was any flirtation or relationship it was JLo who then Ben ended up getting uh with in 2003 Garner announced her separation at that point from Folly uh and filed for divorce that year now again no not assuming that they did anything on on faithful but months later Affleck announced that he and Lopez had decided to end their engagement after Garner ended hers and in 2004 Affleck and Garner were dating so take that timeline as you will they’re in Daredevil they’re playing love interests there seems to be some flirtatious a uh Garner is engaged uh and then separates uh months later Affleck’s engaged he separates immediately when Garner’s available and then in 2004 Garner and affle were dated I didn’t realize that he left JLo for Jennifer Gardner that’s what’s so fascinating the couple married in 2005 welcomed their first child and then their second child in 2009 and their third child in 2012 so they were together for a while fast forward to now seemingly broke breaks up with Garner then get you know while sometime later this was in 2015 so it was about 10 years ago more than that when they separated and they were G apparently not really together those last few years anyway 10 years later he then goes back to JLo which is all just very strange now why did they divorce this is where things get even more interesting as we go back and look at some of the quotes uh there was an Infamous Howard Stern Show interview in 2021 where Affleck revealed that he and Garner broke up because they simply grew apart the truth was we took our time we made a decision we grew apart we had a marriage that did not work this happens it’s is somebody I love and respect but to whom I should not be married any longer and then we said you know what we tried we tried because we had kids and then both of us felt like we don’t want this to be a model that our kids see of marriage Affleck told Stern he and Garner would have ended up at each other’s throats had they not ended things he also believed that he would probably still be drinking if their marriage continued that was part of why I started drinking alcohol I was trapped I was like I can’t leave because of my kids but I’m not happy what do I do what did I what I did was drink a bottle of scotch on the couch while which turned out to not be the solution now this quote completely backfiring him and everyone tried to spin it as if he was blaming Jennifer Garner for his alcohol which I never took it was very clear if you read the full listen to his full conversation he was blaming himself and he later then clarified as he later did in this article uh this was a really good article actually we’ll come back to it but um this Hollywood Reporter article I is such good Insight on Ben uh that he wrote this was from if you want to go look this up The Hollywood Reporter piece on him in why can’t I get the headline oh there it is this was in March of this of this past year March 16 2023 definitely one you want to look up so in it he reveals a lot and he responds very frustratingly to that quote that was completely taken in a context and he credits JLo for coming out there and speaking up more why aren’t you on Instagram your wife’s very good at it my wife’s a genius at that I don’t know if there’s anybody who understands Instagram better than her in fact she gave me a talk this morning before this interview she thinks she that because of experiences that I’ve had I’ve become very guarded she’s right I view these things as landmines where if you say one wrong thing your career might be over I had a really painful experience where I did an interview where I was really vulnerable and the entire pick up was something that was not only not right it was the opposite of what I meant this is uh the Howard Stern Show you’re talking about drinking towards the end of your marriage to Jennifer Garner Affleck explains the idea that I was blaming my wife for my drinking to be clear my behavior is my responsibility entirely the point that I was trying to make was a sad one anyone who’s been through a divorce makes that calculus of how much do we try we loved each other we care about each other we have respect for each other I was trying to say hey look I was drinking too much and the less you become whether it’s your job your marriage it’s just that as your life becomes more difficult if you’re doing things to fill a hole that aren’t healthy you’re going to start doing more of those things I think I was pretty articulate about that the New York Post deliberately mischaracterized it in order to make a clickbait and everybody else then picked it up and it didn’t matter how many times I said I do not feel this way I’m telling you I don’t blame my ex-wife for my alcoholism so yeah it’s hard but anyway JLo Jennifer Lopez tells me today relax be yourself have fun you’re actually a fun guy who’s real and genuine and you seem so serious do I seem serious but in many things she’s really right and she loves me she’s looking out for me she’s trying to help me so it’s like maybe I ought to effing listen to her it’s a very interesting insight as he then reveals previously about J Jennifer Garner but also how Jennifer Lopez treats him uh and and seemingly this was all look at this and I remember reading this thinking a look I’m rooting for them this is a good couple a lot of my opinions change when I watch the greatest love story never told because you do get to start seeing a lot of the manipulation and gas slighting by Jennifer Lopez which I do believe is real now fast forward to what has Jennifer Garner said about Ben Affleck this is where things get truly I got to say pretty sad she calls him uh the love of her life and this was an interview she did back in 2016 like a year after the split where she spoke to Vanity Fair uh this was right out out coming out it was a real marriage it wasn’t for the cameras and it was a huge priority for me to stay in it and that and that did not work uh I did marry the big F movie star I married him and I would go back and remake that decision I ran down the beach to him and I would again you can’t have these three babies in so much of what we had uh he’s the love of my life he’s the most brilliant person in any room the most charismatic the most generous he’s just a complicated guy I always say when his Sun Shines on you you feel it but when the sun is shining elsewhere it’s cold he can cast quite a shadow what a classy way to to disc like I was there for you I was everything you weren’t uh when you left or when you were drunk it was awful uh the Miracles from Heaven actress just addressed rumors that they divorced because he cheated on her with the children’s Nanny we had been separated for months before I ever heard about the nanny she had nothing to do with our decision to divorce she was not part of the equation uh she does at some point I think acknowledge bad decision but uh doesn’t engage and say that that was anything to do with it um but yeah look I got to say she she’s always been very cling all this and I don’t think it’s just manipulative PR tactics which I do believe JLo is is doing uh Jennifer Garner’s always been very quiet she doesn’t really want the Limelight on this she’s she’s said what she had to say she says it very classy and I always respect it and I do believe this was a serious heartbreak for her it does seem like Ben was the one who who was just they were both unhappy but Ben’s the one who really made the decision and couldn’t find his way and left which makes all of this now coming back full around uh even more uh interesting because she’s now still amidst all that heartbreak and love she had with the three children she had with him uh still there for him it it is amazing I I got to accredit this woman tremendously she’s not out there crapping on him I’m sure he’s done tons of terrible things but she’s not doing that in fact she talks about I’ll never have the dream of Dancing with the father of my children at her wedding like she has all these things and sadness and and and with all that not letting it go to this hate and anger and frustrations jealousy and toxicity and instead stepping up to help this couple in need which honestly it’s a very very big of her so coming all the way around do I believe she’s feeling this way I do if she’s in a healthy relationship now I imagine she’s getting frustrated at all the press and annoying things annoyances that are now rearing their head as this is happening so I would I would have no qualms with her telling him this and saying enough already it’s affecting my relationship this circus is too much please we love you guys we wish the best for you guys but this is no longer healthy I’m here for the kids and I am always here for you but we got to set some boundary lines is something to me that seems far more believable but what do you guys think I want to hear your thoughts down below there’s the full update for you uh do you like Jennifer Garner do you appreciate the classiness hit that subscribe hit that Bell for all alert so you get notified when you do smash the thumbs up like I did leave a comment down below help us get the word out on our coverage in this channel we got so much more coming for you and I hope you enjoy and get ready for the 4th of July holiday here in the states we’ll have something for you tomorrow I don’t know if we’ll be live but stay tuned we have so much more in the future so thank you for watching

Jennifer Garner FED UP with Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck JLO CIRCUS!?

Thumbnail images are satire created by adobe photoshop and artificial intelligence artwork.

Why did Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner divorce? Ben Affleck’s Howard Stern interview explained and Jennifer Garner’s Vanity Fair interview revealed.

Jennifer Garner is DONE being a ‘marriage counsellor’ to ex-husband Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez – and wants to step away from the ‘circus’ after ‘painful’ realization
Affleck, 51, paid a weekend visit to his ex-wife’s home in Los Angeles on Sunday
Garner, 52, is stepping back as the drama is bringing back ‘many memories’
READ MORE: Jennifer Lopez flashes wedding rings in fresh Coach ads

Jennifer Garner has made a conscious decision to step back from the ‘circus’ surrounding her ex-husband Ben Affleck’s marriage to Jennifer Lopez according to insiders, who claim the ongoing situation has unearthed ‘painful’ memories for the actress.

Garner, 52, and Affleck, 51 – who recently ‘moved his things out’ of the $60million mansion he shares with On The Floor singer Lopez, 54 – have been pictured together in recent weeks amid mounting speculation his two-year marriage is on ‘shaky ground.’

Insiders had previously revealed how Garner had been acting as a ‘counselor’ to the beleaguered pair as she desperately tried to help them fix their alleged issues – but now sources claim the Elektra actress has decided to remove herself entirely.

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  1. Come on, they have kids together and they would be together during the time their kids are going through end of the school year stuff. So, c’mon. Just friendly parenting stuff.

  2. I don't blame Jen G Jlo exosed tve fact that Ben emotionally cheated while married to her How distateful of Jlo to do that. Problem is Jlos love story is a joke. Ben is a serial cheater who was most like sending J Garner the same type of love notes and to other ladies like the nanny.. thats what alcoholic serial cheaters do!!!give me a break. Jlo keep fooling yourself. You weren't the only one and Ben has never been that into you !! He was more into the mother of his kidz as he chose her over you when he jilted you tge first time.

  3. Jen helped Ben tons even before he married JLo. She has been there for him way more than most ex-wives would be. I can’t imagine the stress and hot mess she’s had to put up with

  4. Jennifer Garner seems to be a people pleaser. It sounds like her new fiance is also controlling. It sounded for a minute like she was calling the shots, but then we hear that she's still being told what to do.

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