Why We’re Worried About Danica Patrick – Nicki Swift (Danica Patrick promotes Reptillian conspiracy theory)

Posted by Current_Parsnip_4515


  1. TheBumblingestBee on

    She also, in an interview from a few months ago, said that trans people are part of an evil conspiracy for population control.

  2. Can’t make this up.


    Here’s the [direct link](https://x.com/jeppe_olesen/status/1805583460490256841) because it is probably easier than zooming in from the screenshot.

    Also, in the interview, it is mentioned her interview with a hack named David Wilcock.

    >While interviewing “Ancient Aliens” producer David Wilcock, Patrick offered her theory about why the topics addressed on Wilcock’s History Channel show — which suggests that alien astronauts have influenced human civilization — aren’t taught at school.

    ‘Tis the guy that was working with some dude named Corey Goode who was sued because of the whole “Twenty and Back Secret Space Program” BS, and the deposition showed Corey Goode talking about how he fabricated it all and it’s when Wilcock approached him. For the grift, you know?!


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