‘To be totally the focus of someone, who was really into sex, was fantastic’: Tracey Emin and Billy Childish on their blazing romance

Posted by scum_manifesto


  1. pineapplepredator on

    What a fascinating read. What a stark contrast between their writing about each other. He sounds like a handful. It would be easy to think she’s insane from what he wrote.

  2. AreYouDecent on

    I don’t know who either of these two people are, but that was an interesting read

  3. _MarkSepticPie_ on

    i had absolutely zero idea about them but damn the article is something else

  4. Somehow the story of how he went and married his ex while he was still with Emin, reminded me of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre. Heavy stuff, but there was love nonetheless.

  5. While at university I lived on the same street as billy childish! He used to leave painting he made on wooden panels just sitting outside his house! He also used to have a pet rat and cat that would hang out on his shoulders as he hung out on the street!

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