Channing Tatum & Scarlett Johansson Share Their First Impressions of Each Other | Spilling the E-TEA

I’m I’m doing great at this hat it every second so you don’t want to see how the sausage is made folks really hi I’m Scarlet Johansson hi I’m janning Tatum and we are spilling the we were great at that we are so excited for your new Jurassic Park movie um how are you feeling about that and carrying that Legacy uh forward and what are you most looking forward to in uh you know playing the Raptor eyes up well less time in hairing makeup so that’s great just yeah so you just going to do do you actually wear actual s I’ll just wear my regular clothes sweet yeah sick I won’t have to put these fingers on everything which is great um I am I’m basically looking forward to every single aspect of it um I’m really excited Thailand’s also yeah Thailand will be awesome we have an awesome cast um I’m just excited I’m excited I’m enormous orous enormous Jurassic Park Fan so I’ve basically been trying to get into this like franchise for the last 15 years and I’ve tried in many different ways I’m assuming it would never be possible I was like I will die in the first five minutes like I will do any I will do crop service like I want to be in it I just rewatched the first one on the plane like I don’t know about a month ago hold on to your butts just holds up it holds up and like it looks so good yeah it really does oh everything about it I’m just perfect yeah it’s it’s a perfect film I’m so excited um thanks thanks before scarjo takes on T-Rex’s alongside Jonathan Bailey and Mersa Ali Sparks are flying with Channing Tatum in the new romantic dramedy Fly Me to the Moon excuse me what are you doing here I tracked you down because I felt we had a connection what I’m joking I work here now to sell the moon so what was your first memory of me I remember you in a pool of light a pool of light Po of light pool of Light Came streaming now I actually don’t remember wait this is a question for you yeah that’s what I was like I was like you can take it girl go run I’m I’m doing great at this uh my first impression of you on the movie was you uh getting fitted for one of the wigs that was that was wild it was not there yet let’s just say it looked like a bit of a raccoon on your head but um you know nothing against raccoons cuz that they can be in style but this one was like red was like a red raccoon situation you guys tamed it though you got there you yeah you definitely um I got a lot of pictures of it yeah you haunted me for the entire time there’s nothing like having your co-star’s like little pinky finger like sticking right up your like pulling your actual hair out I was like get away you don’t want to see how the sausage is made folks that’s that that’s key here that’s what we’re learning in the definitely not true story in theaters July 12th the pair are NASA employees tasked with staging a fake moon landing just in case the real thing goes wrong you’re a producer on this film um Colin um Jo has a cameo um did you make him audition and uh no he didn’t definitely didn’t an audition and Colin sometimes like I have to learn my lines obviously and I’ll run them with him which is great because somebody’s there to run them with um but he also like he acts he acts the other person’s part out and I don’t like that oh that’s that’s it I really don’t like it so if you’re acting against like I don’t know Emily Blunt does he put on like an English accent Maybe really yeah tell I feel like he played your part like very different than you and it was really annoying I was like stop it stop like being an it was just I don’t like that I just want him to read the lines all right uh what was the nicest part about including uh him on the movie fing um the nicest part about including him I mean I it’s always fun to work with him even like at SNL just to be like to see him in a different way Nick Fury from Shield do you not watch the movies I’m just kidding because you know we’re married and we live together so we don’t normally see each other in a professional capacity yeah so it’s just fun to be like on set and words he has one of the more interesting tones in the movie he’s it’s like very odd it is it’s such a little parachute into the movie that we just we’re just like yeah just keep it moving yeah I I mean even when we were doing it I was like where is this going I’m like are you using any of this as a producer I’m thinking like maybe like we’ve this is like is this a investment that we’ve made made and then s what’s going on really you know this is our third film together no but only the first time we get to share scenes what the mov is that true and he either I was working in that water tank for like the whole week which was brutal MH it was so wet I was so water logged like it was just I also had an insane like wig on and a full mermaid costume and I had a 2-month-old baby and so I just I felt so like swollen I just felt like wet and [Music] swollen damn it you have a whole crazy dancing like Jean Kelly esque I was so excited to get to work with the Cohen I get there and they’re like so tap dancing and I’m like huh I was like oh okay well cool I mean it was good good I’m sure I’ll work with you guys at some point and they’re like no we want you to do it I’m like I don’t do that uh so so wait did you have to learn how to tap dance yeah hey there whoa that seems very hard I thought if you just did the moves the sound came out I know it doesn’t look like that that doesn’t actually happen I barely got there my anxiety was through the roof that’s stressful yeah I was like two of the best directors in the world and I’m going to just blow it but you didn’t and then they were like oh yeah we want you to sing too I was like okay cool so you should just HED a whole different human we’ll be searching high and low on theck and down below oh that’s fun though it was fun no it wasn’t it gave you Ani no I hated it every second of have you ever faked a skill to land a job any job uh I did like a a movie um about soccer and I think I definitely it wasn’t about soccer I played soccer in it and I definitely LED on a little bit more that I could play soccer than I actually could but I pulled it off I was just like just cut away when I up right yeah I was like I’m just going to run and look really athletic and you guys just cut that that works what is a goal you still hope to accomplish I mean I guess I would like to learn another language at some point but I don’t know if that’s going to happen if you could pick any language what would be um I mean I’d take any language at this point but Pig Latin oh i a n k p say AK I so I actually do know and you know what I’ve accomplished all my goal you’ve already done it’s over okay in the film we have a meat cute at a diner where my character Kelly thinks Cole is using a bad pickup line Miss you’re on fire very original no I do not want to stop drop and roll with you no your book is on fire what’s a cheesy pickup line you’ve used or just a Cheesy line you’ve heard told I can’t imagine you using a cheesy pickup I just never was good at that I could never like I wasn’t clever like that there’s no way you I mean there’s the I’m only the standard one uh your feet tired you’ve been running through my mind all night yeah asking for a friend Colin going to get picked up on dog um imagine he’s just like ew stop all right go on spill the tea let’s see channeling your inner marketing PR Guru uh sell this movie in 20 seconds or less uh why should people see Fly Me to the Moon sell it in 20 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes guys put a little pitch together you guys I’ve got a 20 minute pitch um why should people go and see it do I mean we’re doing it right now right this is what you get you guys you get a full two hours of of this stupidity and raccoons apparently and some great weave work

Channing Tatum and Scarlett Johansson spill on their first impressions of each other and more. ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ is in theaters July 12.

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