The Neurosurgeon is High! | House M.D.

hello interesting factoid did you know that if we don’t have a neurosurgeon on the premises all the puppies in the world will choke to death on all the babies yeah you got a note from 13 so how come we don’t have like five neurosurgeons well we had three but uh Kapur retired and then Nichols just took off his daughter’s wedding my got good news for the next 16 hours you are the new neurosurgeon I’m not a neurosurgeon which would matter if you actually had to do some neurosurgery house it’s a hospital the odds of having to do NE surgery higher than in most places if an EMT calls in with a brain or spinal trauma just dive right into the nearest hospital all you got to do is stand around keep the ER open it’s an administrative problem not a medical one how where the hell are you great GL you’re on it everything okay Dr C’s phone keeps going directly to voicemail and I need to get a neurosurgeon to replace Dr Richardson for the day or else she’s screwed I’m a neurosurgeon no you’re not I’ve cut into people’s heads more often you did a residency in neurosurgery at the University of Melbourne but you were never board certified you’ve worked here two days how Dr C’s first assignment was for me to get to know everything about Dr House’s team and and not to believe anything any of them told me I’m not a neurosurgeon what C’s assistant decided to use his own brain he put that idiot idea into his head perhaps you could follow the same advice he notified dph that there’s no neurosurgeon on the premises said he legally had to which he legally had to sounds like he got the situation under control no I don’t you know I don’t when dph shows up they’re going to shut down our AR this can’t be fixed it is what it is house great I’ve got every faith in your ability to solve the problem I have called every neurosurgeon within a 45m radius nothing you think Al is just testing us he’s always testing us test or not it’s a problem it’s not our problem why the hell is it House’s problem where the hell is cuy we either report this and half the hospital gets shut down or we cover it up and run the risk that the entire Hospital gets shut down or we get Richardson he’s sick and we’re doctors we get people better fing Fong fuy look you’re the only neurosurgeon we’ve got you have to suck it up and go back to the hospital we’re not asking you to operate just to be there unless you can transport this toil toilet with me I’m not leaving the room I’ll get a bucket you’re missing the point I eat bad sushi I’m sick go away we can give you promethazine for the nausea already took it and methab benzamide maybe this isn’t food poisoning whatever it is it must have damaged the lining of his stomach till that heals nothing’s going to work so we need to treat both that and the nausea and whatever is wrong with him we give him unitron and prostag glandon and whatever is wrong with him neither of those to trade any possible underlying condition who cares he’s not our patient the hospital is I can hear you you’re pretty miserable aren’t you would you be willing to take a fairly risky drug if it would make it all go away you read the list of side effects on those drugs we could crash his BP I haven’t heard a thump so I assume he’s still quietly puking it could be making him worse bigger picture we’re making the hospital better we can test for whatever you want to test him for once he’s stable enough to get back to the hospital now stop being a girl and move so you can ask me about this Huntington’s trial and by ask I mean give me your opinion no that was one thing though will you have sex with me what well this TR mey leaving right away I was playing a long game deadlines have been moved up wow that stuff is good thank you can make it back to the hospital uh-huh that lamp is shiny I mean the way it shines is sh I take it this is one of the side effects of the drugs who cares let’s go how come I’ve never even met you guys you’re you’re like the greatest guys you know fluorescent lights flicker at the same frequency as the human brain you know the human brain doesn’t flicker it doesn’t take a brain surger to figure out that he can’t perform brain surgery what’s wrong with him high blood sugar he’ll be fine as soon as we rehydrate him that’s a relief thank God dph guy will be here in 20 minutes what is wrong with him high blood sugar you just said so Chase is running Labs right now the top two contenders are hepatitis and peptic ulcer disease is he better yep you’re lying to me again aren’t you yep then we’re screwed don’t we have to tell oh damn Dr Richardson’s prepping for surgery yeah I need to talk to him he’s prepping for surgery so you said I just need to confirm he is who you say he is and that he’s a licensed neurosurgeon well his his paperwork his Hospital ID is right there you can see to him I should still talk to him they’ve already scrubbed he’d have to be resterilized the patient’s anesthesia would have to be adjusted that why did you report he wasn’t here I must have misunderstood oh what what why is it so so hot in there oh Wood stock baby is he stoned no we’re pretty sure he oh I’m sure you have an explanation but I don’t care see you need to have a doctor on the premises who can actually do neurosurgery tell the attending to divert all ambulances away and start calling other hospitals to see who can take your St ized ICU patients those departments are shutting down the ER the ICU are half empty the place is crawling with suits it’s over you do know we still have a sick patient here right he’s the guy sitting right behind you taking off his clothes again uh who who whoa well uh why don’t you just sit down and and take it easy you should be coming down by now and yet I’m not what if his behavior isn’t a side effect of theond danc Tron what if it’s a symptom thank you what causes delirium and nausea he’s been stuck here in the hospital a few days nobody else is sick so it can’t be environmental not exactly stuck I snuck out freedom is my Birthright where did you go the seafood festival at the convention center we’re screwed Seafood Festival has stuff from all around the world in combinations nobody ever thought of we could be here all year you had shrimp uhhuh and crab Lobster uh-huh and I ate whatever look good did you eat any row little tiny eggs Namy towed eggs will cause nausea and they can get you high if I’m right the antidote is fast acting if we can get him to keep his clothes on long enough he can pass as a functioning neurosurgeon Mercy doesn’t have enough room in their ICU to handle the Overflow so don’t worry about it I believe you wanted to talk to Dr Richardson our NE surgeon I’m sorry that we met under such trying circum ances I hope you restore our rating as a level one trauma center and reopen the ER and the ICU immediately an accidental case of poisoning Dr Richardson has been treated and is ready to resume work touch your nose with your index finger and tell me how you treat a cerebral contusion uh I I I would watch for edema and trans tentorial herniation good enough turn it around you’re going to be up l L next time I find responsibility cake to thought we should have a little party to see you off properly you get sentimental about these things I never should have flashed him speaking of which earlier today I asked you about having sex he gave me a look that almost certainly could only me know however on the other hand I’d be remiss if I didn’t follow up and confirm see it’s the same look so if it didn’t mean know the first time then no no no no no no pressure does that method ever work at least once um um getting make signals see you at the cake [Music]

There’s a crisis at the hospital as the only neurosurgeon is sick and the team is left trying to solve the problem without House and through experimental methods.

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From Season 7 Episode 1 ”Now What?”: House (Hugh Laurie) and Cuddy (Lisa Edelstein) explore their feelings toward each other amid a crisis at the hospital: the threatened loss of its Level 1 status as a trauma center because the only available neurosurgeon (George Wyner) is sick. The diagnosis of the doctor’s illness is difficult, but House doesn’t offer to help. Meanwhile, Thirteen (Olivia Wilde) has a request for House.

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  1. As someone who has ondansetron on a regular basis, the premise of it causing these side effects is beyond hilarious 😂 Or maybe he just got the good stuff…

  2. Chase has slept with at least a hundred women, three of which in one night, and has literally murdered a president, but he's still a harmless bloke to me 😂

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