Lady Gaga blamed by P Diddy

Lady Gaga is about to play a psycho in Joker 2 but now she’s being called out by a real life psycho with P didy blaming her right now pidy has massive legal issues where he’s being accused of both sexual assault and sex trafficking of women how while he’s normally been able to protect himself with expensive lawyers he was just dropped by his Law Firm grub and Shire misales and sacks pedes went out to the public claiming that the reason that law firm dropped him was they also represent Lady Gaga and she said she’d leave them as a client if they didn’t drop him the Lady Gaga has made her defense that saying she didn’t ask the law firm to drop P’s a client and hasn’t spoken to them in months because unlike him she doesn’t legal issues it’s not clear if Lady Gaga is telling the truth about that because there were some leaked emails from the company that showed that they were leaving because Lady Gaga was the first one to threaten but at the same time those emails also showed they were afraid most of their clients including Lady Gaga were going to leave and they’d lose millions of dollars in business from it the other Factor was the law firm just didn’t believe P did he had a chance of winning the case and would look bad on the law firm to have him lose Lady Gaga she hasn’t got involved that much publicly because it’s not really her case but she did say she believes the victims but P should just blame himself and with Adam Charles Pro please subscribe to learn something


  1. Honestly props to her for giving them an ultimatum. It's nice to see celebrities use their power for good, even if it isn't very often.

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