North West REVEALS How Kim Kardashian EXPLOITS Her

nobody has stayed as loyal to the Kardashians as their controversies since the beginning Kim has gained popularity for the wrong reasons from allegations of leaking her own inappropriate videos with Ray J to creating Shady businesses seems like every step that Kim takes has controversies associated with it but this time things are messed up even more as the allegations are huge guess what Kim is accused of this time and this includes allegations of exploiting her own daughter and no other than Northwest has allegedly exposed Kim Kardashian’s dark secrets but what are North’s allegations what has Kim done this time and even more importantly what is Kanye’s reaction we are exactly going to discuss that in today’s video so make sure you stick around until the end so that you don’t miss a juicy detail before diving in subscribe to my channel to stay updated with all the Hollywood gossip let’s rewind and take a look at Kim’s history there have been numerous attempts by Kim to seek attention in public and the Kardashians have a history of creating controversies to gain attention she promoted and partnered with brands that were no good to society and she has been sued a lot of times for that she has undergone a lot of surgeries promoting a beauty standard that is not healthy at all overall Kim has made countless attempts and has made sure to do anything to get famous her controversial marriage with Kanye in 2014 was covered by all the media outlets at the time even when Kim was pregnant with North she had the eyes of the media by her side everyone wanted to cover the celebrity’s pregnancy things didn’t change much after North was born Kim’s Union with Kanye welcomed four children their divorce had the most effect on their eldest daughter after the divorce the children stayed with Kim yet they were allowed to meet their dad Kim being the celebrity she is stays with a lot of Fame she doesn’t have time for her children and as stated by North they are basically being raised by nannies as you can guess North does not appreciate nannies and has made their work hard yet Kim has made attempts to make North stay with her but it seems like all her attempts are going in vain North has made it clear that she would much rather stay with her dad rather than stay with Kim can you imagine Kim has successfully tried to use her for fame too recording a child against her will taking her to Red Carpet Events and celebrity parties and she even created a Tik Tok account with her and while this may seem like an innocent thing let me tell you it’s not Kim has calculated it all behind the scenes and only allowed her to do it because she knows that she can monetize it she has crossed all the lines and once again proved that she can do anything if it gets her Fame and money North has made it clear that she doesn’t like being clicked by Paparazzi and neither does she appreciates staying with her mother as a child North has lost all sense of boundaries and has no respect for people around her this can be seen online in the past North has bashed her Elders siblings and friends what may portray North as a bad child is clearly another sign of North crying out for help and recently there have been rumors coming up that Kim took her daughter to Diddy’s party as we are aware now Diddy’s parties are not at all meant for kids now Kanye is trying his best to get kids on his side and according to some insiders Kanye has recently registered a case in child protection services against Kim he has claimed that North is not the right care for north and that she is using North for her own good Kanye has even acknowledged that Kim is potentially putting North in danger the idea of kids being raised by nannies doesn’t seem to fit right with Kanye as he has been vocal about his preference for family over nannies Kanye has even alleged that nannies are jeopardizing North’s well-being it is widely believed that Kim is not a right parent as she does not know how to go about raising kids and her kids mental well-being recently there has been some controversy surrounding North’s appearances as she can be seen wearing heavy makeup fake lashes and nails as you can imagine fans are not happy about this several fans and critics took over the media expressing their concern and disapproval for a child being allowed to do that while some have even raised arguments regarding North’s right to enjoy childhood without pressures implying that she should be allowed to wear makeup and do whatever she wants neither Kim nor Kanye as parents have taken any steps regarding this matter there have been pictures all over the Internet of north where she can be seen wearing heavy makeup on several different occasions the pictures show North in a light full of Glamour but is it even right for a child to be raised in such Glamour the same question has been raised as there have been concerns about people doing weird pictures with North’s pictures this creates a problem in society as young girls get influenced by these celebrities and move towards premature maturity and what they are not aware of is the underlying problem of some men who are potentially a threat online another threat this sort of influence brings is a superficial Beauty standard that is being set in society we let these celebrities take over our minds and our concept of beauty and we get caught in a bubble of beauty standards anyone at any age can get under the influence of these unattainable beauty standards even North as a young child is caught in this trap as she is too young to understand what suits her best and what doesn’t but Kim can totally understand this she knows that it is her moral responsibility towards her daughter as someone from the industry Kim knows that this industry does no good to a child’s mental health she knows that it is not good for North as it is going to take a toll on her development and self-esteem this is directly putting her on risk of exposing North to adult Concepts at such a young age what seems questionable to everyone is the fact that Kim is not doing anything at all to stop this from happening these questionable choices aren’t new for Kim rather than stopping North from using social media she uses North as her own prop to get more followers online this causes a bad impact of growing up in the public eye on a child’s development and self-image a child’s way of perceiving things a 10-year-old should be focusing on making friends playing games and creating memories while it is the opposite as in the case of North some argue that North should be allowed to make her decisions but guys hold on a second should someone be allowed to make big decisions for themselves at that age there can be varying opinions on this but we can all agree that there needs to be ground rules and boundaries when dealing with kids as body image that one creates at this age sticks for a long time due to this very problem Kanye had set up a no makeup rule which restricted North from wearing makeup so there were some some boundaries when Kanye was around after all this North has made her preferences clear and she has decided that she wants to stay with her dad even after Kim and Kanye’s divorce North was inclined to Kanye’s lifestyle in a video recently Kim commented that every time North comes home after staying with Kanye she says that Kanye has it all figured out and that she loves the Simplicity of his apartment which lacks the staff security and amenities of Kim’s lavish home she seems to appreciate Kanye’s more Hands-On parenting Style which includes cooking meals like Ramen noodles for her her likings totally resonate with that of Kanye in contrast Kim’s household is run by nanni and staff which North appears to find less desirable recently Kanye went on a trip to Saudi Arabia which was meant for only daddy daughter time sources claimed that North refused to leave Kanye’s side when he was in Saudi Arabia further demonstrating her strong attachment to her father and her unwillingness to be separated from him this trip was different from Kanye’s usual international travels with his wife Bianca Torri which often focus on high-profile events and performances the trip was seen as a bonding experience for Kanye and North with the rapper sharing moments of intimacy and connection with his daughter Kanye has gone a step ahead with his views on Kim’s parenting after reporting to the CPS he has reportedly shared his concerns with close ones he genuinely believes that Kim is using North as a prop for her social media and career which gets her more Fame according to Kanye letting North attend Red Carpet Events and even North’s social media preference is a mere attempt to create better PR for Kim reports suggest that Kanye’s claims are not baseless since Kim has done exactly what has benefited her her PR includes encouraging North’s rude Behavior her red carpet pictures and even North’s social media appearances they are all planned planned in a way that directly brings Kim capital gains increase of views and followers an Insider Source from the Kardashian family has revealed that Kim’s Indulgence has always been materialistic things anything and everything appeals to her if it brings her more Fame and luxury Kim’s social presence with her daughter is a part of her strategy during the show’s airing the Kardashians a source closely associated with nannies said they were strictly instructed not to be around when the cameras are recording indicating Kim does not want the world to see that nannies and caretakers are raising her kids over time she has only relied on nannies to upbringing her kids she is allegedly spending over $100,000 a month on nannies Kanye has also claimed that Kim is trying to manage everything solo and trying to replace the parental role of a father in their kids lives he said this because apparently Kim has hired a new male nanny for the kids as she wants to ensure that there is a male figure present to replace the role of a father the same Insider Source claimed that Kim does this because she has long work hours she even has to be on trips associated with work since Kim is always busy with her schedule she does not spend a lot of time with her kids and this idea does not resonate with North as she clearly wants Kim’s love and attention Kanye has clearly revolted Kim’s idea of parenting and this went a step further when he mentioned it in his song in the song titled easy Kanye wrapped about watching the kids for hours and implied that they are being raised by nannies and cameras rather than their real family he wrote I got love for the nannies but real family is better the cameras watch the kids y’all stop taking the credit all right Kanye also mentioned that he bought a house next door implying he is a non-custodial dad a source close to Kim said that she is hurt by Kanye’s comments as she feels he is airing their personal life and custody issues in public the Source explained that of course Kim has nannies as she is juggling her career dating life and raising four young children after this drama fan started questioning Kim’s work schedule and priorities priorities must include her career and personal life and when you have four kids you have to make a balance between things what must be noted is the fact that on occasions when Kim is caught on camera with her kids she seems like she has no authority over them and there is a lack of attachment as North is beginning to grow up and realize she has started to align with kany idea of being a parent and has a clear realization of the absence of her father’s role in life North is perceived as a rebellious child due to her straightforward rude behavior and overall personality Kim has even mentioned this during her interviews and often portrayed herself as a victim of North’s insensitive Behavior but you may Wonder now how many of her allegations are actually true it is believed North has protested against Kim’s focus on social media and her focus on her followers over her family North has made it clear that she only wants a simple family she has a clear preference for her dad’s simpler apartment lifestyle than her mom’s luxury Mansion lifestyle as I mentioned earlier North seems to appreciate Kanye’s more Hands-On parenting style which includes giving quality time to family in contrast to Kanye’s approach Kim has no time for her personal life even when kids are at home they’re surrounded by cameras all the time which displeases all of them especially North as she Longs for family time without the presence of Staff nannies and crew all of this shows that the kids are suffering inside as their mom is constantly exposing them on social media reality shows and interviews fans and critics resonated with North’s decisions understanding her preference to stay at Kanye’s Place Kim Kardashian’s supporters understood her choices to prioritize her career while some have defended her on EX formerly known as Twitter calling out north for her behavior towards her mother on the other hand some are even concerned for North’s safety around Kanye stating that the presence of Kanye isn’t right for her due to his controversial past while I do get Kim has made huge mistakes as a parent is it safe to say kids are safe with Kanye with the recent scandals surrounding him I’m not too sure but I’m interested in knowing what you guys think about the situation should we hold Kim accountable for North’s Behavior even more importantly should kids be allowed to stay with Kanye let me know down in the comments and with that being said thanks for watching and until next time

Kim Kardashian just found herself in another Drama – and this time no other than her own daughter, North West, decided to expose her for exploiting her own daughter.

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