Which Brings Me To You film premiere with Nat Wolff, Lucy Hale and Peter Hutchings

you’re my Glen pow Glen Powell’s going to come find you put you on an airplane it’s not true that’s what I can say but you should totally post that of nat saying that and see what he exactly right we’re going to start a a social media battle right here I love it well Lucy You’ said that you’re in your romcom era that’s sort of what you’ve been saying in interviews I’ve been seeing them for years now I guess it’s just like who I am I I love these movies I’ve always loved them I grew up watching them there’s something about them and Peter we were just talking about this um not backstage in the wherever were back there we were talking about how we just want to make movies that people come revisit and I think that’s such a beautiful way to look at romcoms cuz they are the ones you want to watch hopefully over and over again right you’ll see this movie you’re gonna go see it every day next week right this Friday and over the weekend Saturday Sunday right exactly well let’s talk about this this romcom in particular what Drew you to it what was the what was the thing that interested you I think I answered this question last time I want to hear your answer he looked right at you when he asked do you want me to I’ll I’ll answer first com wor R yes of course of course of course um other than working with Nat and then working with Peter Peter and I did The Hating game with each other a couple of years ago and Peter’s the best so I wanted to work with him but I also just loved this story I loved the book I loved that the movie kind of starts where other romcoms end like they hook up at the beginning and you’re just like okay well what’s the rest of the movie going to be like but but we got to play all different versions of ourself and we got to um just be different versions of our character which you don’t always get to see usually you’re just with the current version of whatever you’re playing so and it was Nat’s idea to intercept the flashbacks which was like a last minute script change but now I’m hearing it your mom’s idea does that need script credit now is that what’s happening no I just not idea but apparently it was your mom I feel like I’m getting put on blast Q&A I thought it was going to be a friendly Q&A and it seems like it’s a brawl tell us here’s what I’ll say the reason why I wanted to do yeah the reason why I wanted to do the movie is to work with Lucy who I’ve been a fan of for a million years and she’s incredible and she is the romcom queen and I haven’t done a romcom since I was like slamming lockers you know and had a backpack on and like every romcom I did was like are we going to go to prom together um so I was happy to have a daughter and to be a person that was my age not that I have a daughter but it was was nice to this is a good time to announce tonight yeah right exactly bring her out um and uh Peter I knew I met Peter when I was 15 I did my first movie and he was working on it and um he was actually working on it as an assistant and now he’s a BigTime director and I was excited to work with him so give it up for Peter yeah Peter let’s BR you in here so obviously you’re also in your ROM Kam you’ve directed a few uh what what’s the secret to casting in particular casting Lucy and Nat for this one for example I mean well I was Lucy’s idea that’s true this on can you hear me um I mean these these two are just so fantastic and wonderful like that was saying we go way back and I’d always you know I’ve been following his career and just love uh his trajectory and the choices that he’s been making and when Lucy and I you know we finished a hating G we were looking for something to do together again I had read the script years ago and uh and I just LED these characters and um this opportunity to tell this story about empathy and listening and and conversation and uh and so when she came on and uh you know she had the idea to to go to net and it was just a perfect match and then but we knew we had to spend some time so we spent months together um really workshopping the script and working on these characters and by the time we got to day one it was like you know like Lucy mentioned earlier the first day of shooting the literally the second scene we shot was the two of them in the co closet the first scene we shot together yeah Peter thought it was this fun fun thing to say we’re putting you in the coat closet but I was excited that was sto I was secretly from Walkers to coat closet that’s right but I think that work that uh that we had done together in PR really paid off there because from the first frame the two of you together it was magic as a director do you have a particular way way of uh Ure of getting the two stars on the same page chemistry-wise do you have like uh assignments you have them do uh you know assments did you give us Peter he had us live together for six months a lot of trust Falls um no I mean you know the two of them are are such pros and you know it was really about working with each of them on their own on their character and and then I I really think that you know this time that we spent the three of us together I they the two of you knew each other a little bit I don’t know if you want to tell that that story The Secret take it away more I tell the story The creepier it gets the more we don’t quite get the reaction we want to get I know that people were like that’s kind of like internet stalking okay we met at the we told this story a few times today um we met at the 201 14 Teen Choice Awards it’s a really prestigious Awards I was like they give out a surfboard in Li of an award and I um tweeted it’s creep I tweeted about Nat 28 a.m. in the night at like 2 a.m. I was like Nat wolf might be the cutest and he the might really pissed me off but he responded with I liked your speech and um and I was like okay cool uh that didn’t really go how I thought and then I was in a relationship and that was a girlfriend approved Tweet back yes so so he was loyal and that’s great a couple years later I worked with your brother Alex well a couple years later I saw you in hiking on Fryman and I was so excited because it said it said on Twitter you know you said that I might be the cutest so then I waved at you I said hey Lucy and she just looked at me and kind of scared and kept walking that is completely true literally don’t believe anything first of all stepping on my punchline second of all it’s completely true anyway and here we are and we made a movie fast forward that was your assignment trying to see reconstruct your history I like it there we go well want to call it the scene the amusement park because that’s a great scene I think one of the best scenes in the movie and I think everyone I would want to would want to have their own amusement park to themselves so tell me a little bit about that scene and finding that location and being able to have the run of the place does it actually run down so no no it’s not so so that scene actually if you remember was originally set at a lighthouse you remember that that would have been as good yes I do remember talking this is which brings me to you and you played Will here with it so you know as soon as getting really late as soon as the two of them were were on board the first thing I did was start looking for these locations because I knew that the locations were like the third character in this story there was just really so important for telling the story and so I found in in the bay shore in New Jersey just this everything that I was looking for and they had a great Lighthouse but it ended up being on like state property that we couldn’t shoot on and so I in in my process every day I was driving back and forth and seeing this amusement park and then one day I was just like oh why don’t we just was it still active it it was but we illegally shoot there no permit because what if he get taken out in handcuffs well we shot in September October so in the season yeah did you guys ride any of the rides in between takes like look like okay I wasn’t tall enough remember yeah the rock tug The Rock and tug was that a prop or was it really called that that was real that’s weird all right interesting name it’s in Jersey remember so Nat you mentioned earlier about the what we find out about your character in the third act that he has a daughter he doesn’t mention that earlier that’s a you know it’s a big bomb to drop on someone how did you feel about that particular platus how did you how did how did you lay or building up to that scene where the Revelation I loved it because I thought that the whole movie was you know people forgiving themselves for their past relationships and that was their way of connecting and I like this idea that there’s this thing that shouldn’t be shameful of having this beautiful daughter that he loves but for some reason in his romantic World it becomes something that he’s ashamed of and then through meeting this wonderful Lucy hail he realizes you know that this is actually it kind of is the most redeeming part of him um so I found the character Redeemed by the end in a really beautiful way I love that that phone call scene so sweet that’s like one of my favorite scenes that I’m not in just as a as a fan of the movie yeah you can say that well Luc

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