Red One | Official Trailer | Dwayne Johnson, Chris Evans, Lucy Liu, J. K. Simmons (2024)

497 498 499 500 let’s go heavy got it looking strong Nick go brush your shoulders off red one is on the Move evening ladies what are you so excited about of course your boyfriend’s here okay okay who’s with red reach someone took Nick we’re going to find him I’m bringing in Jack omali he’s probably the best tracker in the world the guy’s a legend what am I doing here last night red one also known as St Nicholas of Myra was abducted from the North Pole complex are you saying Santa Claus has been kidnapped you what the hell you can’t trust this guy he’s on the list you don’t mean yes that list nl4 are you telling me this clown is a level four naughty Lister a level four naughty Lister oh is that funny to you hey hey you’re going to help us find Nick come on let’s go grab a car for what you don’t have a Wonder Woman AC figure do you it’s not how it works come on there is much in here that is not of the natural world who’s that Krampus what are they doing they’re playing crapy slop I think if you don’t need me here I might just go back to the car we need to prepare for the possibility of no Christmas there’s worse ways to go out than trying to save Santa Claus we got snowman that was so disturbing a h interesting my turn oh my [Music] God is my face still there yeah yeah you look good

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US Release Date: November 15, 2024
Starring: Dwayne Johnson, Chris Evans, Lucy Liu, J. K. Simmons
Directors: Jake Kasdan
Synopsis: After a shocking abduction from the North Pole, the Commander of the E.L.F. Task Force must partner with the world’s most infamous bounty hunter to save Christmas.

#ChristmasMovie #DwayneTheRockJohnson #ChrisEvans #LucyLiu #JKSimmons

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