Rashida Jones & Hidetoshi Nishijima interview on Sunny

hi there I’m Sarah from the upcoming such a pleasure to be able to speak to you today how are you good nice wallpaper oh thank you thanks um absolutely love the show I mean it’s such an original blend of kind of this mystery thriller um you know really pertinent questions being raised about our relationship with technology how we deal with grief and loss but then there’s this kind of comedic tone that undercuts it all when you first read the script what really jumped out to you and why did you want to be involved rash do you want to go first just exactly what you said which is um these big these sort of big hardto tackle Concepts that we’re all we’re all sort of staring down the barrel facing in our lives um loss isolation grief and doing it in a comic way and doing it kind of in this like heightened hyper realistic you know super realistic near futuristic version of Japan I think it’s like a it was just it felt like a great way to tackle things that I are pretty honest and important to me well for me I thought thought it was a very contemporary theme I think um being lonely used to be something very difficult but with the Advent of technology I feel like now um being alone feels quite comfortable to a lot of people uh so how do we sort of break our um shell and then connect to each other I think the story speaks to that and the story is also about a robot but ultimately it’s about what H who who are humans what why do we live what do we live for and it’s about our soul that’s what I uh thought was intriguing I loved and I wanted to be part of it just some little questions about what it means to be human you know coming to your specific characters I mean masida Susie does just go on this real Journey um and obviously you know she’s processing what she’s been through you know she’s very she has a lot of reservations about you know interacting with sunny but you know a lot of that you know is overcome on during the course of the series how did you approach Susie how did you get under the skin of her did you return to the book um how did you see her I was sort of like told to stay in the world of the show so I I did and didn’t go to the book but um yeah I mean I think like like I’ve always done I try to pull from my own life and the things that that ring true to me and you know if it’s things I haven’t experience like you know having a husband that secretly was designing robots that it might be might be morally compromised I have to just like sort of emotionally imagine what it would be like to to just feel like somebody I loved and trusted so much that I let in and it’s like one of the very few people I’ve LED in in my life was actually up to something completely different and then I think you know actually when you were saying that I was thinking oh wait like Susie’s Journey with sunny is kind of like our journey with AI like a collective Journey where it’s like we’re all very suspicious not into it it’s like telling us how easy and efficient it is to use and we’re like don’t come into our house and then we’re probably going to end up caving to it and really liking it and then who knows it may be dangerous or not we’ll see and hosi playing matter I mean obviously you know such a pivotal role in how the the whole series unfolds how did you approach this character and I guess despite having worked on lots of different things I believe this is your first Western project so was that in and of itself a new experience for you at the beginning I looked at Mara and he’s gone missing and so we see him in su’s flashbacks as you know this very tender father husband and I thought it was going to be these Beautiful Moments and then actually I hadn’t read the whole script uh you know till the the last episode so SCP was a surprise just like uh it is for the viewers I would be discovering who he is and so he’s such an enigma uh and we see sort of different sides of him as the story and folds and so I kind of went with the story that’s how I uh created the character and working in English I didn’t find it difficult and that’s because at the beginning um we had a a reading um with Rashida and the producers Lucy on zoom and we already giggling and laughing as we working together and it was it felt so organic and spontaneous and I can feel that as a performer she would uh take in whatever happen spontaneous there and use that in a performance and that’s something I stve for as well and I heard also felt her huge heart to as a human being so the fact that it was English didn’t really feel like a challenge oh thank you that’s so nice thank you thank you so much for sharing all that with me and I really can’t wait for everyone else to watch Sunny thanks a lot thank you so much you so nice to chat to you thank you bye

Rashida Jones & Hidetoshi Nishijima interview on Sunny

Interviewer: Sarah Bradbury
Editing: Olivia Barker

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