Selena Gomez Makes Jimmy Her Special Texas Popcorn | Fallon Flashback (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon)

-Please welcome one of our faves. Selena Gomez, everybody! [ Cheers and applause ] -♪ Happy birthday ♪ ♪ Happy birthday, baby, oh ♪ ♪ I love you so ♪ ♪ 18 candles ♪ -Thank you. -It’s someone’s birthday tomorrow. -Thank you. -Happy birthday. -Thank you very much. -18 years old. -I know! -18 tomorrow. Wow, that’s a big year. -That’s kind of weird. -Yeah. Is it? -I feel old. [ Laughs ] -No. Oh, my gosh, you shouldn’t feel old. Geez. But what, are you excited to be 18? -Yeah. -That’s a big year, isn’t it? -Yeah, my stepdad said nothing is going to change, though. -It kind of bummed you out? -He’s like, "Yeah, same dating rules, same curfew." I was like, "Alright." -Yeah, same curfew. Yeah. Now, I understand you have a treat that you want me to try here? -Yes. -You brought me something. No, it’s called Texas… Texas popcorn. -This is my version of Texas popcorn. Yes. -Okay, now we have a bag of popcorn. -Okay. -Alright, I have a bowl. -Okay. -I have a tray with hot sauce. What is this here? -Pickle juice. -Pickle juice. -And Tabasco. -Alright. Very, very good. Salt, pickle juice, Tabasco sauce. Alright. -Now, the pickle juice is optional, so you don’t have to use it, but basically, you get Tabasco sauce, okay? And it depends on if you like it hot. And my family does. So, then you put a lot in the bag. -Okey-doke. -You just tell me when to stop and I’ll… -I would probably stop. -Okay. [ Laughter ] And then you put salt in it. -Yeah. That’s good for me. -And then mix it up like this. -Yeah. Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it. -Mm-hmm. Then you eat it, and then you dip it in the pickle juice. -You dip it in the pickle juice? -Yes. -So, one at a time. -Yes. -I haven’t eaten one popcorn kernel at a time since I was 18. -Do this and then dip it. -Oh, okay. So, you get like a bunch, right? I’m going to try it with the pickle juice. -You ever noticed that I always eat on talk shows? I eat a lot. -You do. -Yeah. -Well, that’s alright. You can do that. So let me just dip this in here. Here we go. -It’s really good. -That’s really phenomenal, by the way. It’s my new favorite popcorn. -You’re lying, but thank you. -I swear, I really like it a lot. It’s fantastic. -Thank you. -Last time you were here, I made you spit gum out of your mouth and catch it. -I know. I’m such a class act. [ Laughter ] I really am. -You really are. Oh, come on. It was the best. Can you catch popcorn in your mouth? -Let’s try it. You have to do it, though, too. -Alright. -Ready? One, two, three. [ Cheers and applause ] -That feels good. We both did it, first time. -We are so accomplished people. -Oh, my God. We are so classy. [ Laughter ] I got to talk about — you have a clothing line. You’re very, very busy. You have a clothing line out. -Yes. -Dream Out Loud? -Mm-hmm. -It’s in Kmart stores everywhere, right? -Yes, exclusively sold at Kmart. -And look at you on the cover of "Women’s Wear Daily." -Thank you. -Look at you, looking adorable. [ Cheers and applause ] That’s a big — that’s a big paper. That’s a big weekly thing for fashion. If you got the cover of that, that means you’re in. -I was extremely honored. I really love — I really am passionate about it. I love my clothes. And they’re all really affordable. That tunic right there that I’m wearing is actually only $12.99. -Really? -And the hat that I’m wearing is only $8. So, I just really — -I wore this yesterday. [ Laughter ] -I just really wanted to make stuff that was fun for my fans and easy. -How cool is that? You entrepreneur, you. It’s so good. Yeah, because you got that, you’re on tour as well. You’re working on another record, and now "Ramona and Beezus." -Yes. -Now, this is based on Beverly Cleary books. I knew those books growing up. I don’t think she’s ever made her stories into a movie. -No, no, no. These books have been around for over 50 years, and Beverly Cleary never wanted to make a movie. And they fought for, like, 10 years or so to get this made into a project. And the reason why she actually decided to make this a movie was because she wanted to be around while it was made into a film, because she’s 93 years old, and she made a cameo in the movie. -No way! -Yeah. So, it was an honor to bring these books to life for the first time. -You’re great in it. And the girl who plays Ramona is fantastic as well. -She’s so sweet. -Yeah. -And what is her name? -Her name is Joey King, and she’s 10 years old. -10 years old, Joey King. -Yes. -And she’s good. And does she ever ask you for advice? Like, because you were a child actor, and she probably asked you. -I actually ask her for advice. -You get it from her? -Yes. -From Joey? Really? -Yeah. -Like what? -Like personally — Like, I went through a breakup before I went to shoot the movie, and I got asked out on a date. So, I went on a date, and the next day she comes up to me and she goes, "Sweetie, don’t you think it’s a little too soon to be dating? I mean, you just got your heart broken." I was like…and then she goes, "You seem a little desperate." I was like, "Oh, my gosh!" -Really? -I know! She was like, "You need to let him call you over…" But she’s 10 years old! -Yeah, it’s like — -Oh, my gosh! Okay. -It’s like, "Hold on. I got to take this call from my agent." -But she was right. I listened to her. -That is so cute. That’s awesome. -She’s very sweet. -Yeah, I heard you saying backstage she’s like a little Yoda. -She is. -That’s it. -I’m not kidding. She is. -Just ’cause of the good advice all around? -She’s great. -We have a clip from the film here. "Ramona and Beezus." Selena Gomez. -Royal peanut butter. There’s a bit of magic in every jar. -Is that one of your favorites? That’s the racket we got to get you into ’cause those TV kids make millions. -Beezus, do you think I could be in a commercial like that? -Sure. You’d make a great frog. -Hey! -Hold still. I’m almost done. -It’s a picture perfect, right? -Let’s be realistic, Ramona. This is a curling iron, not a magic wand. But all things considered, I’d say you’ve never looked better. -There you go. See? Taken care of. I love it. [ Applause ] Selena Gomez, our good pal.

Selena Gomez talks about celebrating her 18th birthday, shows Jimmy how to make her special version of Texas popcorn and discusses getting advice from Joey King while filming Ramona and Beezus (Original Air Date: July 21, 2010 – Late Night with Jimmy Fallon).

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Selena Gomez Makes Jimmy Her Special Texas Popcorn | Fallon Flashback (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon)



  1. ich denke, das ist das Das beste Video, das ich je gesehen habe. Ich denke, das ist wirklich das beste Video, das ich je gesehen habe. Ich denke, es ist wirklich das beste Video, das ich je gesehen habe Dieses Video ist großartig, Du machst sie immer besser💖💖💖

  2. Wow. Fourteen years ago.. so much has changed. She's in her early thirties, Jimmy is 51 or 52, and the host of the Tonight Show, which is now in New York. Time flies.

  3. wow, what an amazing interview!
    Selena would have turned 18 the next day, time passes so quickly…😀
    however she is always the same, success at an early age doesn't seem to have changed her and she is very cute and nice on every occasion!😉☺️

  4. To make your popcorn, more healthy, take a lunch, brown paper bag and regular popcorn kernels and put them in the microwave without any butter Boy Scout

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