‘So Racist You Had to Go See a Therapist’: Camila Cabello Gets Shut Down with Reminders of Her Racist Past After Hopping Into Drake’s Beef

Posted by bjack20


  1. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwqB1XtvYJ8jwUE|downsized)

    You should have just sat there and ate your food, Camilla 🤷🏼‍♀️

  2. New_Brother_1595 on

    What’s the source for that alleged normani insult because it’s wild

  3. oh yikes. She could’ve just said nothing but she had to defend her lame ass pedo friend and I’m glad people are letting her have it.

    Also wtf is this

    > You’re like, ‘Dang, if only you guys could just have dinner or something.’”

    LOL as if a dinner would change Drake from being a wack groomer clown and Kenny would all of a sudden stop hating him.

    This girl is a straight up idiot, on top of being racist.

  4. BowToLadyDiplomat on

    She is really embarrassing. Camilla has no dog in this fight, she isn’t a part of the culture or the genre (rap), she has a racist past where she has degraded black people (the very ones fighting Drake over his own questionable culture-vulture behavior) and she isn’t even talented or relevant enough for her opinion to matter, sorry. All she is looking for is free attention and PR for her poorly reviewed and received album.

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