Are those Dany’s Dragon eggs? (House of the Dragon)

are those Danny’s dragon eggs in House of the Dragon if so what’s the fourth one and how do they make their way over to Dany 170 years later and why does it matter anyway because there are some big implications to all this hi everyone this is Robert welcome to in deep Keek we’re covering House of the Dragon in full on this channel as well as on my live stream channel idg live welcome in episode three of season 2 of House of the Dragon rira gives her stepdaughter reer four dragon eggs to take to the veil with her and the three youngest members of the family Joffrey aegon and viseris Eagle eyed viewers immediately noticed that three of them the green the gold and the reddish black were very similar in color a bit brighter perhaps though age can dull many things to the three that Dany had many years later that hatched into drogon Regal and vieran this was confirmed by the director of the episode G vant Patel who revealed in an interview with Mashable that those are daenerys’s eggs all of us who work on this show were Big Game of Thrones fans so it was very exciting to shoot that scene indeed exciting but also a bit of a surprise to many book readers as there has been since far and blood was published in 2018 a wellestablished consensus that Danny’s dragon eggs made their way over to OS a few decades earlier in the year 54 AC in the hands of Alyssa farman Alysa farman is one of the more more intriguing and fun characters in Fire and Blood heavily hinted to be the lover of Raina Targaryen that’s the granddaughter of Aon the Conqueror not the Raina we know from House of the Dragon she also held a burning desire to explore the world and discover what was west of westos after a tumultuous and rather complex relationship she left rer and Dragonstone to do just that in order to pay for the ship she would need she stole three dragon eggs and sold them to the Sea Lord of braavos this caused quite the Diplomatic incident as King jeris was very keen for the targaryens to keep their Monopoly over dragons but those eggs did not hatch and Alyssa farman did get to sail west and the whole thing eventually blew over the language hints in the text and The Coincidence of three dragon eggs being in OS convinced many myself included that those three were the most likely candidates to be Danny’s it was never 100% confirmed by George ARA Martin but as good a hint as we were likely to get but then came the reveal in House of the dragon at which point we should be clear that in George ARA Martin’s mind there are two separate cannons in play here book Cannon and show Cannon he tries to keep the two as close as possible but obviously doesn’t have complete control over what happens in the show so sometimes even in shows that are trying to stay close to the source material like House of the Dragon there will be differences if you want to see him explain his views on this I can can only recommend the interview he did with history of West Ross a couple of years ago he’s really quite clear he’s trying to keep show and book Cannon as close as possible but ultimately they are two separate things so this being true in show Cannon doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true in the books in fact it almost certainly can’t be true in the books unless there are some unexpected twists and turns to come because what happens in the dance of the dragons in the books is that Raina takes three eggs with her to the V not four she’s accompanied by Joffrey but not Aon and viseris viserys’s egg stays with him on Dragonstone until he set sail on the Cog the gay abandon set for pentos and well that’s another story we’re told that in the veil Raina prayed over those eggs daily and eventually one of them hatched into the dragon morning which bonded with Raina and grew well and strongly over the next few years until until well again that’s another story and one that Georgia ra Martin has yet to tell us so in the books one of the three eggs that went to the veil hatched into mourning leaving only two so they can’t be Danny’s three we aren’t told what happened to the other two but there’s no reason to believe that they made their way to OS more evidence that Alysa farman’s eggs are the ones that we should focus on in the show we haven’t covered that part of Wester Rosy history with Alyssa farman and haven’t heard any plans to so I understand the desire to use those eggs that went to the veil to make a link forward to the main Game of Thrones Story and there’s undoubtedly a strong emotional level to Rea saying that rer and those eggs bear the hopes of House Targaryen for their future that hope may have to last a long time but it undoubtedly survived through to Daenerys incidentally we’re told in the show that the fourth egg in that group is vieres and Raina is given clear instruction to take all of the eggs over to even greater safety in pentos when she can might that for egg become morning in the show if so why would it bond with Raina rather than viseris or will all four eggs go on ships over to esos Sony to be intercepted by the triarchy and split up or perhaps they will conflate raina’s story with Nettles at the time of writing this video there are a lot of unknowns but presumably those three will somehow make it over to pentos or elsewhere in OS then pass through who knows how many hands before yio gives them to Dany by which time they will be thought of as ancient artifacts rather than eggs that might hatch 170 years is a long time for an egg not to hatch but why does all this matter surely dragon eggs are just dragon eggs the important point is that Dany managed to hatch some dragons all that time later not to nerdily obsess over exactly which eggs they were well yes and no yes the important Point obviously is that Dany hatched some dragons any dragons rather than no dragons the story would be very different if she didn’t have any dragons and yes this is nerdy levels of detail but if you’ve come with me this far I’ll assume that you want this level of nerdy detail so here goes the strong implication in the book is that Alyssa farman took three of dreamfire eggs dreamfire was her lover raina’s Dragon who she had ridden with Raina many times so was at Dragonstone at the time and we’re clearly told that dreamfire laid at least three batches of eggs one of three eggs so what does it matter if dreamfire is the mother of Danny’s dragons well firstly Raina is the original Queen Who Never Was she was the eldest child of the eldest child of Aon the Conqueror and yet was never really considered for ruling what would that say for Dany and dreamfire is also Helena’s Dragon Helena as revealed on the show is perhaps the most Dragon dreamy of all the dragon dreamers in season 1 almost every word she said was prophetic in some way Danny has already had some Dragon dreams in the books so might she have some more but what if drogon Regal and viserion are cyra’s children because we’re told that those eggs on the show are cyra’s eggs what might that symbolize well Above All Else the link to rira I suspect this is the main motivation here connecting the two sympathetic targaryan Queens forced to fight for their Throne having Cyrax be the mother of Danny’s dragons means that rira’s dragon and Danny herself are both in different ways the mothers of dany’s dragons shared parentage if you like some have wondered whether this might affect the link between drogon and valaran the black dread because there is a lot of symbolic connection between them color ferocity and place at the Forefront of a prospective three dragon Le invasion of Westeros but the truth is that George or Martin is often actually quite vague about which dragon eggs give birth to which dragon we don’t know which if any dragons are The Offspring of bararan but I guess that’s where we must leave it with a hint of uncertainty but a very clear dividing line in the show yes three of those eggs definitely are Danny’s eggs in the books they probably aren’t two different things happening in the two different cannons book and show and that’s okay as much as I prefer the book version and I do I think Alyssa farman story is one of the standout episodes of Fire and Blood georgea Martin has been clear that although the TV show may try to stick to the books sometimes there will be differences and this is one of them and as I said that’s okay it’s okay to enjoy two slightly different versions of the same story if you’d like to see more videos diving deep into the lore of A Song of Ice and Fire there’s a playlist appearing now on the left of your screen or to support this channel thank you there’s a link to my patreon page on the the right of your screen that’s all for this time thanks for watching I’ll see you again soon

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  1. Well since I refuse to read any of Martin’s books until he finishes the story I have no idea what or who these people are.

  2. Kinda feels strange for the show creators to gush about how special it was to film the scene with Danny’s eggs… when they pretty much shoehorned it in. Makes it seem they just wanted to feel that special way so they created a separate canon where they could make these connections on thrones coattails.

  3. Nah no matter what the showrunners say, I'm going with Dreamfyre as the source of Dany's eggs. It makes far more sense and resolves the issue of where the eggs Elyss Farman stole ended up.

  4. Theres just no way around the fact there are two distinct canons (book / GRRM and these adaptations) and typically if its a show reveal that turns out to be book canon / from GRRM we tend to be told / find out about it. I very much enjoy HotD but the at times needless lore changes i do not see the point in certain ones ; and be it the more prominence of the dagger or the prophecy / Northern threat or in this case Dany's dragon eggs (in show canon only) seems they are going a bit overboard to continually tie back in to the main series. The prophecy aspect in particular that keeps being weaved in so often on HotD i i find almost distracting and taking away from the main focus of the Dance. To me just often works better and often more simple to stick to the textual lore as much as possible as doing so does not require lore bending or some type of work-around to make elements work.

    With Dany's eggs Dreamfyre being the mother to Dany's dragons makes a lot more sense and works much better. I see more parallels to Daenerys and Rhaena than to Dany and Rhaenyra (especially the textual versions) , also the actual dragon dreams aspect. Plus Elissa Farman taking the eggs out of Westeros much earlier makes them massively more likely to have escaped the maesters poisoning / corrupting the dragon eggs ; and such makes all the more sense that the eggs were able to be magically hatched much later on. Certain semantics of HotD's choice with Dany's eggs just do not really add up or make much narrative sense. And it is a butterfly effect for future projects will now have to stick with or alter this and other choices.

    I very much like and enjoy HotD and i find it to be a very well made series ; but def something they have to be wary of with the lore changes. A number of these lore changes often are avoidable , tend to not be the most well received and can give rise to unneeded problems to solve.

  5. The change confirms that they cut nettles. Rhaena is going to claim Sheepstealer, so there’s no need for her to hatch an egg.

    The fourth egg is Viserys’; we know it never hatched.

  6. In my mind everything we have read about house of the dragon is told from a matstear or patchfaces prospective so what were seeing as the show is the same thing but different because they would haven't known certain things like who was sleeping with who ext they wouldn't know what was said in private conversations

  7. What if both are true, what is dany's eggs are from both, drogon from allessa since he is compared to ballerion, and rhageal and viserion are from syrax. In the books the dragons are described as more serpent like maybe that's why. All we know is dany got three eggs, not thay they were together always

  8. GRRM claimed he was working very closely with the male director of HotD since 2018 to make sure to avoid the inconsistent issues of God's writers… but that Patel is not the male writer and this comes out of left field as some type of desperate attempts by GoT show fan-persons working on the show to leave their footprints on the HotD show.

    Clearly this just hints at a disaster waiting to happen because in the show moving those kids and the dragon eggs is already risky af because of the obvious reasons that should point to something going wrong which is what's expected.

    We already have hints that Otto Hightower and the Meisters (as well as Alycent doing her parts) have been responsible for the censoring of the Targaryen Royal Family of conquerors into a family of conquered "Targaryens" with Rheinerya also playing her part of her delusional attempts to become Queen regent.

    So far only GoT proved that Cercei became Queen Regent and according to the show logic she nearly outlasted everyone else who went to risk their lives in the Long Night.

    At least Alyssa Farman's story makes for some type of mystery story due to the details but that the show writers are fans is already a red flag…

  9. Showrunners are the main cause of the destruction of book adaptations. David & Dan utterly destroyed GoT with their changes. This guy is on that path with this & other changes. He just ruined any chance of adapting the Farman storyline, for one, one of the best in the book. Just to give a nod to lower IQ TV-only viewers who don't read. I find it infuriating.

  10. Could they have been referring to "danys eggs" as the same props and not canonically the 3 eggs she hatches? That's how I'm going to sort this out at least

  11. The Alyssa Farman story is far better. I hope the HoTD story is show only.
    ** thanks for talking about how GRRM does try to keep things separate 😊

  12. This change is really just fan service to show only people. Those who haven’t read the books were actually excited about this.

  13. Thank you for this video. Those are not Dani's eggs. It's been driving me crazy, well a little 🙂 HBO knows what they're doing. This is a desperate attempt to try to connect to the Game of Thrones show and more importantly its fans. Stupid stunts like this, will eventually ruin a show. I can only hope GRRM is watching closely.

  14. The fourth one is Viserys’s egg the light blue one and the three are Dany’s and use yall brain these eggs are young and fresh at this time and they have similar coloring to Dany’s eggs . 170+ years afterwards they’ve withered and become stone nearly .

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