Ben Affleck Opens up About Fame, J-Lo and REGRETS? Body Language Analyst Reacts.

I see they gone through some that I just it breaks my heart where I’m like this would never happen if you know I wasn’t in this life and it it’s hard I really really second guess it a lot what’s going on everyone welcome to the behavioral Arts my name is Spidey and I use my degree in sociology and psychology my certifications in criminal interrogation and Body Language analysis and over 10 years experience as an award-winning Mentalist they teach people behavioral analysis and practical psychology on stages and television shows all over the world in a recent interview on Kevin Hart’s talk show Heart toheart Ben Affleck opened up about his life career and marriage to Jenifer Lopez the interview is an absolute gold mine for non-verbal communication body language and even little details of how we connect with people in our day-to-day lives now first of all I have to say that I went into this interview expecting them to talk about the whole Ben Affleck JLo drama because there’s a lot of rumors out there that they’re going through a divorce because he reportedly moved out of their house and they’re selling a bunch of their stuff so I thought it was going to be a lot about that and although he did talk about his relationship with JLo that drama didn’t come up at all and maybe it’s because he’s a private person or maybe it’s because these interviews are pre-recorded so all this stuff wasn’t happening at the time but what we did get to my surprise was some amazing lessons on communication and reading people so really excited to dive in let’s go now I want to start with something that we sometimes do on the channel and I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback for in the comments where I show you something something without sound to try to see if you could pick up on the subtleties of the non-verbal Communication in this specific case I’m going to play you two short clips without sound and I’ll number them at the bottom clip number one and clip number two in one of these clips he’s talking about a person that he really admires and looks up to in the other one he’s talking about a person that I think he doesn’t really look up to that much so look at these two clips and try to figure out just based on body language in which one you think he’s talking about someone that he holds in high regard and which one he’s talking about someone that he’s at the very least neutral about take a [Music] look okay so there it was if you need to go back and look at it again just to be sure go ahead and do that but head down to the comments and let me know which of the two clips you feel he’s talking about someone that he has respect for that he looks up to and which one he’s talking about someone where he doesn’t really have that same amount of respect but more importantly tell me why what is it exactly in his non veral communication that led you down that path to that conclusion okay so I’m not going to tell you quite yet which one was positive and which one was negative we’re going to look at the clips now the longer versions with sound cuz I want you you to see in context what’s going to happen to your read is it going to change is your confidence going to increase so we’re going to start with the first one so in the first clip that you just saw he was talking about his father so we’re now going to look at a longer version of that clip and see what his non-verbal communication can tell us about his relationship with his dad my father was a a a guy who had had you know was a right want to write and direct stuff wasn’t able to be successful autome mechanic bartender custodian type work and I think it was that that thing of the father was like I didn’t view him as having failed because I didn’t know what success was but I knew he didn’t want to make his living pushing the broom yeah you know what I mean he wanted to be you know writing plays and doing stuff and so I was like I I want to be able to say I’m an actor that means I made money make my living that way my seventh grade went to their little field trip to the courthouse and then my father was getting rained on that day you know what I mean I’m like God older kids came back at seventh grade was talking to me I was I was all happy I was like my father’s named Tim they were like we just saw him in jail I was okay so I want to start where a lot of my videos often start which is the eyebrows which is a body part that I pay a lot of attention to and there’s a ton of research that shows that as we evolve we gain more mobility in the eyebrows because it helps us communicate a lot of things and this is especially true for performers and actors because as the research has shown the eyebrows really help us emphasize things or even connect with an audience actors get in the habit of using it a lot to really increase their performance and the amount of empathy that they show so it’s not rare to see actors who speak a lot with their eyebrows and Ben Affleck is a great example of that throughout this entire interview we’re often seeing those eyebrows often for emphasis often when he says something that would surprise you to kind of match you on that surprise he used it for social connection a lot and these are all things that we use the eyebrows for the other thing you’ll notice about him is when he’s just neutral you notice that the lines on his forehead are quite pronounced and this is very common for someone who uses those eyebrows a lot so there’s even a sign on his face that lets us know that he uses those eyebrows a lot but notice what happens the moment in this clip he starts talking about what his dad did for a living so we’re seeing a lot of things happen but one of the things we see is that those eyebrows stop moving so he’s saying that his dad was he worked in Auto Repair he did custodial or bartending work and he’s talking but those eyebrows are uncharacteristically still now keeping in mind that we often use the eyebrows to give importance to things whether it’s people or statements in this moment it seems like as he’s talking about what his dad did his face is communicating that there was nothing remarkable about this nothing noteworthy here this is also reflected if we consider his Baseline with these gestures that are a lot more lower so his hands are down here by his side and he’s kind of gesturing like this as he’s talking about what his dad did and he’s kind of looking down here as he does this now there’s nothing wrong with that there are people who would describe you things that they’re very happy about like this that’s in their Baseline but for someone that we’re going to see talk about someone else very differently that we’re going to see these bigger grander gestures at some point this down here this kind of tame energy is really going well with this lack of eyebrow movement just nothing remarkable here now as we go on with that topic we get a lot of clarity as to why his body language might suggest that he didn’t have a very positive outlook on these jobs that his dad had because there’s nothing wrong with any of those jobs I have a lot of friends who are in auto repair and they love it they’re so passionate about it and it doesn’t seem like he was condescending the professions there was just a lack of excitement about them but we get a lot of clarity as he moves on to say that those jobs were not his dad’s dream his dad wanted to be a screenwriter so if he was going to be an actor he wanted to be an actor that was going to be his entire job and that’s the contrasts that we’re seeing there was a gesture there that when he started talking about his dad the second time really didn’t belong that kind of stood out to me that if I saw on mute I would say doesn’t match the rest of the energy and it’s when he made a gesture up here as he was talking about his father but if you listen to the words he’s saying it actually makes perfect sense cuz he’s saying it’s that thing of the father and I didn’t view him as having failed and then he goes on with that I think it was that that thing of the father I was like I didn’t view him as having failed because I didn’t know what success was but I knew he didn’t want to make his living push the broom but he’s not saying my father he’s saying saying it’s that thing of the father I think he’s talking about what a father is supposed to be like you’re supposed to look up to the father but now he’s saying and I didn’t see mine as having failed I just knew that this is not what he wanted to do and his energy goes right back from here down back there I will say that the second time he talks about the professions those eyebrows do go up this time and it’s not these flashes as he’s talking they just stay up as he talks about these things and I believe that the reason for that is because now he’s not just conveying the facts he’s emphasizing this ambition that he had to be different from that cuz this is not what his dad wanted to do but man oh man do we get a master class of body language right at the end when he’s talking about the field trip to the courthouse and I’m sure a lot of you caught some of these signs with zero context and no sound but there’s a lot going on so before he even says what it is as he’s about to talk about it we see this eye block where he closes his eyes and kicks his head back and he says seventh grade and he drags that a my seven grade went to their little field trip to the courthouse so already just that is a little cluster a sign that something is irritating something is annoying so first we have the eye block which is whenever we close our eyes for an extended period of time and think of the eyelids as the garage door to your thoughts and we often eye block when we’re trying to keep a thought in or keep a thought out so sometimes we’re reflecting on something and we might close our eyes to be able to focus and the research has shown that this is effective it cuts out distractions and our Focus does improve but we also do it in a positive experience let’s say you try something really good and you go oh my God that’s so good you close your eyes to try to hold on to this moment this feeling but the opposite is also true if you get some bad news or you’re reminded of an unpleasant experience it’s quite common for us to close our eyes to try to distance not deal with that to not face it almost to try to focus on something else and consistent with what we’re seeing here that’s probably what’s going on as he’s thinking about the courthouse it’s like he doesn’t want to go there he doesn’t want to R visit that because it’s not just an eye Block it’s an eye block with this kind of head rolling back like this which any rolling whether it’s the eyes or the head is very consistent with familiar irritation like some that’s bought us before Here We Go Again type gesture so we’re getting that we’re getting him dragged at 7th grade like I’m annoyed when we drag that last syllable so we’re getting that so a lot of signs that it’s annoying what’s really funny about I blocking is that when he says my father was being aranged on that day we see Kevin Hart register the news and he blocks not just with the eyes but with the fingers as well what a perfect example of eye blocking like oh man that must have been really awful I would not want to deal with something like that but there’s a huge huge indicator that’s really subtle and easy to miss but unmistakable in this case and if you caught it let me know in the comments big thumbs up is that just before he says little field trip as he turns his head we see the flash of contempt on his face the research has shown again and again that there are a handful of emotions that are Universal in other words everywhere in the world they’re expressed the same way and people can recognize them non-verbally across all cultures which means that they’re innate to humans we all experience and express them the same way one of those emotions is contempt which is the feeling of looking down on something or feeling morally Superior to something and the way to recognize it is that it’s a scrunching or a rising on one side of the mouth just one side and some as it looks like this and some as it looks like this and in my experience I often find it’s accompanied with what we call looking a scance this kind of sideways look like we’re looking sideways and down on something I’m sure a lot of you recognize this kind of one-sided scrunching with this side look as something that’s judgmental but very often it’s not that obvious or held it’s very quick and in that moment as he was going to say little field trip just before that we very quickly saw one corner of the mouth just shoot up as he kind of looked sideways like this and you can almost feel in that moment if you pay a lot of attention the condescension towards the thought that was about to come went to their little field trip to the courthouse so in that moment although it’s subtle it’s complete unmistakable that combined with the eye block the head being thrown back this look of contempt you could tell immediately we’re about to get a story that’s negative for him now we’re going to look at how he communicates when he’s thinking of something positive and the vast difference between what we’re seeing and these are things that you can use in your day-to-day life to see what people actually feel towards a subject but before we do do me a huge favor hit that subscribe button turn those notifications on for more behavioral analysis and practical psychology content we had a High School Drama teacher who was a genius and what he was a genius at was like inspiring young people W and he this was somebody that I looked up to in a way that you know when you’re that’s what I believe like in mentorship especially for young men like the way they we need that like show me how to be a man I’ll be completely transparent with you in the beginning of this topic when he’s talking about about his acting teacher it wouldn’t have been extremely obvious to me based on the body language that he’s talking about something positive if you muted that I wouldn’t be 100% certain it could go either way because although he is a little bit more upright and we’re seeing more certain gestures more brisk gestures we’re not seeing this big smile or anything like that just something that’s important without really leaning positive or negative but as we go on it becomes not just obvious but very different from the gestures he was using to talk about his father earlier when he says this was somebody that I looked up to we see a couple of things first again we see that eye block and I love that we’re seeing an eye block here both in the positive sense and the negative what a great lesson on eye blocking because here he’s saying I looked up to this guy but it’s not this embarrassing kind of like throwing away eye Block it’s up here we see the chin up we see this strong posture and look at that hand the hand is up here and there’s this gesture inwards where he’s trying to hold on to something a certain strength that’s what that hand suggests yes let’s take a second to talk about fingers so in most cases eight times out of 10 if you see the fingers moving inwards or curling in wordss it’s not a positive sign this very often happens with stress even anger we’re very aware of our fingers our fingers are a very important body part it’s one of the main reasons we are able to survive and thrive as the dominant species on this planet because they allow us to hold tools weapons to do things a lot more effectively than a lot of other animals so we subconscious very aware of them and how important they are so when we’re feeling stressed we see those fingers come in and usually when we’re relaxed or comfortable we see them come out there is an exception though when we’re expressing strength or capacity or a strong accomplishment we might see the fingers come in like notice how someone might celebrate by going yes like this or both hands like this and in this moment you could tell even if you don’t know what he’s saying that this gesture cuz his chin is up the eyes are closed it’s something strong he’s trying to hold on to this isn’t angry we’re not seeing this scrunching this anger we’re seeing this moment of pride in that moment but the real key moment is when he goes show me how to be a man and we see this upwards gesture with his hand up here like a pedestal like he’s looking up to someone the bestselling book what everybody is saying by X FBI interrogator and bestselling author Joe novaro is considered one of the most essential reads in body language based on research and Decades of experience I’ll leave a link in the description to where you can get it delivered to your door but in the book and in a lot of his work he talks about gravity defying Gest gur these are upwards gestures that we see in moments of positivity and happiness and this is just a really great thing to keep in mind usually positivity is upwards and negativity is downwards and this is so deeply reliable that it’s even in our language right like I’m feeling down or I’m feeling low is negative on the other hand cheer up or I’m to the Moon excited or I’m on a high so we use direction to talk about positive or negative feelings and this is seen in the body language as well what’s really great about this moment is that this gesture is exactly the same gesture that he made earlier when he was talking about that Father Figure like what a father is supposed to be someone that you look up to and here we’re actually getting the words that’s why I keep saying this is such a gold mine for body language because we’re seeing that gesture but now he’s actually assigning words to them letting us know what this gesture means so we could go back and see that in context it made perfect sense okay so in case it wasn’t blatantly clear by now in those clips that we saw in the beginning the first one was him talking about his father and it was rather neutral to negative cuz he’s talking about these jobs that he had cuz he couldn’t write plays and then that whole thing at the courthouse which is rather negative and then the second clip was a lot more positive about this person that he looked up to and gave him strength and a lot more positive gestures there in this next clip we’re going to see a powerful psychological principle that you can use in your day-to-day life to multiply the connection that you have with someone and it’s such a beautiful example of it so here they’re talking about how when he was younger him and Matt Damon would film videos of them trying different things in terms of acting so how would this actor do this scene so that’s what they’re talking about what if it was Ben Kingsley playing the part and do the scene that way doing our Morgan Freeman Ben I mean I hope those tapes are long gone because it’s I hope they’re not not to see him and laugh at him by the way which I would uh I hope they’re not because from what I’m hearing you were extremely like proactive I just was a fan I love movies want this was like we thought about all day long so here we have something that when you can apply it is a psychological power move and it’s the idea that if someone is having a confident moment and you agree and you jump on the bandwagon it’s good but when somebody is having a low confidence moment and you disagree and build them up that is priceless we live in a world where a lot of people are out to prove something so when someone’s being a little of themselves or self-deprecating a lot of people out there just kind of you know go to mockery or kind of laugh along or something like that especially for a comedian by the way Kevin har is a comedian right there he could have made a lot of jokes there and taken the spotlight and made that moment funny and kind of joined Ben affle on mocking these early videos that he made but what he did is the opposite of that he said no no no hold on as funny as that might be it’s a testament to your hustle to how you persevered so I would love to see those tapes and look what happened to Ben Affleck he came to life in fact it’s the first time in that interview where he he leans forward his his tone comes up he comes to life he’s really excited this moment so this is just such a great tip to keep in mind for all kinds of situations if someone’s being a little self-deprecating or feeling a little self-conscious or insecure and instead of taking that opportunity to jump on the bandwagon you go now hold on a minute don’t be so hard on yourself because here’s the positivity of that I think it’s actually great that you did that that could go a really long way you could also use the exact opposite of that by the way to know what someone really thinks of something so here’s a really easy example but the applications are endless let’s say I just got a new shirt and I really really want to know if a friend of mine likes it likes the shirt so I can go them and say hey I got this new shirt I think it’s pretty nice what do you think and the easy answer there is yeah it looks great non-confrontational just you know go with the positivity but if I really really want to know if he likes it I can go to him and say I just got this shirt but I think I’m going to return it I’m not sure I don’t like the fit see what he does with that cuz if he really likes the shirt he would go no I diset I actually think it’s quite a nice fit and now we know that he really likes it and not that he was just saying that just go along with the Positive at the end of the day my life’s ultimately going to be my responsibility that’s the person that’s going to have principal driver of the events of my life somebody said like all these resentments that you have all these things that you feel were unfair what was your part in it I’m like I my part that’s the point yeah but you look at everyone and you go well yeah I guess if I hadn’t have you know gotten business with that dude because I kind well if I hadn’t gone out okay first off I have to say I just love that advice it has nothing to do with behavioral analysis but in a world of blame shifting and entitlement this idea that you know how did I play a role in this what could I have done different or what could I do different moving forward I think it’s such a great way to look at things I also think it’s a huge Testament as to why he’s as successful as he is as an actor director screenwriter because he pushes himself through those moments to go okay no it’s not their fault you have to figure this out this is something I often see in successful people to where they take accountability and try to figure out what they can do different so put a pin in this this this idea that he’s saying that instead of trying to see what’s wrong with everyone else he tries to see professionally what’s wrong with him and what he can do to change situations that weren’t the way he anticipated another amazing moment here which contributes to this being such a great interview for body language is when he talks about how it used to be that you know somebody might ask him you know what part did you have in this and he goes my part in this and he’s talking about how he at the time he thought he had nothing to do with this he had no part in this he’s looking down on that question we see that expression of contempt as he’s really exaggerating how he felt towards that and what’s crazy is earlier when he made this expression it wasn’t intentional it wasn’t trying to express how ridiculous he found this but in this moment as he’s trying to communicate that we’re seeing that same gesture that was much more subtle earlier but it’s the same gesture it’s that same contempt it also first of all I’m also a little bit shy I also don’t like a lot of attention is why people see me and they’re like what this dude always mad he’s always B Because when they because somebody has their camera and sticking in my face because this is not what I feel like doing I don’t want to be bothered yeah and also because I’m with my kids and you’re taking my picture and I may be angry that you’re around my CH I don’t you take my picture come a club or Premiere whatever my wife I don’t give go ahead knock yourself I don’t notice you but my children that’s a different thing the perception of anger comes from a photo what I’m doing at that time and where I’m at I’m actually trying to enjoy my person so Kevin har touched on something there at the end that I think is quite important and it’s how much you could tell from a picture right because quite often people send me a picture and go hey what is the body language tell you in this picture and it’s often you have to take it with a grain of salt because you don’t know what’s happening around that picture right so if it’s two people together you can tell certain things about the relationship right are they embracing each other closely is there a little bit of distance is there an acknowledgement what you’re seeing between two people so there are certain things you could see but if you see an expression like someone is in a picture and they’re not they have this great big smile well you don’t really know what just happened you know maybe they just got some bad news or maybe they were caught by surprise or may you know maybe they’re looking for something or you don’t know what’s happening so yeah you could tell like okay this person isn’t really happy in this moment but it doesn’t mean a whole lot about the person just about that moment what I found really funny about this case is how Ben affle goes people see the pictures of him and go this dude is mad and then he just kind of goes on to confirm that yeah he’s mad because it kind of seemed like in the way he was setting it up he was going to say this dude is mad but no I’m not mad it’s just you know I’m I’m just casual that’s my face but that’s not what he says he says you know with my kids and it bothers him when they take pictures of and those kids just confirming that yeah he’s mad which is fine by the way he’s totally allowed his privacy and I would imagine it gets really irritating when they’re constantly trying to take pictures of his kids who he doesn’t want in that Limelight behaviorally again in the beginning some amazing stuff so as he’s talking about him being shy and how he doesn’t like the attention we see again that eye block so again in this case because of that cringe and that backing up so it’s just so great how we’re seeing all kinds of eye blocks here but this one with with those behaviors again it’s I’m shy I don’t want this I don’t you know I I don’t want to be in the spotlight that much and at the same time we see the hands come up and come in and like I said earlier we see the fingers come in and it’s not this gesture of strength up here like we had earlier we’re seeing in this retreating his fingers are retreating as well which is a perfect example of what I said earlier how in moments of stress or even anger or discomfort those fingers come in we’re very protective of those fingers people are projecting something onto me that I don’t feel about myself at all came easy to this dude or people like for a long time they’d be like this guy’s a frat guy I’ve never been in a fraternity one day in my life never once been inside a fraternity nothing against it how can I have anything against it I’ve never been there but I don’t know why are all saying I’m a fat guy okay that clip generated a lot of thoughts in my head and I’m going to try to keep it concise starting with this so reading people is obviously a huge part of my life as a career I get on stages and I read people and tell them things about themselves for entertainment but I also teach it and one of the things that I very often say is When someone tells me that a lot of people think something about them but they’re wrong like a lot of people think that this person is pretentious for example but they’re wrong the person doesn’t feel that way they don’t think that way I tell them they’re not wrong you’re wrong because our personal opinions of ourselves is one person’s opinion but if a whole bunch of other people are seeing something else there might be something there so someone may not feel pretentious or standoffish that’s not how they feel but in their behaviors that’s what’s coming off and that might be important because our behaviors and what we put out in the world is as much part of our identity as how we feel internally so you may not feel that but you’re certainly putting something out there so most people who are publicly criticized or disliked by the masses and there’s a lot of great examples of people like that on this channel they’re not trying to be that way they think they’re being nice or pleasant but a lot of people are seeing something in their behaviors or in the way that they come off and that has a lot of Merit so here here when Ben Affleck is saying that you know all these people think that things came easy for me or that I have this you know I’m a frat boy this is what I put out but they’re wrong it’s interesting to me because well if a lot of people are saying it you might be putting something off that gives that impression that gives that Vibe so yes of course as a matter of fact they could be wrong in the sense that he’s never been in a fraternity but I don’t think most people when they say he’s a frat boy are talking about something he did but more of a Vibe he has that frat boy Vibe that’s the conversations I’ve heard and if that many people are seeing that there might be Merit to that something that he’s putting out in his attitude in the way that he communicates that is giving off that impression what I find really really interesting is that minutes ago we saw him talk about how when there’s something he doesn’t like in his career or something didn’t go the way he wanted to he stops and thinks about how was I responsible for this what could I do different or you know I’m the principal driver of my life but it seems like as much as he applies that to his career and he’s seen the positivity of that he’s not really applying that here to going okay what am I doing what am I putting off that makes people see me that way even if they’re incorrect I don’t feel that way but what am I doing behaviorally that gives off that Vibe it it feels like there’s a disconnect there in how he applies that in one situation but not in what he gives off your children see you for everything that you are and you have this deep relationship with how they’re going to turn out and be what kind of people they are I’m really am mindful of that every day and it doesn’t mean sometimes I don’t come home home and they’re like you know I see they’ve gone through some and it it’s hard I really reallying second guess it a lot it breaks my heart where I’m like this would never happen if you know I wasn’t in this life but I also know this I like this life for them better than the one that I had ABS we went to we went somewhere with Jen I can’t remember CU you know she’s so famous and she creates this people love her and she’s she really represents something important to people I think it was when we rolled through Time Square we had to get out of the car we were going to a play all the kids through Times Square and the was like aing bananas again in this clip we have a master class of body language particularly about eye blocking and going back and forth in those two circumstances where we see eye blocking so in the beginning when he’s talking about um the influence the impact he has on his kids and he says I’m mindful of that every day we see that eye block and it’s literally one of the two reasons and we’re trying to hold on to a thought because what does it mean I’m mindful of that it’s I keep that in mind so he’s gesturing how he likes to reflect on that it’s perfect then he talks about how sometimes they come home and they went through something and it breaks my heart and now we see the other application of the eye block which is I don’t want to think about it I don’t want to deal with this it breaks my heart it’s unpleasant and it seems like he’s talking about here how his profession affects their life and he thinks a lot about it but we’re getting such a perfect example of that negative ey block then back the other way we see him thinking about you know I went somewhere with Jen he’s trying to remember where he was with JLo that this thing happened you know walking uh to the venue and we see that eye block again as he’s trying to hold on to it without trying to remember something so we’re seeing the eye blocks for both scenarios in succession going back and forth and such great examples for each one okay then he talks about JLo and let’s be realistic here because I know that there’s a lot of people out there knowing what they know that oh there’s some trouble in Paradise they look into every little thing and start with the conclusion that there’s some tension between them and look for things to support that so they would look at this and go oh look he clearly he clearly has issues with her look at all these little signs but I’d much rather be realistic than idealistic and honestly I wish it was that I wish there was things that were so blatant because that would just give me a viral video given what I do but again I’d rather be realistic so I’m going to talk about the body language when he’s talking about JLo but I want start by saying there isn’t this big obvious thing that oh my God he’s hiding his tension he doesn’t want to say it but there’s big negativity look at there isn’t something big blatant or obvious in other words if I didn’t know that there was some trouble between them this wouldn’t allow me to know oh my God there’s something going on between the two that said there are two moments here while he’s talking about her Fame that could really really go either way in terms of how he’s feeling to the point where if this was happening on stage I would have to do what we call pumping a little bit which is try to say little things to try to figure out which of the two directions it is and then more comfortably move down that Direction with the reading the first one is when he says you know she’s so famous and we see an eye block the head kicks back and his sense gesture so famous now I can argue that moment in either direction quite effectively I can point to some things and go oh that might be a bit of negativity feeling some negative thoughts towards that and I can completely argue against that as well so let me tell you what I mean as he’s saying so famous we see that eye block again which he often does when you know he’s trying to keep a thought out and his head jerks back as he’s saying that similar to the way it did earlier when he was about to say something that was irritating or negative so it has that you know and we might see something like that with a negative feeling that said here’s a few things to consider first his eyes were already blocked cuz he was thinking about the memory was trying to remember where it was so his eyes were already closed to try to retrieve that memory so it’s not like he closed them in that moment it’s also not this aggressive like scrunching like you know unpleasant eye block which we have seen with him in those more negative moments and it’s the same with the head earlier we had this kind of rolling of irritation here it’s this upwards Kickback with the chin almost doing a gravity defying gesture so this could really be a moment of emphasis of she’s so famous and with the words I think that’s what it is I don’t think think this is a negative feeling I think he’s just commenting on her level of Fame then he says she represents something important to people and we see the hands go into fists and slam down on the arms of the chair so a few things here first of all the word choice she represents something important is a bit of a distancing language because he’s saying it’s not saying she is important to people he’s saying she represents something important to people so the important thing is what she represents now this could be nothing this could be him just trying to talk in a fancy way you know use nice words the way Fat Boys tend to do and uh that’s just the way he chose to say it I don’t see it as this malicious choice of words that’s purposely distancing he’s just saying she represents something important it’s nothing bad and at the very same time we see those fists slamming down and again this closing in the hand is a gesture we’ve seen with him in moments of strength and positivity but also moments of defensiveness I think in this moment for me it feels a lot more like that moment of strength when he was talking about his teacher because we had that Fist and we had this kind of little shake like this to symbolize it and it looks like strength and it does here too we’re not seeing this cringe we’re not seeing anything else in the body that suggests that he’s uncomfortable with the thought of her level of fame or how how big she is because it’s easy to think that way because he was just talking about how he’s shy and he debates with the kids if you know this this life might have negative repercussions so it’s easy to see how he would feel a certain way about that level of Fame when people go crazy about her and it’s really in the spotlight we could could see that there would be a bit of discomfort there and maybe there’s a subtle element of that here like there’s a little bit of frustration hidden in that strength that he feels towards this level of fame or this lifestyle but overall I think this is just a comment on her level of Fame how she’s so famous and represents something important and there’s strength to that and I’ve seen a lot of commenters out there on social media talking about this interview looking for those signs that there’s obviously something wrong but I don’t think that this is an overwhelmingly negative moment at all I think it’s just a comment on her level of faint to conclude And to clarify I do believe that there is a difference in the way that she historically has embraced the spotlight and being in the public eye and the way that he seems to want more privacy you know he talked about being shy but even in the body language we saw um some discomfort around the idea of being in that Spotlight or having his kids in that Spotlight I can see how that kind of difference would cause friction within a relationship but I’m not claiming I have any details about their relationship nor do I think that we saw any massive negative signs within this interview what we did see is some really great body language moments where he vocalized how he was feeling and we saw certain gestures and then we saw those same gestures elsewhere when they were a little more unconscious and it allows us to know okay he might be feeling this he might be thinking that and I just thought it was a really great example of that but let me know in the comments what you thought of this whole thing and I’ll see you on the next one

Ben Affleck opens up about life, fame and regrets! Rumors have been circulating about Ben Affleck and J-Lo, reports claim they are going through a divorce, in this interview with Kevin Hart, the Oscar winning director, screenwriter and actor opens up about life, fame and family but what do his body language, facial expressions and word choice reveal, find out now!

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For The Full interview, checkout Kevin Hart’s talk show “Hart 2 Heart” on Peacock TV.

Articles in Video

Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck Sell ‘Shared Belongings’ Amid Divorce Speculation: Report

The Importance of Eyebrows in Human Communication

The Science and Meaning of Eyebrow flashes

Eye brow flash in conversational emphasis

Expression of Contempt


Eye- Blocking and Memory

01:22 Can You Read His Body Language?
03:17 Ben Affleck’s Body Language
12:07 Why is This So Different?
16:40 Powerful Psychological Principle
21:11 Does Ben Affleck Hate Fame?
26:45 Life with J-Lo

#behavioralanalysis #behavioralpsychology #bodylanguage #howtoreadbodylanguage #howtoreadpeople #psychology #benaffleck #jlo #kevinhart


  1. I think he said JLo "represents" something important to people to distance her from the public image she has. As we saw, he values his privacy and feels strongly that there is a difference between how he is perceived vs who he really is/how he identifies himself. It seems like he feels the same for her, and he is distancing her from what she represents to people just to subtly remind us that we don't really know her either.
    Great video, as always 🙂

  2. I'm not reading the comments I'm answering fresh from my viewing even though it's late and a rerun… Clip number one he doesn't have respect for this person he's speaking about. The reason here has a lot of head and negative body posture he is trying to distance himself away from the person with his hands and arm gesture… next time I'm going to check the breathing and the blank right….Clip number two he totally respects this person loves that person hand gesture to his heart brings them in ..

  3. My whole life, I thought that one sided thing was a smirk, I thought it was like a joke or sarcasm. But, like have adhd (for sure) and autism (level 1). So this is adding a layer to my understanding that I didn't understand before. (And yes, Ive watched a few other videos).

    Anyway, now I'm wondering how much other autistic people would benefit from a class

    Autistic people tend to have a monotripic focus, which is why they have a few strong interests, but it also shows in having a harder time understanding complex emotions and situations. So, I think i just believed people when they said something was a joke and didn't look at the self depricating or insulting parts as closely.

    Just some thoughts.

  4. About eyebrows and facial expressions… they always get me in trouble. I make like 100 different facial expression within one sentence. I wish I didn't. People often misinterpret me. But my mind is going at 60mph, and face is changing from word to word.

  5. Who cares what he says ! Respectfully he is lost a bit, however, I met him in Hawaii… he won’t remember but he was with Matt Damon ! Ben sat on a chair, drinking and watching people go by while Matt was spinning records in my brother’s booth at this underground bar ! I’ll never forget what Ben said, this is cool and normal and dropped his head as if not caring 😂 Matt however got my number and called me! 😅😊 the next week ! Respect ✊🏼 any actor has pressure to be in this limelight and the pressures influence that whom they are upheld too with their personality …so be it ! He will never heal unless he does it himself without an anchor , friend , family , stranger , money, whatever ! Kinda made me a bit sad .. thinking 💭 damn if I had the life he had, I’d be dancing 💃 without a drink 🥃 alcohol drugs substances abuse and destroy ! I pray he gets humble ! Respect ✊🏼 and live long and find peace ✌️ and prayer 🤲 but reality is, he will chase the 💰 🤷‍♀️ ❤

  6. Why is Ben talking like a black dude? I've never heard his speak like this. It's like he's projecting the black dude interviewing him. I literally thought I was hearing O.J. Simpson talking before I looked at the TV and saw Ben Aflack. Does Ben even know who he is anymore. This is disconcerting.

  7. Spidey that was naughty at the beginning he was talking about the same person, someone he held in high regard and let him down so he is conflicted he loves his father but felt let down( being polite)

  8. He never seems happy to me. Maybe he’s not happy in public but is in private. 🤷‍♀️ but my feeling off him is he’s not happy even in candid photos, interviews, public events, etc. JLo looks happy, he does not. He even brought it up with photogs… I get that. Other celebs don’t look like they are mad all the time though….

  9. Clip 1 – Someone he respects/likes – he was animated with big "loose" body movements and almost on the verge of a smile. Clip 2 – dislike, his body was very tense, his movements were short, tight, and tense. I sense a lot of controlled anger.

  10. In this clip Ben talked about taking responsibility for his mistakes but in interviews he has blamed Jennifer Garner for his unhappiness. It’s also been reported he is so unhappy in his marriage to JLo that they live in separate houses and she is looking for a new house for only herself. This doesn’t paint that picture. Could it be he knows this clip is recorded? Why the difference?

  11. I feel like being characterized as an angry person in general is a lot different than just being angry that your picture is being taken when you don't want it to be.

  12. For me clip 1 showed discomfort but I mostly got that from the shoulder shrugs. On watching with the audio i still see and hear the discomfort but mostly about his dad, about trying to suggest his dad inspired him but mostly by his dad's negative experiences, but also balancing that with not wanting to judge him (acknowledging they were bring judged by his classmates too, which must have been so hard).

  13. He’s looking really awful again…he is not happy. That’s how it seems to me, J-lo and him are both very successful and really talented but they don’t elevate each other. Like this is more a fysical attraction, not on a deeper level. People start drinking because they can’t deal with the problems life throws at them. Often they are overly sensitive, something you don’t get over in a couple of months. Something is standing between him and difficult times. His children are getting older and they are very important to him. Failing them might be a stumbling block that makes him vulnerable and having cravings for a drink.

  14. Ben is referring to AA when he talks about resentments and “what part did he play in it”. Those of us in AA are familiar with step 4. Is it a beautiful step and one I have used inside and outside the rooms.

  15. Sobriety and a LOT of therapy gave him insight/accountability. Acting gave him those eyebrows. Thanks for the breakdown. It's a really interesting video.

  16. Ben Affleck is a world class actor. You don't think that he would be very well versed in body language techniques and use them to make people think what he wants them to think? Analyzing him is like analyzing a talented politician. It's pointless.

  17. Spider, in the work that I do, I spend on average 90 min with a client, looking for ways to help them manage chronic pain through a biopsychosocial approach to Manual Therapy. I know a deeper knowledge of non-verbal communication can help me secure a safe environment where retraumatizing a client who is opening up, is less likely. Sadly, in my profession this retraumatizing of clients is very common, especially with practitioners who purposely seek to hypnotize them. Something I am against for Manual Therapists but I think may happen by accident sometimes, when dialoguing during treatment. What kind of training or informing can you offer me to guide my research and develop my ability to use the reading of my clients’ body language so as to not retraumatize them when they are “sharing” delicate feeling, memories and emotions.

  18. Ben has more money than God and he is complaining about how hard he has it. WTF???? He had the perfect wife in Jennifer Garner and three beautiful kids. He had EVERYTHING and threw it away chasing what? J-Lo?

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