uh my name is Shakira a concerned citizen of this country so during the the the recent weeks the two weeks you’ve blown up because of your courage and your morale to gear up the protest what what you have to say about it uh for me I went I went out to the road for the protest because I was concerned specifically for what Kenya holds for my future and the future of my son I have a 5-year-old son and seeing the trend that politicians have taken with our economy and their leadership I thought it was important for me to voice my opinion and discontent to how they are serving they’re not serving the country yeah so what is your main concern uh corruption they they have put their pockets and greed in front of the needs of all the Kenyans who put them into their leadership roles and even after voicing our opinions they are still not willing to concede and take up their responsibilities that were given to them so um my biggest concern is that since they have proved that they’re not willing to serve the people they should step aside and give space to people who are willing to serve so as a young person what is that one what is that encouragement that you can give to the youth so that they can eminate from you uh first I really didn’t step out to be anyone’s role model but I think it’s important for all of us to Have Courage uh my my Angelo she’s a very prominent figure and she says of all the virtues the most important virtue is courage because with courage you’re able to uh go on with all other virtues consistently so it’s important for us to have courage and continue fighting for what we feel we deserve and we should not until we get to where we need to be and what is that one message that you have to the government or to the president himself uh generally everyone in government most majority of the people in government right now they have failed us and we we have given you a chance time and time again and now we are not giving you any more chances please step aside and give the positions to people who are willing to Ser the country the ring message uh and you that it why why is that uh we as a country we are capable of so much more and we deserve so much more but because of the greed of the people who have been placed H in position to serve us we not moving anywhere we are taking steps back rather than progressing as a country and like I mentioned earlier it’s what I feel I deserve as a Citizen and what my son deserves as a Kenyan citizen so it’s important for us to get what we deserve as a country standing eyeball to eyeball face to face with this police officer you know how good these guys can be yes and the hashtag then was Fearless yes what made you Fearless in that moment um I think it’s it’s just like my I wasn’t Fearless to be honest I was very strong at that specific point in time but the after and frustration I had soed the fear that I had and it was like there’s no way you can harass me and I’m here fighting for what includes your your so I think it’s important for people to put courage above everything all the last week the police Crackdown has always been heavy-handed even across Africa Nigerians have been saying they’re not protesting because they fearing the police brutality however because of these Kenyan protests they have theirs organized from first of August 10th of August enaging to see yes other countries in Uganda are doing the same what what is your message for African youth from other countries who are looking to emulate your courage our time is now we have to stand up and keep moving forward yeah so uh let’s bounce back to the elephant in the room so so we are here for the commemoration of the Lost uh Fallen Soldiers so what is that one message that you have to the friends and family of this loved ones that we lost uh personally I feel sad it’s unfortunate that uh young people especially had to lose their lives had to get injured had to experience all this brutality while they are fighting for for their rights and what we deserve as young people of this country so I pass my sincere condolence to all the people people who have been affected the parents the friends and families of these young people and we are here to com commemorate them and say that their blood was not shed in vain we’re going to continue on with the struggle until we able to free our country we’re able to grow as our country to the uh point that we feel we should and they’ll Always Be Our Heroes at heart we saw the president taking a uturn and withdrawing the the finance bill which triggered all these protest so uh and on Thursday you were at on the streets right so why were you on the Streets On th despite the president uh withdrawing the bill uh first of all the members of parliament right now are in R and the withdrawal of the bill it’s it’s not 100% certain as of now and what was put in place of that bill was the Appropriations bill which does not serve the economy any better than the finance bill 2024 and also like I mentioned it’s we are tired we are tired of how these leaders continue to fail us time and time again and we are saying it’s time for them to step aside and let us the youth move their country where we feel the country should be should be going to yes thank you very much



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