Jessica Biel & Justin On Verge Of DIVORCE|Skating On Thin Ice|Caught w/Another Woman|DEI Final Straw

hey what’s up guys how y’all doing today well baby if your name is Jessica bill it looks like divorce watch is up and running what’s more there’s been the first official report that all is not well between Jessica Bill and Justin Timberlake if you don’t know who Justin Timberlake is he’s the one that blame like threw Britney under the bus threw Janet Jackson under the bus nobody likes him he has the history of doing this with women as a matter of fact his co-star from one of his old movies who Happ happen to be black coincidence I don’t know but he was caught cheating or getting very inappropriate with her and he actually blamed that on her said she took advantage of them and ruined that girl’s career well that’s what the streets are saying I haven’t seen her in any care any movie since then on top of that when he got arrested for a DWI because they are saying he was with another woman Jessica bill was busy working in New York they say she is starting to work again because she wants to leave that moo she’s gotten everything she can out of being Mrs Justin turber Lake and BBE she can’t stand it the benefits of crap and she says allegedly the boss is an a-hole in any case um first he tried to say he had a problem then he tried to say but not really not in years then he tried to get a young cop uh arrested not arrested but fired then he threatened us to anyone then he made Jessica Bill come out with a statement saying they’re in it together together with their children well people are now saying that Justin was the one that put that out there and Jessica bill was standing in the background like I mean has any money transferred to my account because I’m confused is the good she sitting there like um is the good father and good husband in the room with us right now or like what are we doing are you back to that mon bar when you’re having one too many cocktails y’all let’s get into this because you cannot make it up okay they’re saying Jessica bill is furious with Justin Timberlake after not only the DWIs but putting that statement out that they were standing together as unite up front they said Justin is skating on thin ice despite the couples unite at front again that united front they’re saying is emphasis on the front because sorry guys let me just fix this bother me emphasis on the front because at the end of the day Jessica didn’t sign off on that she doesn’t like what Justin gets up to when he’s alone and Justin has a history of embarrassing this woman every single time he can and he she’s baby saying baby go play with your mama not me okay they’re saying he is on thin ice Jessica bill is threatening to divorce him here’s the thing I don’t think Justin Timberlake really cares he’s back the touring he always gave me I don’t know loser dou and listen we all know after that Kendrick Drake Beast baby who has the new the most money does not mean they are the better person it just means you found a way to make more money at the end of the day wasn’t Jeffrey Epstein and all those people richy rich rich anyway they said Jessica bill seems to be supporting her husband Justin tber Timberlake both public and privately but insiders said that the actress is at the her Woods in with the DWI arrest um you guys know he was uh arrest did for being a drunken mess they said Jessica is mad Jessica is angry Jessica is fed up Justin could have hurt someone or himself it was a selfish and stupid thing to let happen now again I agree it is a selfish and stupid thing to happen but I tend to believe those rumors that one of the reasons she’s fed up is because every single time he is slos BOS BOS um there always seems to be a senor there’s always seems to be a senorita around they’re saying when he was pulled over in Sag hiber after he ran a stop sign he was in an intoxicated condition you know he got pulled over once before then and they were like take it easy and then he pulled off and swerve to the wrong side of the street started swerving around and then said it was gonna ruin the tour and the guy was like what tour and they were like the world tour and the guy the officer was so young I think he’s in his 20 he probably was like you mean the trolls uh World Tour anyway right I probably asked Justin are you the guy that sings happy no that’s for real that’s for who are you again anyway right the guy the the cop really wanted to have some fun I’d have been like what’ you say your name was Justin Timberly nah looking at the license can’t be you know what can we have an impromptu performance I would have made him put on a little concert where he was jumping up and down drunk bye bye then bad enough in a play that you gave it too can we get an impromptu performance please that’s what I would have made him do anyway they said Jessica is livid over Justin’s clear lless Behavior again if you substitute DYI for be DWI for being caught with a woman again this starts to make sense she’s livid over Justin’s careless behavior um claiming that she’s doing her best to protect their kids from his front page news Antics um first of all aren’t their kids very very young how are they in the front page news again you’re doing their best to um protect your kids probably from Daddy has a new friend she’s always been protected that way she wants to raise her boys in a normal as a normal as an environment as possible that’s one of the reasons why she wanted to move to Montana now let me say this I thought she wanted to move to Montana to get away from Justin because these most of us time in California Los Angeles should be specific second of all um don’t get me wrong everybody knows who Justin Timberlake is but when they come in are are people partying like the Red Seas for Justin Timberlake I didn’t know sorry let me just turn I didn’t know that Justin was still that popular that they got to move to Montana or did they move to Montana because even though he might not uh get a swarm of people around him there’s enough pretty young things around him and she figures in Montana at least she can see things going and coming because if there is like a buffalo you know what I’m saying there’s only buffalo and bison and stuff out there I guess it was easier uh to find out who was Justin co-star and who wasn’t anyway um what is it despite the recent Drama Justin is begging Jessica to uh uh to stand at least publicly by his side she was at his Madison Square concert singing along to his hit until the end of time they said she’s sticking by his side but she wants him to shape up um they said that episode with Alicia rright that’s the his co-star that he pretty much ruined her career in my opinion a few year ago a few years ago was bad enough he apologized to bill in a statement during the ordeal vowing to be a better partner saying a few weeks ago I displayed a a strong lapse in judgment but let me be clear nothing happened between me and my co-star I drank way too much that night and I regret my behavior I should have known better this is not the example I want to set to my son I apologize to my amazing wife and family for putting them through such an embarrassing situation and I’m focused on being the best father that I can be an Insider said that Jessica was willing to let that go for the sake of their family but Justin’s been skating on thin ice every since let me tell you something right because it all is public perception isn’t it at the end of the day those kids know what’s going on in that house Jessica Bill knows what’s going on in that house and Justin be Justin Bieber Justin Timberlake knows what’s going on in the house because he’s the one that cost all the kimomo anyway you guys let me know what you think in the cment I think that we should be on divorce watch and I actually think that if this I don’t know if it’s a miniseries movie I’m guessing if it’s it’s a miniseries that Jessica is filming actually turns out to be a hit I think she’s going to leave Justin if she starts making her own money and gets her own job and her own time to shine I think she will 100% leave Justin baby I don’t know he just seems like a little megga maniac and when she was like little what was she what is she the star wasn’t she a TV actress before she started dating Justin I think she had like a little name for herself because remember he was seeing carmenas and they overlapped and Carmen Diaz cursed Justin out at a Vanity Fair party because he found out she found out that he was seeing Jessica bill this is three days after they broke up again I think back then Jessica bill was like Wow Justin and now Jessica bill is like wow Justin anyway y’all let me know what you think in the comments I’ll talk to you later bye

#jessicabiel #justintimberlake


  1. JT is Elvis 2.0. Media hyped this guy to the high heavens, he has a sucky attitude,biggest culture vulture of the last 20+ years. They really wanted this guy to be the face of R&B in the 2000's, praised his mediocre dancing & singing, called him an innovator as if there wasn't Usher, Chris Brown, Ginuwine, Ne-Yo around

  2. Dont believe it. This girl aint goin no where. Justin aint even wanna marry her. Shw moved on, he got jealous, and begged her back. I love Jessica, but I just dont see ir

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