Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum and Emma Stone on Sunrise

very big week at the Box service this week Scarlet Johansson en chanting Tatum starring a new romantic comedy Emma Stone is back with her first film since winning a second Oscar and both movies are out this Thursday our Sunrise tr’s correspondent Steve pargrave caught up with all of the stars nassa needs a marketing specialist and you are the very best excuse me what are you doing here I tracked you down because I felt we had a connection what I’m joking I work here now to sell the moov it’s time to blast off into a star packed week in cinemas first up is Fly Me to the Moon a kind of romcom set during the 60s moonlanding where Scarlet Johansson brings the brains and Channing Tatum as usual just looks very pretty good to see you both two of our Sunrise favorites squeezed together on one screen and in one film and I’ve given you a name you’re scaran cuz you’re scaring hot together scaran scar chan oh that sounds sounds like a sounds like a Star Trek um character like a yeah yeah something like that scar Chan Channing I think normally when I speak to you we’re used to talking about a moon of a different kind in when you’re in Magic mic every once in a while very yep that has happened but in this one you very much keep your clothes on you wear some lovely knitted tops you know we tried but I don’t think anybody wanted to see that anymore we’ve done that enough I disagree he was fully naked offset though yeah in between takes takes take all of his clothes off I was like it’s going to take you a long time to put that all back on yeah I’m like look I can only act for about 15 minutes at a time with clothes on I have and then your regular life you be naked for scarlet plays a PR genius brought in by NASA to sell the Space Race to a cynical public it’s a film that ask that very timely question what is fake news there’s so much misinformation out there and then the way that it’s all shared and then of course we’re all living in The Matrix so there’s that too that is very true there seems to be a lot of celebrities Keen to Splash out and jump on one of those private flights up into space I know Leonardo DiCaprio was really interested are you interested at all in actually going up into space uh I wouldn’t mind it it’s not I wouldn’t say like I wouldn’t say something that I’m like dying to do um exactly like I feel like we just I wouldn’t mind being weightless and doing the anti-gravity thing that that seems kind of fun but I definitely would go if someone just all of a sudden was like hey I got an extra ticket I’d be like all right yeah why not let’s go back down to earth with a very surreal bang now and also out this week is kinds of kindness It’s the new film from the mind of William defo welcome to Sunrise you two willm willm is that us will WMA how have we not been saying that will of a w you know each other well enough now to have a joint Showbiz name I think I think that’s how it works you should be WMA ohma’s back in this one you look a little like Mark Ruffalo we think you look a little bit like Mark Ruffalo really yeah can I make a living out of that that’s you want to be a Mark R impersonator that would be amazing I would love to see what people did I could turn up at parties it would be popular I think it would it would go really well when I did my extensive research for this interview I used Google um it said Emma Stone’s descent into sex Cults and cannibalism can we just clarify that as about the film can you sorry we were laughing uh listen I won’t confirm or deny anything in my personal life so you just you just think what you’ll think no I think it is about the film I’m I’m pretty sure it’s a hard one to talk about it breakfast TV time because a lot of it we can’t possibly talk about but how would you say it’s Yos it’s surreal isn’t it it’s out there yeah there’s something funny about these Dynam comedy a cute little rumc Emma you’re obviously sitting down now as a two time Oscar winner you don’t seem to have changed Willam has she changed Emma do you think life has changed or the same Emily oh same Emily success doesn’t ruin Emily Oh Billy Bring it on Bring it more do not make eye contact with me thank you now in case you’re wondering of course Willam just called Emma Emily because that’s her real name Emma is her stage name I think she’s going to have to put out a release about which one she wants both kinds of kindness and flying of the Moon opens in cinemas on Thursday Mark Ruffalo with those interviews over you

Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum and Emma Stone on Sunrise, ahead of their new all-star movies that are hitting the cinemas this week.

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