Meghan and Harry Cringe Watch As She Invents A Text From Beyonce

hey guys welcome back to Real Housewives Recaps I’m so glad you’re here we did a live chat last night we had the best time it really was a great group thank you if you were able to make it if you weren’t able to make it I have the whole thing up you can rewatch it if you choose but um there’s this thing trending on Twitter right now where people are talking about this incredibly cringe moment where supposedly Beyonce texted okay we break that down in this part of the stream and read some comments but then it ends up erupting into chaotic fits of laughter when we come up with you’ll just have to watch we come up with a nickname for them and it fits so well and it explains what’s going on here and I just want you to watch thank you guys so much for being here let’s take a look again this is from last night’s live that’s why it sounds a little different here we go okay so this guy Ian uh Ian miles I don’t know how to say his last name here uh shared this Megan Markle is the absolute worst okay he just shared this like I think last night something like that okay and this is important because he has over a million followers and he has big people following him too like I think Elon was one I forget who else following him and I I don’t know this guy I’m just totally for anybody that shares something like this so what he attached with this I’m going to show you now is what Nancy is talking about here as well it’s this it’s the this uh I want to thank whoever got this video trending on Instagram you’re truly a hero it’s trending I believe because this Ian guy shared it and it’s just replaying this video that I’ve reacted to a lot of us have where Megan pretends to get a text from Beyonce so what I thought is since this is trending once again and it never gets old um shall we watch the video and react to it together I would really like to do that Beyonce just texted really me shut up just checking in just checking in just casual I still can’t I still can’t believe she knows who I am G no it’s okay she said she wants me to feel safe and protected she admires and respects my bravery and vulnerability and thinks I was selected to break generational curs all right Beyonce just texted all right so you have doofus there reacting I mean have you this is the guy by the way that all supposed to want right I’m sorry every time I see his face I just go no but uh he just looks like a rat I just think of Templeton no offense to rats um but yeah so he’s they’re playing along pretending like Beyonce texted and can I just say I remember talking about this at time there was Rumblings going around that somebody spoke out and said no she did not I tried to pull that back up I couldn’t find it so maybe some I I feel like somebody in her Camp said no she did not regardless even if they didn’t say that that no she did not let’s talk about do you remember with Ellen degenerous this was a thing Megan had Tom bow I got to give him credit for pointing this out Tom bow pointed out Megan did this thing where she pretended to know celebrities back in the day she would tweet out things like thanks at Ellen for or whatever her name was you know uh for recommending the dog because of you I got the dog and claim to have a connection that way even though Ellen says she had no recollection of this but she would do things like that knowing that Ellen wouldn’t respond back or be any the wiser like okay maybe I did talk to her about a dog it’s too crazy to make something like that up right I believe she’s playing that game here it’s too crazy to make up that Beyonce messaged you in front of everybody but I believe that she’s making it up so um but yeah lemon rat Harry the text sounds just like Megan marle talking exactly I’m going to hit play on this so we can keep going well Jay what are your thoughts on Harry first of all yeah well this was about as natural as his hairpiece um I mean they were clearly ready for this jelly when it came through they had that they had that ready to go and to read for this documentary that this this the Netflix documentary or yeah so yeah I mean this was clearly staged I mean if they think that that shows how little they think of other people if they believe that we’re stupid enough to believe that I mean and that was my first thought too I think at that point again I’m an outsider in all this I’m just offering my opinion on based based on the few things I see and Jen was kind of explaining the fake celebrity connections The Ellen thing really stuck out I remember that one so it’s just more of that they’re just trying to like hang off other people people’s names to get money for nothing but not quite as cool as you know the Dire Straits song but it’s like they just want to be famous for no reason and be like oh yes we are famous uh now give us money please okay here we go I’m going to H play on this thing so we can keep going let me let me start back over I’m so sorry sound is just not playing nice okay hitting play here we go texted just T if you ever reacted like that to one of my text messages I’d be like what what is HG calling Peak pancakes like smash balls there you go he really thinks the lyrics are are you ready for the jelly he’s like oh the jelly jelly oh I can’t wait to rub the jelly all over myself mommy’s jell but yeah yeah they had all that left over over jelly so they’re putting it in the jam jars but he’s a terrible actor that’s so fake over the top like I’m sure he listens to Beyonce totally totally I mean he was he’s just so slimy and gross but he he was a prince right I say was past tense um I just I and he’s fangirling out this is so crazy uh just the whole I’m trying to think the only person that I could think of that I would expect you to act like that Jay is if Princess Catherine somehow got my number and texted me then you’re allowed to go but uh yeah that’s the only one I can think of that if I get a text from her and you go then I it would make sense to me anybody else I’m like wait what what like what are we talking about it’s crazy it’s so so cringy he’s as much as a Beyonce fan is William and Katherine are a suits fan yes it’s it’s it’s absurd the whole thing is so manufactured and it reads whatever she’s reading it sounds just like the horeshit that came from her podcast that I was forced to listen to reminding everybody that is one of the worst pieces of audio media I’ve ever heard in my life so contrived so fake just like this text message oh my gosh and I’ll want up I’ll see your he’s as much a Beyonce fan as Katherine and William are suits fan as Harry and Megan got married three days before boil alert they didn’t it’s a lie so yeah no it’s all everything they do is shall we keep going here we go shut up just check shut up just checking in I’m putting on my faux humble voice and and she’s just checking in just checking in just casual I so can’t believe she knows who I am oh she okay am I crazy she was pissed there he cut off her line she had this line ready to go I still can’t believe she knows who I am and and dum dum dare speak for a second she’s like sh shut up peasant it’s my turn I’m trying to tell everybody that Beyonce knows me I mean the whole thing is just disingenuous it’s everything they do is like they’re trying to trick people into liking them that’s their MO it’s like if we if we trick people into liking us they will give us money I mean that’s that’s the business plan that’s so like if you if you were going to the bank for a business loan You’ have that on a piece of paper and they’d be like no no too bad they’re the two most unlikable people I have to read this comment by suim Sum you’ve won the internet today suim’s comment says the only communication they would get from Beyonce is a restraining order and then I also want to read out um sorry I’m scrolling to catch up oh where’ it go here we go Katherine Thompson says I think Jay is deserves an award for listening to the podcast you know what you are right shall we make Jay an award for listening to the podcast because then maybe he’ll stop torturing me because I tortured him with a podcast yeah and just a one final thing wasn’t it a Beyonce concert where she was like trying to dance and force her name into the same conversation and that did not work if he really cared enough to text her she probably would have at least gotten to go backstage instead of you know dancing like the inflatable used car salesman Bag Man In The Crowd I didn’t even tell Jay to say that I didn’t even tell him remind him about that uh connection there about Beyonce Jay you do deserve an award I’m so proud of you for remembering that yes he says sometimes I hear stuff yes sometimes you do listen to me um no that’s true he that you’re exactly right they went to the Beyonce concert wouldn’t they have been invited backstage or had photos with her had she been texting them just a thought there um all right let’s keep going on this video because I’m obsessed with this here we go I still can’t believe she knows who I am all right I think that’s the voice she hears in her head here we go go and call her no it’s yeah go and call her no it’s okay because my God then I’d have to admit it was not Beyonce but myself texting me yeah no wonder she couldn’t call do you think that if she didn’t if she had Beyonce’s number she would be calling Beyonce there’s no way just just so crazy and so cringe all right um go and call her no it’ll spoil things because then they’ll see that I’m lying through my teeth again okay I said just wants me to feel safe and protected the only people that I’m interested in feeling safe and protected are William Catherine and the children because these two monsters are always picking at them so safe and protected what are we talking about I just get so mad I start yelling you say things safe and protected safe and protect my ass they literally had government protection at one point they do not need to feel safe they and they are very protected they have security staff wish that upon somebody that actually needs it and can I remind everyone that she’s supposedly an actress this is the worst acting in believe me I watched that stupid movie poor Stephanie will never talk to me again over that stupid movie no but we watch that stupid movie She’s a terrible actress and it just shows here she’s supposed to be an actress she wants me to feel safe and protected oh oh you guys I’m sorry um um Jamie Doran just texted me and wants me to know I’m the sexiest woman alive sorry jay I know you can’t see my screen or know that if I’m telling the truth or not so you just have to take my word Jamie Doran just said I love you Jen you’re the sexiest lady alive can he see me no he can’t but he still just knows it’s the same logic here by the way Jay you should be very jealous of that yes why aren’t you threat just the backtrack a little bit I see another good comment again from Wonder Woman She’s flown all the way from themusc on her invisible jet to drop these hot takes see how many comic book fans we got here but she says safe and protected from themselves they are their own worst enemies and also thank you David who just pointed out Mar Monroe just texted him we just have to take his word at it David that sounds right congratulations tell her I said hey uh yeah it’s just so crazy wants me to feel safe and protected the only one making things dangerous for you and your idiot husband are you and your idiot husband she admires and respects my bravery oh my God I’ve seen this a million times but I still get sickened by this she admires and respects respects respects my bravery vulnerability what are we talking about what bravery are we talking about you’re so brave like that uh the pretend captain or whomever it was the nondescript person that got on a knee and said thank you for your service ma’am on the airplane that sort of thing bravery and vulnerability what vulnerability I’m going to lose my mind I got to quit shouting she served in the battle against soap commercials yeah it’s my bravery and vulnerability what bravery and vulnerability are we talking about and vulnerability and she thinks I was selected to oh God and she thinks I was selected to break break generational generational curses and sorry the video abruptly ends that’s why it just cuts off like that and that’s it she admires my bravery and vulnerability and and I was selected to break generational curses what in the freaking word salad are you even talking about I would like to get her to explain in no word she wouldn’t be able to do it what she means by this I would like to ask Beyonce what this means because Beyonce I’ll be like I did not text her I don’t know this is crazy and and we’re you know again they act like the rest of us are after I I don’t know I just again I get Tongue Tied over this I just think this is all so ridiculous and he’s the poor victim here she’s The Brave One malie pointing out the makes the curses EX exactly thank you what does that mean generational curses yeah what is you’re cursed by a sexy voice is somebody a werewolf is that how that works does does she turn into something at night a bit she’s a we where where where are you she’s gone oh my God what is a we Des it oh I don’t know when she’s not mention papers yeah I would say when the full moon comes out but it seems to it doesn’t seem to rely on any kind of uh uh moon phase unless it’s talk about my Mo yeah but yeah what generational curse is still applicable yeah H I’m sorry I can’t move on from this a wear Jay just came up with we are we just going to scoot past this anybody else on board with this we wo oh that’s why she has the claw we Jay can you make us a we emoji with a full moon it’s like full moon like she’s transforming and like I want to talk to your manager Ken we have some lovely carens here in the chat we we’re not taking that name where a it is and I know the chat won’t like say the word I think for some reason we don’t care but so maybe we be but anyway that is too funny that’s the generational curse oh my God you figured it out yeah yeah sorry to any actual Caren that’s a that’s a very unfortunate uh name to that Meme if that’s your real name I know a few and it’s like man that’s got to suck you know what brings the out it’s not the full moon because she’s bitchier than that it would be when she’s not showing up in the papers that’s why every couple of days she has to do something either in front of a camera or behind the scenes to bring her name up she otherwise she turns into a we kind of like I’m I’m trying to apply like vampire logic here uh Dracula logic so you you stop a vampire by hitting with sunlight so maybe you repressed The by putting the Name In Lights com oh god oh wow that’s good Ian kpatrick American we Pion oh that takes she can’t go back that’s yeah she can’t go back she she uh she ate too many people while she was there okay sorry we’re yelling with One mic Tina’s saying energy vampire maybe Harry could be that although he’s too drab but uh and she’s a we that’s pretty good thank you L lady Aviator so much with the moon bump oh my God that’s brilliant God you guys are brilliant Ian that was so smart I was just sitting here thinking like yeah energy V Harry has to be some kind of vampire because he sure does suck sorry that was it for the video there was one other part to this I do want to show everybody ready this is courtesy of ga girl friend on Twitter it says Beyonce just texted off that’s great look at that that’s pretty good yeah that’s I mean that seems to be what happened at the concert so yeah again the whole thing I don’t believe it [Music]

Hi All! Today we are taking a look at a video you guys requested I react to this the cringe is so bad in this video! I believe Meghan made up this text from Beyonce and it is taking off again on Twitter how cringe this whole scenario is! We react to it and have some laughs. Honk honk

Harry & Meghan is an American documentary series streaming on Netflix, and starring Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. The series has six parts and covers the couple’s relationship from their early courtship to their decision to step back as working members of the British royal family and their subsequent activities. The series also includes interviews with family, friends, historians, and journalists. It is being released in two volumes, on December 8 and December 15, 2022, respectively.

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  1. I just got a text from Clint Eastwood ! He says he admires my creativity and hope I will protect myself from jealous people !!! I can't believe he knows who I am !

  2. 😂😂these 2 fools, l always knew this was a lie. What word salad did she say Beyonce texted? It made Beyonce sound like a fool.
    Harry, who as a prince in London would be on top of the list of folks Beyonce would want to hang out with in London, acts like a deer in headlights over a Beyonce text? How the mighty are fallen, his wife has made him irrelevant

  3. Meghan Markle takes advantage of EVERY SINGLE OPPORTUNITY she gets to attach herself to any celebrity she can yet she DOESN’T call Beyoncé. That’s because she is lying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. She made a right cock up with this how the heck did Beyonce get Scorpion Megs number when Scorpion Meg says " I can't beleave she knows me " so how did she get her number

  5. Everything in that silly ' mock-u- mentary ' of Meghan and Harry's was pre- planned to say and do and I wouldn't doubt that Meghan opened one of her files just to read those ' protected and generational ' comments that she wanted people to think she had a bond with Beyonce.
    Lol ..Were- beeothch !! I just pictured full moon in the night sky, Meghan, using her paw brushing back the usual hanging hair in her face, telling Harry she'll be back by daybreak because she's going out to talk to his mother at the cemetery.

  6. I noticed when she turned her head she did a lot of blinking & it looked like she was trying not to laugh. Of course, they had a camera there. I'm surprised they don't film themselves in bed! Oh, they probably have separate bedrooms!

  7. Meghan says she can't belive Beyonce has her number!😂 what about her suits cast members…they don't have it. Hmmmm I wonder how and why? What an Unlikable coupe.

  8. Meghan met Beyoncé at the Disney thing that Harry and Meghan were grifting at so why would she say she didn’t know Beyonce knew who she was??? 😂 Oh Meghan and her lies!!!

  9. Jen & Jay – u r cracking me up. I recall this 🤮🤮🤮sickening really. Surprised Beyoncé didn’t put her in her place. This is definitely a look at me which u do brilliantly 😂😂 I

  10. oh look a text from Beyonce, you know BeyBey, she just texted me that I am the most awesome person in the world with more talent than she, more lovable than she, more fantastic more than anyone in the whole wide world. Wonder who wrote that script? it definitely aint from BeyBey I think I just threw up in my mouth a lil bit

  11. Very simply put, who would you allign yourselves with… The Prince and Princess of Wales, future King and Queen – or a global laughing stock that buys awards in the name of US military patriots and flogging jam?!?!

  12. The only time such a phrase as hoping someone is, "safe and protected", is with close loved family members. Also, texting such a deep, emotional expression is ludicrous! Harry's wife is a laughing stock, as is Harry for his fake acting.

  13. To bad clip was cut off -didn’t Harry say right then that he agrees -meaning he agrees Meghan is chosen to break generational curses . I was sure Harry says I agree. He also said something in an interview about Megan has been called to changed the world.

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