I rewatch this scene from The First Wives Club when I’m feeling down, which TV/Movie scene helps uplift you?

Posted by douglyjohnny


  1. Mamma Mia
    I was away for Uni, didn’t really know anybody and was alone during my bday -August.. So I went to the mall, got a vip ticket and had it as my celebration. It is ridiculous, but I love it.

  2. Buffybot60601 on

    The Parent Trap. The whole movie, every scene. It’s two hours of beautiful, likable people in beautiful places. Even the villain is fun to watch. 

  3. AcidicKiss12 on


    Legally Blonde! Particularly the scene where she’s in costume at the house party and storms off saying, “I’ll show you how valuable Elle Woods can be!” then trades her heart-shaped notepad in for a macbook and the final courtroom scene, of course 😋

    Makes me feel very powerful when I’m sick or sad or feeling beaten down 🙂

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