A sequel to ‘Devil Wears Prada’ is in the works with Meryl Streep set to reprise her role

Posted by joaco_ds


  1. By the way, anybody who wants to read the full article can do so on this [link](https://archive.is/JkfzW).

    > The storyline being discussed focuses on Miranda Priestly, Streep’s Wintour-esque protagonist, at the end of her career, facing the decline of traditional magazine publishing. She’s forced to go head-to-head with her former assistant, Blunt’s Emily Charlton, now a high-powered executive at a Kering or LVMH-style luxury group, whose advertising dollars Priestly desperately needs.


    Oy, who asked for this. The original was absolutely perfect despite the many reasons it shouldn’t have worked, and a large part of that was due to luck. They’re not going to recapture that lightning. Zero chance.

    I’m not against unnecessary sequels per se, but I do think the talents of everybody involved in this could be put to better use.

  2. IntrovertGirl83 on

    Nooooo!! Does Hollywood seriously not have any original ideas left anymore?

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