Alex Cooper Reveals the One Condition Megan Fox Had to Be a Guest on Call Her Daddy

-Our next guest is the host, creator, and executive producer of the wildly popular podcast "Call Her Daddy." Let’s take a look. -Where were you, mentally, going into the Tokyo Olympics? -I have very good, like, senses, and I knew something was gonna go wrong. I couldn’t pinpoint what it was or when it was gonna happen, but I just had this feeling, deep down, "This is not gonna go the way I want it to." -She will host "Watch with Alex Cooper," which will air on Peacock during the Summer Olympic Games in Paris. Please welcome to the show Alex Cooper, everyone. [ Cheers and applause ] [ Mid-tempo music plays ] ♪♪ Hi, Alex! [ Cheers and applause ] -Whoo! -I’m so happy you’re here. -I am so happy to be here. -You’re usually — You have a very successful podcast. You’re one of our nation’s finest interviewers. Do you — How do you feel being the interviewee? -I am out of place. I feel a little off. I’m off balance. But I will say, on "Call Her Daddy," I am actually usually on the right, and the interviewee is on the left. -Yeah. -So I have to say, Seth Meyers, welcome to "Call Her Daddy." [ Laughter ] -Oh! Look at this! -Oh, my God! -Look at this. Talk about two birds. -Here we go. -Are you on that side because it’s your better side? -Absolutely. The only time that I have — Yeah, like 100%. The only time I switched was when Megan Fox was like, "I will come on. Just one request. I have to sit in your seat." And I was like, "Absolutely, sweetie, come, come, let’s go. -I 100% have a — This is it for me. -Oh, this is it? -Oh, yeah. -If this show was the reverse, it would have been canceled years ago. [ Laughter ] -Now, thinking about it, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen the right side of your face. -Yeah. No, it’s — Don’t — -What’s happening? -No, no, no, no, no. [ Laughter ] Don’t get any ideas. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -This is very exciting that you’re doing this show on Peacock. Are you someone who grew up being a huge fan of the Olympics? -Oh, my God, it’s like sports was my life. My family is a sports family. My father actually worked the Olympics in 1996. In the Atlanta Games, he was the beach volleyball producer. -Fantastic. -Then, 2000 Sydney. And then my sister also was an editor in Stanford for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. So this is like, if anything, I’m the last person in my family to do the Olympics. -Did you ever go to any of those? -No. Sadly, I was 6 when my dad was in Sydney, but it just felt like this magical thing that I just wanted to be a part of. -I think I was also 6 that year. -I feel like you were, too! -Was I? I’m, like, doing the math. I think I was also 6. [ Laughter ] Now, are you — So you’re going to Paris? -Yes. -Congratulations. Very exciting. -I’m so excited. [ Cheers and applause ] -Have you figured out, how are you going to do your show? Have you figured out? -Yes. So, the show is gonna be live on Peacock, and I’m very excited. My obsession is just creating new formats constantly with "Call Her Daddy." It started as just audio, now it’s video. But with this new show, it’s basically going to be me watching the Olympics live with celebrities and comedians and friends. The fans can interact. It’s gonna be a great time. And the thing I will say is, I understand, for sports, it’s a little intimidating. Like, if you’ve never played a sport in your life, you’re a little nervous to turn on the TV and be like, "I don’t understand what’s going on." Like, whenever I think of my husband, he’ll be in the kitchen, he’s watching basketball. I don’t understand basketball at all. And I will be — Oh, can I pull out my Jennifer Coolidge impression right now? -Oh, go. By the way, I love that everything you said led to a Jennifer Coolidge. -Like, I’m on "Late Night." -I have no idea where this is going. "Oh, yeah, basketball, kitchen, she’s doing a Coolidge." -Guys, I’ve been waiting — I have been waiting — -Okay, great. -Because I know you have one. -I have a really good one. -Okay, so, let’s go. Ready? So, I’ll be looking at Matt, and I’m like, [As Coolidge] "Oh, I just want a hot dog real bad." [ Laughter ] And I’m like, "Oh, sweetie, what’s going on?" [ Laughter ] [ Normal voice ] And he’ll be like, "It’s a 3-pointer, Alex." And I’m like, [As Coolidge] "Oh, no." [ Normal voice ] Okay, you go. -I don’t know if I can follow that. [ Laughter ] -[As Coolidge] W-What?! Oh. -[As Coolidge] Oh. -Oh. -Oh. -[ Normal voice ] No, yours is better. -[ Normal voice ] Oh, we’re on "Late Night," baby. -[ Laughs ] [ Cheers and applause ] -It’s weird, like, how it was, like, sexier than I thought it would be, having Jennifer Coolidge ask for a hot dog. [ Laughter ] -I’m honored. You guys, like, middle-school me is, like, peaking right now that I got to do that on TV. Okay, that’s the only reason I’m here. -Um, well, it’s interesting because I’m talking about how not fully understanding sports, like, the Olympics does have some that have technical aspects that I think people don’t fully — I always say, I went to the Vancouver Olympics, and my wife and I went to see figure skating. And I didn’t realize that the people who have no chance of winning go first. -Oh. -But it’s just because they’re bad. [ Laughter ] They don’t do the jumps. They don’t do the hard jumps. -Right. -But you watch them and you’re like, "Well, they’re the gold medalist. That’s the best skating I’ve ever seen." And you need someone to tell you, because when you’re there live, not — because, again, we’re just there watching great skating. Somebody would have told you if you’re watching on TV, like, "Just FYI, like, they’re not gonna win." -That’s what I mean. Yes. That was so nice, the way you just put that. -Yeah. -I’m excited because breakdancing — Like, there’s random sports now, I’m like, "I want to go watch breakdancing." And there’s fencing and obviously soccer and everything. But I’m excited for the show because sports unite people, and it’s about community and camaraderie. And even if you’ve never played a sport in your life, the show is gonna bring people together and it’s gonna be fun to watch. And what a better thing to watch than the Olympics? -The Olympics. -So, you were — -You talked about a sports family. -Yes. -You were a D1 soccer player. -Yes. -B.U? -B.U. -Okay. Gotcha. So you played sports in Boston. That’s the true experience. -Oh, my God, it was wild. -How were your parents as sports parents? -Um, aggressive. -Okay. -My mother was like, "Go in the backyard and juggle." And I’m like, "Mom, I just want to relax." Like, no, my parents are very competitive. -I do want to stress that for people who don’t understand soccer, that means juggling the ball. -Juggling with your feet. Like, bring out a soccer ball — -It’s not like she’s like, "You’re not a good soccer player. You’re gonna be a clown!" [ Laughter ] -No, although I would love to have that skill as a party trick, but no. -My soccer coach was like, "You gotta go juggle." Like, this juggle. [ Laughter ] He handed me a bunch of bowling pins. He’s like, "You’re not gonna play today." -Oh. [ Laughter ] My parents are very competitive people. My dad was also a D1 hockey player. -Oh, my God. -So we are — Everything is just intense in my family. Like, we gotta win and we gotta be the best. -Now, I think that people who have a sports background, especially, you know, at the level that you made it to, maybe are good handling nerves, but you do — you are interviewing very A-list people. Are there guests you’ve had on the podcast that have made you nervous in the moment? -I wouldn’t — Okay, I wouldn’t say nervous. I would say a memory that comes to mind is Mr. Post Malone. -Okay. -Um… I will never forget, when I interviewed him, I flew to Boston to interview him at one of his concerts. And I’m in his backstage area, and he walks into the room, and I am immediately like, [ Gasps ] "Oh, my God, I need to be his best friend." Like — Like, I don’t even care about the "Call Her Daddy" interview at this point. I’m like, "This man must be my best friend," to the point where I’m starting to be like, "Maybe I’ll babysit his kid one day. Like, are we gonna get tattoos together at the end of the night? Like, oh, my God, maybe I’ll be on the album." Like, I wanted him to love me. And he came up to me and he handed me a pong ball and he was like, "Do you want to play?" And I just knew in that moment, "If I don’t hit a cup, why did I go to college?" Like, those four years were just training for me to just bring it. -You went to college in Boston. -For that. -Yeah. And so it was a big moment. So I think the nerves were more like, "I hope he thinks I’m cool." But that’s pretty much it. Yeah. -I also had the wonderful opportunity of spending a day with Post Malone on a segment called "Day Drinking." And the thing I, I always say to people — because I think if you only saw Post Malone, you would not know that he is the most polite, genuinely the most polite, human being I’ve ever met. -"Yes, ma’am." -Called me Sir the whole time. -Oh! I’m like — he makes my heart warm. I call him Austin. I don’t know if he knows that, but we’re close like that. And like, "Me and Austin," I’m still on the kick of, like, we will literally bet — I was gonna invite him to my wedding. -Oh, my God. -The man’s gonna think I’m a stalker. [ Laughter ] I’m obsessed with him. Austin, I love you. -Alright, well, I think that he will believe, based on watching that, that you do love him. -Thank you. I do, too. -Um, when do you go? When do you leave for the Olympics? -Um, end of July. Like July 25th. I’m gonna be at opening ceremony. -Fantastic. -Getting my outfits ready. -Alright, great. -I’m praying about it. I’m visualizing. It’s all gonna happen. -Well, we’re very lucky to have you doing the show. Thanks so much for being here, Alex. What a delight. -Alex Cooper, everyone. "Watch with Alex Cooper" will stream on Peacock during the Olympic Games this summer, with the opening ceremony kicking off on Friday, July 26th. Stick around. We’ll be right back with more "Late Night."

Alex Cooper talks about her interactive Peacock Olympics coverage series Watch with Alex Cooper, growing up with a super intensive sports family and the one Call Her Daddy guest who she was desperate to impress.

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Alex Cooper Reveals the One Condition Megan Fox Had to Be a Guest on Call Her Daddy – Late Night with Seth Meyers

Late Night with Seth Meyers


  1. Please, no Post Malone reverence. Ex convict, Drug dealer with jail tattoos, then went "christian" so people would forgive him for selling dangerous drugs that killed people. So now he is some "famous" mediocre country singer. Fake

  2. "one of our nation's finest interviewers" is INSANE. Not even her listeners think she's good at that, and she's managed to not get any better for YEARS now

  3. Watching Seth do this interview was sort of cringe because even he couldn't fake his enthusiasm for what she was saying.

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