Justin Bieber and Hailey Posted a Subtle Dig, and Selena Gomez Clapped Back

hello everyone welcome back to daily celeb spill today we have a hot new chapter in the never- ending gelina drama that’s right Justin Bieber posted a curious video on his stories featuring a pregnant Haley mentioning boyfriend blindness could this be a subtle dig at Selena Gomez even more intriguing it was right after his private show in India and who’s really behind this post Justin or Haley and then there’s Ina our Selina who has always been discreet but knows how to play the social media game like no one else it looks like she didn’t take this lightly and responded with a subtle dig of her own want to know more about this Saga and what’s coming next stick around because we’re going to dissect everything in detail guys Justin recently posted a video on his Instagram stories that made a lot of people raise their eyebrows and when I say a lot of people I mean a lot in the video Haley Bieber appears pregnant being interviewed about her company road so far so good right Haley is super focused on her brand and we’ve seen several interviews about it but what really caught attention was a very specific part of the dialogue they chose to share listen to this I’m trying to normalize boyfriend blindness where you look back and think oh nobody told me he was like this right right it’s like why didn’t you tell me and they say we did we did we thought you were happy and you ignored us but we let you be what’s your least favorite makeup look of all time call yourself out the maybe the Brows are too dark oh so you had eyebrow blindness yeah that’s a thing right that everybody’s talking about I’m trying to normalize boyfriend blindness where you look back back and you’re like oh nobody told me he looked like that right right it’s like why didn’t you guys tell me they’re like we did we thought you were happy and you ignored us no we did though but we just let you be you just came out with blushes how do I put it on cuz some now guys let’s be honest here don’t you find it intriguing that Justin who barely posts anything on Instagram decided to share just this part like he knows that every move he makes on social media is scrutinized by fans and the media and this happened right after his private show for billionaires in India anun and rodica like he knew this post would get a lot of visibility as it always does when he appears at high-profile events coincidence I doubt it it seems like a very clear dig at his ex our beloved Selena Gomez and here comes the interesting part this specific part of the video where Haley talks about boyfriend blindness seems like a very direct jab many people people speculate that Justin sharing his wife saying this suggests that now he sees flaws in his ex too which he didn’t see before when he was in love with her does he now think Selena is a bad person it seems a bit cruel doesn’t it I think Selena is so kind and she makes a positive impact on the world but Justin seems to disagree with me especially considering Selena is currently dating Benny Blanco an old friend and collaborator of Justin himself doesn’t this sound like a bit of a bruised ego he who rarely posts anything choosing just this moment to make a veiled criticism and it seems like Selena didn’t stay quiet and clapped back at the same level as we will see next and this raises many questions is Justin really affected by Selena’s current relationship because let’s face it he doesn’t need to post anything on social media to stay relevant he is Justin Bieber after all so what would be the need to throw this dig now is there something bothering him behind the scenes that we don’t know does he feel uncomfortable with the exposure Selena is giving her relationship her sexual and intellectual connection with Benny does he feel doubly betrayed by his ex and his friend but Selena is just showing happiness complicity sexual and mental connection with Benny Blanco through videos photos and messages exactly like Justin did when when he got engaged and married Haley Baldwin replacing Selena Gomez in 2 months as if it was easy and as if Selena deserved to watch all that happening while she was healing from her health problems he promised the world to Selena and deluded her but he gave that to Haley and not her in such a short time Selena blindly gave herself to Justin every time he asked to get back together through promises and touching new songs only to be replaced without a proper breakup immediately so there’s an interesting Theory I need to share with you we’ve seen that Justin Bieber posted a curious video on his stories featuring a pregnant Haley mentioning boyfriend blindness what if it wasn’t Justin who posted it but Haley there are rumors that Haley has access to her husband’s account and has posted on his behalf before remember that time she posted something in commented from his profile then deleted it and explained it was a mistake the time Hy Bieber posted on Justin Bieber’s account and accidentally commented thinking she was back on her own [Music] account yeah yeah that happened so it could very well be that this dig is her doing especially if she’s feeling insecure about Selena and Benny’s recent photos on social media and their effects on Justin Bieber after all the internet doesn’t forgive and comparisons always happen which can cause some discomfort and we know that this love triangle between Justin Haley and Selena has had so many ups and downs that it’s easy to get lost who remembers all those times Justin and Selena broke up and got back together it seemed like every month there was a new story about them and when he started dating Haley it was a shock to everyone it didn’t take long and they were engaged getting married while Selena was dealing with health problems and trying to recover from all the emotional stress imagine what she must have felt seeing all this happen so quickly but back to the point if Haley really posted this what would her motivation be is it a way to reaffirm her place next to Justin especially now that they’re expecting a baby it could be a way to show the world and Selena that she is Justin’s wife and the mother of his child and let’s face it social media is the perfect stage for this kind of subtle declaration Selena is in a relationship with Benny Blanco a super talented music producer and longtime friend the chemistry between them is evident and it’s wonderful to see how happy and fulfilled she seems Selena has been through so many tough things from health issues to public breakups seeing her smiling and enjoying life is inspiring and of course this can cause some discomfort in ex-boyfriends right I remember an interview Selina gave a while ago where she talked about how she learned to Value herself and take care of herself she mentioned that after everything she’s been through she decided not to let anyone dim her light anymore know that I don’t have it all but I do know that I deserve something special and that’s exactly how I feel I won’t tolerate being treated any other this resonates a lot with what we see of her nowadays she is confident focused on her music her acting and producing career and is clearly in a good emotional place and then there’s Selena our Selena who has always been discreet but knows how to play the social media game like no one else it looks like she didn’t take this lightly and responded with a subtle dig of her own although I will show this response in the next video I can tell you that it’s something very subtle and smart as she always does Selena knows exactly how to communicate without being direct and that’s one of the things I admire most about her so guys what do you think of this whole Saga are Justin and Haley really throwing Digs at Selena or are we all reading too much between the lines I really want to know your opinion so leave your comments below I love reading each one and responding when I can because you are amazing and always bring viewpoints that make me think and one more thing if you have topic suggestions or gossip to share don’t hesitate to send me a message on my Instagram the link is in the channel and video description many times the best tips and information come from you and I love this interaction don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and activate the Bell so you don’t miss Selena’s response in the next video leave a like if you enjoyed it and share it with friends who love good celebrity gossip you know that here on daily celeb spill we’re always on top of the latest news and gossip from the star world thank you for watching until here see you in the next video where we will dissect Selena’s response and try to understand even more of this drama that seems to have no end see you then guys kisses

Justin Bieber and Hailey Posted a Subtle Dig, and Selena Gomez Clapped Back


  1. Justin and dark Hailey grow up already. Both are boring what a desperate woman Hailey is. Leave Selena and Benny relationship alone there in love and happy together. Are u just jealous, Justin ? Don't forget Selena did it on her own she talented,beautiful caring, smart woman of our time, and Selena has 800 million. Selena is a shining ✨️ star. So, move on, Justin and Hailey.

  2. Fake news She posted this weeks before his trip to India it was before July 4 photo with Benny😂😂Always fake news.S Lena had several men in her past 🤡

  3. Justin is jealous, of Selena, and Benny, love for one another its eating at him and he does not know what to do about it thats why he is taking jabs at her and as for Hailey she does the same she is hurt because her husband is still in love with Selena that she cringes her teeth I bet she bites her tongue.. As for our Queen Selena she can handle everything she is not worried she is in love with Benny and thats all she needs the two are cute and happy..I love our Queen And Thank you for always talking so nice about Selena You are very kind hearted person you are very well appreciated..Wishing you many happy prayers❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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