“What is Wrong With Selena’s Face” #wait

what is wrong with Selena’s face is what so many people commented after she posted this video now I personally think she looks great but what they were getting at is that her face is more rounded and puffy and I’m going to explain why you may remember that not too long ago Selena Gomez became a kidney transplant recipient due to a condition she has called lupus now as doctors we try to match kidneys with their recipients as closely as possible but even in twins there’s still a chance of rejection if that happens that can cause the recipient to become rapidly well and make the new organ fail which is why we need to give the patient immunosuppressants not just to prevent rejection but to also control the underlying disease process which is the immune system attacking our own bodies a huge part of this immunosuppressive treatment is steroids likely predisone which can cause side effects like water retention weight gain and something called moon face where we become puffy and more rounded so let’s set our gaze more than SK

“What is Wrong With Selena’s Face” #wait.

Steroid medications, particularly corticosteroids like prednisone, can cause a side effect known as “moon face.” This condition is characterized by a round, puffy face that results from the medication’s impact on the body’s metabolism and fat distribution.

Mechanism of Action: Corticosteroids mimic the effects of cortisol, a hormone naturally produced by the adrenal glands. Cortisol plays a key role in various bodily functions, including regulating metabolism, immune response, and inflammation. When taken in high doses or over prolonged periods, corticosteroids can disrupt the body’s normal hormonal balance.

Fluid Retention: One of the primary ways corticosteroids cause moon face is through fluid retention. These medications can lead to increased sodium retention and decreased potassium levels in the body. The excess sodium causes the body to retain water, leading to swelling and puffiness, particularly noticeable in the face.

Fat Redistribution: Corticosteroids also affect the distribution of fat in the body. They can cause fat to accumulate in specific areas, such as the face, back of the neck, and abdomen, while potentially reducing fat in other areas like the limbs. This altered fat distribution contributes to the characteristic round, full appearance of moon face.

Increased Appetite and Weight Gain: Steroid medications often increase appetite, leading to weight gain. The additional weight can further contribute to the appearance of moon face, as excess calories consumed are more likely to be stored as fat in the central part of the body, including the face.

#lupus #women #selenagomez


  1. My mom has to take prednisone and it definitely makes her retain water but the pay off is she’s not in constant debilitating pain. Sounds like a good deal.

  2. Not to mention she's gotten buccal fat removal etc so she would've been even worse without it but her fans will deny it of course.

  3. i literally am SOOO puffy in the mornings or when i sleep too much or even if i have too much salt the day before !! Ppl need to mind their business and stop being so judgey ! Selena is STUNNNNING always

  4. So I started noticing this back in like 2015. I just figured she was eating good and dgaf what people think. I took it as admirable but I guess not.

  5. It would be so tough to have to take medication that has side effects that change your physical appearance and then have everybody talking about it. I feel for her.
    Thank you for explaining.

  6. She's always had a round face, naturally. The steroid therapy just adds to the full cheeks. I think she also got an eyelift a couple of years back that makes her look strange. Her eyes were nice the way they were.

  7. I was taking 80 mg for over a year for Ulcerative Colitis. It caused me to get osteonecrosis and need hip and shoulder replacements 20 years later. Oh, also prediabetes 30 years later from the damage it did to my endocrine system. Fun stuff.

  8. Imagine going through the difficulties of a chronic health condition and organ transplant just to have people ask whats wrong with your face on the internet just because its rounder 🙃 like its rude to comment no matter what but why tf are people phrasing in like most offensive way possible??

  9. Remember that time she love bombed her bestie into donating a kidney and then discarded her? And even had her doctors tell her Selena she was a match GIRST before the potential donor so she could make the decision? Wild

  10. thank you for building sentences in a way that someone with the condition watching wouldn't feel excluded! i.e. "where our face becomes rounded and puffy" instead of "where their face —,,— ."

  11. Poor Selena coping with such horrible comments whilst battling such extreme health issues. We are such a facile surface deep society. 😢

  12. I’m a crazy for thinking she looks super cute with that face? I like fuller faces and she looks so youthful. Idk how she is as a person but I hope she’s gonna be ok.

  13. I have MS and I've chosen to treat the symptoms instead of the immunosuppressants and steroids because of the side effects I was experiencing. I can't imagine how much discomfort she's in because of the medications she really NEEDS! ❤

  14. She's always had a rounded, cherubic face. I didn't even notice. What I noticed was the terrible Hollywood crap veneer epidemic. Her teefs look thick like Chiclets and her lips are almost overstretching to compensate.

  15. As a person with lupus. The amount of pain it causes before we start our steroids is horrible, we take the moonface happily if it means its working and stopping the flare up..thank you for explaining to others

  16. I have lupus and there's are pictures of me when I was on an ungodly high dose of steroids where you'd swear I was 250lb. I was 160.

    Funny enough, Selena and I share a birthday

  17. I have been diagnosed for 9 years with Systemic Lupus, this swelling can be from Lupus on its own. I currently am very swollen from head to toe and look much older than I am, but unlike Selena, I can’t afford all the great treatments. ❤

  18. I don't keep up with celebrities and such, so I didn't know she had lupus. Honestly at first I didn't recognize her, but even with this "moon face" she looks so beautiful. I hope she gets better

  19. My neighbor di3 bc of Lupus, she’s 27, and almost a nurse (2months before graduation). Its a very “unexpected” disease, one day she was good, few weeks later…

  20. I was on very heavy doses of prednisone many years ago. I gained a ton of water weight and I had the rounded moon face as well.

    I’m not on prednisone anymore and my weight is normal now.

    Another downside is that I was diagnosed with osteonecrosis in both shoulders,hips and knees.

    All because of prednisone.

    I now have 2 titanium partial shoulder replacements, and titanium knee replacement.

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