“On the topic of the pros and cons of living on his own, Banda expressed, per The Sun, 'I love it. I'm not on my own, I've got my girlfriend. But I love it.'

He added, 'It's lovely to experience it being nine o'clock at night, me being hungry and realizing that I don't have enough money to get food and scavenging. It's fun to be young.'

To bring in extra funds, David notably gives guitar lessons online, and prospective students are able to book lessons off his main Instagram page – which currently boasts nearly 52k followers.”

Posted by IceStorm22

1 Comment

  1. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    It’s good that he is out there making his on way in life but cosplaying a poor person is not funny or quirky. Unlike many other young people his age going through the same struggles, he has the option of calling his very wealthy mother and going home when this ceases to be fun and enjoyable, however others don’t have the same luxury. I wish these celebrity’s kids would think before they opened their mouths and said something stupid.

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