We are Not ‘DEI Hires’: Why Conservative Media’s Obsession With Minimizing Kamala Harris and POC’s Accomplishments Will Ultimately Fail

Posted by thetrilogy911


  1. It will work with redneck racists who are looking for an excuse to hate. Thankfully their numbers are dwindling

  2. _________-______ on

    Biden specifically stated in 2020 she was hired because she was a woman of color.

  3. assassassassassin45 on

    I mean if DEI is actually in effect anywhere – which lots and lots of people including the US government are bragging about – isn’t it just simple logic to deduce that a large number of POC in prominent positions will be DEI hires.

    Why else run the program? This is why I think it is self defeating. Why do POC need an artificial boost up? Are they not as good or something?

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