Trigger warning: simulated wounds and fake blood

Posted by oldwellprophecy


  1. caileyeloise on

    I remember watching this and just being in total shock and then awe throughout the performance.

    Back in high school we would all wait for her music videos to drop and would talk about them in detail – the day after this performance, we could not shut up about it in theatre.

  2. DefNotUnderrated on

    I remember nearly dying laughing when I saw this (in a good way). I loved how theatrical she was, and the final shot with her staring dead eyed into space covered in fake blood was so fun and audacious. I could really feel how special she was and knew there would be great stuff ahead

  3. limpminqdragon on

    The final chorus. The key change. The slow peeping of red at the edge of her white costume. The shocked gasps and groans of the audience. Nobody did it, does it, or will do it like Gaga.

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