Hailey Bieber played the victim for W Magazine, and Selena Gomez shared some advice for her.

Hailey Bieber played the victim for W Magazine, and Selena Gomez shared some advice for her.


  1. You can judge me but something is wrong with this pregnancy, Justin wanted this baby so much but he is not happy in any photo with her. It feels like he is being forced to do it

  2. She isn’t any different from her family as separated or independent as she wants to claim to be.

    Simply look at how she keeps copying, stalking and trying to make Selena look like the villain.

    Let your marriage, your actions speak for themselves.

    Selena is and has receipts. What you see is what you get. She is healed, booked, busy and in love. 👑

  3. Doesn't the video Selena posted on her stories say it all? And the Baldwin family controversies are shocking, don't you think? And the quote I showed in the last minute of the video, the one the journalist used in the magazine article, did you see it? I laughed 😅

  4. Hailey is a Nobody she is a NAME. No class, no personal ideas and no personality. She always want ATTENTION. People are sick of it. Learn to be who you are. Quit coping everybody. And if you can't say something or do something on your own. And have to have your (friends) with you. Like making fun of Selena's weight, eyebrows, etc. Then you will always be a stalker. because you have nothing inside yourself too be you. You will always be a Name (someone else' name). not you. De'De Kershaw

  5. A heylle se conformou com tão pouco do marido. Desd quando ela era uma fan de justinb.agora tanto faz .o justin b infeliz ou triste. Pra heylle tanto faz . Importante que ela tirou o justin da selenag. A heylle e a sombra do justinb.e não tem geito. A coitado. Ela quer selena seja vilão. Jogando culpa da infelicidade dela em cima dos fans da selena e da própria selenagomes. Ela está casada com justinb .mais o justinb nO tem responsabilidade afetiva por hwylle. Infelizmente. Porisso ela engravidou pra ver se justin muda. Selena nunca mais volta pra ele isso é fato. Só não for benni blanco.vai ser outro .menos o justin bierb.

  6. Here's my take on Hailey. She seems like a sweet girl, from what I observe. I don't know much about what she was like before….HOWEVER…there are things that are self evident. I don't agree with people bullying her because she doesn't deserve it but I also hate when her and her fans try to gaslight us by acting like her and Justin are such a fairytale. It's like c'mon now. It's obvious Justin got with her because he can mistreat her and she takes it. He basically says it in that stupid documentary they made. He said "She's the only one who will put up with me". I'm sorry but to me she is basically a submissive little 50s housewife. It's obvious that's how she was raised because she watched her mom tolerate her crazy dad for years. The extreme Christians are taught to stay in the marriage no matter what, even if you're being abused. I don't think that's healthy. She's obviously not a feminist. She is very much defined by him. An example of that is that she even thought about naming her makeup brand Bieber Beauty ….like WHAT??!! Why the hell would you name YOUR beauty brand after your husband?? Like don't you have your own identity?? What if you divorce?? Idk. That's just my perspective as a modern day woman.

  7. Hailey copy word other people saying not selena mention again because hailey try interview phrase word saying about Relationship love interest………

    Second hailey try word advice her dad Stephen Baldwin about Relationship

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