Old blog posts from Hannah Neeleman of ‘Ballerina Farm’

Posted by Any-Difficulty-1247


  1. streetsahead483 on

    I had never seen any of her content before that article came out but her life seems so sad. I know she chose it but “I was a good ballerina” is just such a heartbreaking quote in context. And the fact that she was only able to have an epidural during childbirth when her husband wasn’t there is insane. Why are men like this?

  2. I grew up around wealthy Mormons and unfortunately none of this is surprising. So many women’s lives get derailed for their husbands and end up miserable. I think Hannah probably thought these blog posts were more like a diary and didn’t ever anticipate their online fame, and while I don’t support their beliefs, I am empathetic towards her and her situation. I fear that she or her children may end up facing the consequences from her husband of their recent profile and the revelation of these blog posts.

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