Posted by cmaia1503


  1. kristalized13 on

    i don’t watch high jump but this man better win cause this made me tear up😭

  2. that’s such a cute post, i’m gonna go lay down in traffic

    (this is a joke, similar to when people say “when is it my turn, god?” or like when someone sees a cute couple post on tiktok and the comments are full of “congratulations! i’m gonna sleep on the train tracks tonight 😍” as a joke about being alone)

  3. New-Strategy8824 on

    STOP!!! This is so cute! 🥹🫶🏻

    “And if you want, we’ll throw yours in the river, too, so they’ll be together forever” 😭

    He made losing his wedding ring so romantic and emotional too! 

  4. The wording. The passion for his sport and his wife. It’s so touching. He won so many points with this post.

  5. This is really romantic. It would have been even more romantic if he had expressed such depth of feeling for her and her alone alone. No incentive of likes and heart eye emojis clouding the gesture.

    Yes, I’m a cynic.

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