Marvel costume assistant Tyler Scruggs reacts to RDJ’s reported payday for upcoming ‘Avengers’ films: “I made $12.50 an hour working 70+ hours a week on Black Panther Wakanda Forever…I could not meet basic needs”

Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. alittlelost58 on

    It’s obscenely gross how most everyone in Hollywood is forced to work for scraps.

  2. PrinceofSneks on

    Love the “hey dude you’re not RDJ” – no shit, dude. People should be able to eat and live for their labor.

  3. Disney park workers just got a new union contract and are making more than double this guy now. I bet his skill set is more specialized than many of the park workers. Not taking away from Disney park cast members, just pointing out this guy is underpaid and unions can definitely help workers.

  4. VFX artists are more Iron Man than RDJ is, and they’re paid peanuts (while also blackmailed by Disney). Disgusting.

    The industry needs to boycott Marvel.

  5. He wasn’t saying he was gonna make that but he wants a living wage. No one can survive off of 12 dollars an hour. The wage gap between the rich and poor gets bigger and bigger.🫤

  6. Groundbreaking_War52 on

    To the corporate parent, the difference between RDJ and “other actor” is probably $500 million at the box office. The difference to the film’s performance of costume assistant A vs. costume assistant B is small enough that they’ll go with the cheaper one. You probably took the job of someone who wouldn’t accept less than $15 per hour and is now delivering for Uber Eats. It is a brutal business on the cusp of a death spiral.

    Ultimately investors have become so addicted to big returns that companies are slashing costs and burning out their employees to sustain that bottomless greed.

  7. nonsensestuff on

    I worked in film/tv as a costume assistant for many years, including working on superhero movies and major network shows.

    It was the same for me. And there isn’t a union to protect you at that level either, so… 😬 You get taken advantage of.

    I only survived cause I padded my mileage reimbursement. Sometimes my mileage reimbursement check would be greater than my take-home pay from my actual work.

    On one super hero movie I worked on, they decided to stop paying for meals, so the designer on the movie decided that the assistants should set up a cash fund that others could donate to so we could afford to eat…. 🫠

    It’s disgusting how much Hollywood pays the top of the line people and how they treat others below that like garbage, especially the assistants– who are always the first ones in and last ones out.

    In my last year working in the business, my body was falling a part because I never had time to take care of myself properly. I developed 3 stomach ulcers and was hospitalized for severe blood loss (I literally almost died from it). I had to leave cause I could no longer afford to do that to myself & I realized I didn’t want this to be my life forever.

    I’m glad someone is speaking up about it.

    It’s been about 6 years since I left & at first I felt like such a failure for ~giving up~ but it was the best decision I ever made.

  8. ofallthechemicalboys on

    I like to compare how much people are paid or how much it costs to make a movie compared to how much it reportedly cost to make Lord of the Rings Return of the King. It was reported to cost 94 million. I know that like stuff has been updated like vfx and the actors weren’t necessarily like RDJ level fame but… it’s appalling how much everything costs now compared. And RoTK won 11 Oscars.

  9. Aggressive-Fuel587 on

    Wait, hold up… I was making more cleaning shitters at a casino than these dudes were making the effects for a major motion picture?

  10. incredible_penguin11 on

    I think they should be making an argument for if RDJ and Russos are getting so many benefits then so should the artists in terms of bonus as well as good increase in base salary.

    Marvel is gross and they’re not the only one, but some of the loud people of internet care more about their entertainment, movies, football etc over.

    Instead of making it Artists vs Highly paid star they should make it about how the average workers deserve a significant raise too. Let’s not forget, Marvel tried to fuck over Scarlett Johansson too even though Kevin Feige apparently told them to play fair iirc.

  11. I know RDJ gets paid this because he puts bums in seats, but after hearing what he got paid for one of the previous Marvel films, I point blank refuse to watch what he stars in. It’s obscene, he’s already wealthy beyond comprehension, and the ego that’s come with that is nauseating.

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