Patrick Warburton Says Ellen DeGeneres Confronted Him After He Turned Down Guest Role on Her Sitcom

Posted by mcfw31


  1. > “It was just weird because when you say you have a conflict and you don’t do something, you seem like you’re gonna be fine with that,” he added. “You don’t expect the star of the show to walk up to you and call you out on your s— and that’s all it was, and then I always knew, it was like, ‘Oh, Ellen’s got a great show. It’s a lot of fun. I’ll never be on it.’”

  2. welltherewasthisbear on

    Scheduling conflicts are very common in Hollywood. At the time that this happened, Warburton would have been pretty in demand as he was a recurring guest on Seinfeld. What a petty thing to do to a fellow actor.

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