The Army Bet $11M on The Rock and UFL Ginning Up Enlistments. It May Have Actually Hurt Recruiting Efforts.

Posted by Anchor_Aways


  1. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    😂😂😂😂! They wasted 11 million dollars for everyone to say no thank we are good! We are not buying whatever Uncle Sam and the Rock selling. It Couldn’t have happened to two more deserving entities, and I loathe them with my whole soul! What an epic fail, no one one wants to go die overseas for a country that doesn’t seem to give a shit about most of us!

  2. xxyourbestbetxx on

    The people that thought this was a good idea are so ridiculously out of touch lol. Nobody cares about that fake football league or The Rock. I guess he’s going to blame this flop on being too “woke” too. 🙄

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