Norway’s Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett breaks his silence about the notified lawsuit against his mother

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    >Durek Verrett breaks his silence about the notified lawsuit against his mother

    >Durek Verrett’s mother is threatened with a lawsuit by her son and Princess Märtha Louise. Now they want an end to the mother giving statements to Se og Hør.

    >On Tuesday, Märtha’s manager, Carina Scheele Carlsen, confirmed to VG that a “cease and desist” letter has been sent to Durek’s mother. This is a formal threat of legal action .

    >According to Se og Hør, the letter states that the mother is ordered to deny her statements – if not, the son will sue her, and “seek compensation of millions of dollars”.

    >On Wednesday, Verrett confirms the letter on Instagram , where he writes that he and Märtha see no other solution.

    >“We are sorry that it has come to this point. We see no other options,” writes Verrett.

    >The background is that in a VG case from April this year it emerges that Verrett’s mother is under contract with Se og Hør . In Verrett’s Instagram post, it appears that he and Märtha are tired of their mother’s statements to the magazine.

    >VG has spoken to several experts who question the fact that Princess Märtha Louise is mentioned in the letter – while the threat of legal action applies to what are supposed to be defamatory allegations against him only.

    >Royal House expert Trond Norén Isaksen reacts to the princess title in the letter:

    >- It is unfortunate that she is used to give royal weight to a case that really only applies to Verrett.

    >Lawyer Jon Wessel-Aas says that Princess Märtha Louise formally has the right to stand with Verrett in the threat of a lawsuit:

    >- In any case, one can question the ethics of using the title of princess in such a context, which she has by virtue of the Constitution.

    >Märtha’s manager has told VG that it is legally necessary to use the princess title , because the princess is registered with it in the National Register. Wessel-Aas says that it is possibly formally correct under American law.

    >- But you can ask yourself why she should be a party to this at all, says Wessel-Aas.

    >Professor at the Department of Private Law at the University of Oslo, Olav Torvund, also says that this is unfortunate:

    >- Princess Märtha Louise is obviously not part of the conflict. Therefore, I think it seems inappropriate to use the title of princess in this case.

    >On Tuesday, VG sent an inquiry to Verrett via Märtha’s manager Carina Scheele Carlsen about the announced lawsuit. These questions have not been answered.

    >- A type of vendetta

    >Märtha has accused Se og Hør of having an agenda against her fiancé .

    >- There is a type of vendetta against Durek that has been going on for quite some time, she said in April

    >The editor-in-chief of Se og Hør, Ulf “Uffe” André Andersen, has said that her claims about vendetta and ethical violations are not true.

    >- The princess’s claims are not correct. Our news journalism is aimed at the royal house and the royal family and is based on completely normal journalistic principles, he writes in an email.

    >- Our agenda is exclusively to bring the best news about the royals and their family to our readers.

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