TikTok’s Brooke Schofield tearfully apologizes for resurfaced racist tweets

Posted by HauteAssMess


  1. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    Seriously, what’s is the compulsion some of these celebs and influencers have with tweeting offensive shit. Also, how dumb is it to not delete your old social media profile or clean it up when you start to blow up? She’s friends with Tana so birds of a feather and she seems to be sorry she got exposed.

  2. impeccabletim on

    The yts in the comments of her TikTok apology video saying that they forgive her and speaking for BIPOC… I have to laugh. The jokes literally write themselves at this point.💀

  3. stadtgeschichten on

    This comes after she was liking tweets from her white fans going oh you were just 17, oh you grew up with racist grandparents oh it’s fine… I guess accepting forgiveness from ppl who weren’t impacted didn’t work huh

  4. oliviaaivilo06 on

    As expected her white fans are accepting the apology even though it wasn’t even for them and acting like it’s normal to have a “racist phase” growing up (it’s not). While they want to empathize with Brooke so badly, my sympathies actually lie with all the black kids who may have had to endure racist remarks and taunting from her/her friend group. I’m glad potentially traumatizing black children was a learning experience for her that she could grow from /s 🙃

  5. I said it before and I will say it Agian, Brooke and for that matter Tana aren’t good or nice people their whole podcast is literally just mean girls that peaked in high school. They have done irredeemable things and just because they were taken advantage of by men doesn’t give them a pass for the bullshit they have done to others. THEY ARE RACIST ALWAYS HAVE BEEN!


  6. as a catholic girl, most of us grew up as conservatives until we knew better, but RACIST? that’s crossing all moral boundaries

  7. I’m so shocked how common racism in young, white creators is.

    And no, just because it’s common doesn’t mean it should be normalized. Unfortunately, nothing will happen to her. One day of white woman tears and she will be fine. Same happened with Lunden and Olivia. I wish cancellations would happen but contrary to popular belief they very rarely do.

  8. Same_Comfortable_821 on

    I’m still going to have to explain that racism against black people specifically is a very widespread thing in America despite things like this happening like clockwork every 3 months.

  9. walkingtalkingdread on

    i can’t believe anyone saw that she was besties with tana and *didn’t* see this coming. besties with the girl who apparently thought the n word meant homie at 16 years old.

  10. Sensitive_Ad5840 on


    Save those yt people’s tears. I’m tired of white people excusing their racist behaviors. Tons of BIPOC children have to endure racist remarks daily and nobody cares about the trauma they can endure by it. It is not normal to have a “racist phase”.

    Edit: how am I getting downvoted for this 💀💀

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