
“I address my message to all the people of the world to adhere to the Olympic principles, according to the Olympic Charter, and to avoid bullying all athletes, because this has a great impact and is capable of destroying people, killing people’s thinking and minds, and dividing people,” Khelif told the Algerian broadcaster SNTV in Arabic.

Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. ChurlishSunshine on

    For real though. These people are there to compete in their passion and represent their country, not to become playthings for sick fucks like JK and Musk who are only too happy to destroy other people to further their hateful, asshole agendas.

  2. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    A brave woman with a lions heart, we are all rooting for her and supporting her. I’m so sad these bigots marred an occasion that should have been a joyous one for her. Imane you are a queen and a champion to be proud of, I hope she knows more of us are rooting for her and those people don’t represent the majority they are just the loudest assholes.

  3. Cold_Breadfruit_9794 on

    She’s absolutely right. It’s been awful to witness the amount of bullying she’s received all under the bs notion of protecting women in sports. Yet there’s a whole child rapist in the Olympics and he didn’t get even a tenth of the smoke she’s getting. I really loved the spirit of the Olympics, but between the treatment of Imane and the treatment some of the Chinese athletes have faced, it’s quite upsetting to see a bigoted culture war mentality break our, over something that should be a unifying moment, to honour and celebrate, athletes from across the world.

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