‘No choice’ but to shut X San Francisco office – Musk

Posted by Bartoffel


  1. bindersfull-ofwomen on

    His reason (at least the one he’s hiding behind) is so sick and sad. 🤮

  2. Yet another sign Twitter is haemorrhaging money—hope it continues to get worse for him.

  3. KamolikasTikali on


    He’s a snake eating itself and anyone that disagrees with him … atleast people are FINALLY seeing it – I LOVE IT

    This fool bought a company because FrEe SpeEch while also shutting down anyone who disagreed with him, I just wish more people start seeing him as the fool he has always been

    Being spaced out and talking random shit doesn’t make you a genius

  4. BouldersRoll on

    While I want this to be a death rattle for Twitter, this is just them moving the headquarters to a state with worse labor laws so he has a public excuse to shed *even more* workers, while also cutting the pay and benefits of future hires.

    Twitter is definitely dying, but it’ll be very slow, and in the meantime will do standard evil capitalism stuff like this. No doubt Musk will milk this for all the political rhetoric it’s worth, though, clamoring about how California is crumbling and Texas is the promised land.

  5. Comfortable-Load-904 on


    I hope he keeps haemorrhaging money and he loses Twitter and everything else.


    Oh what!? I thought he had so much love for SF! 🥱🙄

    Can’t wait for him to finally get out of California. He’s such a piece a shit, I hope he goes broke and crawls in some hole somewhere far away.

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