1. New-Strategy8824 on

    Why do people have to be so disrespectful? It’s her child; she should be able to share and brag about them without trolls ruining it.

  2. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    This is truly jobless behavior! So,he went to this complete stranger’s page to police her? People need to learn how to mind their own business. She was so gracious to this disgusting toad who deserved none, I would have told him to go screw yourself.

  3. ClumsyZebra80 on

    I wonder why she responded. I’m curious, not judgmental. I’m sure people say dumb shit like that all the time. Now it’s a whole thing. Interesting.

  4. Knowitallnutcase on

    She seems to be constantly picked on…meanwhile, she’s hugely successful. People are just jealous behind the screen.

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