
Q: How much are you pushing back on the idea of perfection, whether it’s in fashion or on social media?

I don’t think I was ever striving for perfection. But somewhere along the way, I started thinking that I want to challenge the idea of beauty and this mask we put on. As soon as I took the mask off, the whole world opened up. It just happened to be this silly thing of being at Paris Fashion Week and me saying, “I’m not going to sit in a makeup chair for three hours. I’m going to the Louvre.” Then I thought, Who am I competing with? I was appreciating it as this girl who lives on Vancouver Island that got plopped into these glamorous clothes. And I felt like this little freckle-faced kid with a big, beautiful Vivienne Westwood hat on. It was such a refreshing way to see everything, and I didn’t think anyone would even notice. And then it became this whole thing. I have people stop me on the street now and say, “You know, I never liked you before, but I do now.” And then I think, Hmm, I know there’s a compliment in there somewhere [laughs]

Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. I remember her saying she wants to make a lot of money in Hollywood, but then go back to Vancouver Island and live in a house in the woods. Consistency!!

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