Lauryn Hill blames media ‘sensationalism’ for low ticket sales of canceled tour dates

Posted by laterdude


  1. BrettFarveIsInnocent on

    Hill made one of the 10 best albums ever imo, but she doesn’t exactly have a reputation as a reliable live act. I know a few people who’ve gone to see her live and I don’t think any of them will be doing it again

  2. I need to start blaming the media for when I fuck something up.

    “This morning I was watching women’s water polo while eating cheerios which necessitated the rescheduling of some of my chores, like taking out the trash. Regrettably, some media outlet’s penchant for sensationalism and clickbait headlines have seemingly created a narrative that has affected the cleanliness and odor of the kitchen portion of the house. The trust and faith I have in my intentions and my commitment to my art seem to have been overshadowed by this unfortunate portrayal.”

  3. big_smokey-848 on

    Not that I’m defending Ms Hill, but how was this ever going to work with Pras’ legal troubles?

  4. Low-KeyDigitalDevil on

    Lady, you had a couple of hits a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long long long time ago. You are notoriously cruel to your band, your fans and you are known to show up late and cancel. I really don’t care what you have to say at this point. You said all you needed to.

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