From a 2007 interview with Russell Crowe about Leonardo DiCaprio: “You know, I worked with Leonardo when he was 18. He was a virgin, and he would talk about that constantly.”

Posted by nuttybudd


  1. AlternativeSlice2001 on

    This is hilarious. I love how it’s well known within the entertainment industry that Leonard DiCaprio is a huge fucking dork.

    Edit: even though I do find this a bit funny, it still was not right for Russell Crowe make this public

    Re-edit: just to be extra clear I think the interview is funny the entire thing, including Denzel Washington

  2. Denzel chiming in with his low-key compliment at the end like that is kind of cracking me up.

  3. HuckleberryOwn647 on

    Is this Leo’s villain origin story? Man was so embarrassed, he swore to only ever date models under age 25 going forward to build his playboy reputation.

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