
“There’s something really uneven about our position on a set, on a movie, in this arena," she told Hart. "You guys know our names, we don’t know yours. There’s something inequitable to me about that."

She explained how these convictions led to her championing the practice of crew members sporting name tags on her film sets. "On a movie set, if we were all working together, we would all be wearing name tags so that tomorrow when we came in, I would be able to then say ‘good morning [Sabine]’ without even […] thought because I’ve learned her name."

Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. Weary_Abrocoma_1175 on

    I mean, there is nothing equitable about the pay structure either. The one positive I see about name badges is knowing immediately if someone belongs there or not, it’s a safety issues and she could just say that.

  2. totallycalledla-a on

    How about asking their name and making small talk like human beings? Is that not an option lmao?

  3. myfriendflocka on

    Something tells me most crew members would rather have decent pay for working long, unyielding hours than have someone above the line read their name tag whenever they need something.

  4. Better_Island_4119 on

    I have to wear a badge with my name on it at work. I don’t see the issue here

  5. You could just ask Jamie. Cast introduce themselves to me on set and then they know my name!

  6. blooming-darkness on

    Unpopular opinion I’m sure but I don’t get what’s wrong with that? I work in a hospital and meet so many different people a day. I’d be fucked if we didn’t wear name tags. It’s a nice reminder without having to embarrass yourself by saying “what’s your name again?”

    Unless someone has a unique name or is really impressionable, I’m probably going to forget it.

  7. NomNom83WasTaken on

    She wants to be able to address people by their name. This seems fine *shrug*

    And, yes, I understand she could just ask but there are a lot of people on a set all busy doing their jobs and name tags would introduce an efficiency for both of them. Not for nothing, but when you’re on set, trying to remember your lines and get in the zone, it’s probably not the best time to introduce a new piece of information.

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